"What's the matter, George?" Harry asked. "Why didn't you come to the dance?"

"Shh - keep your voice down." George looked around, and dragged Harry into a deserted corner of the entrance courtyard.

After confirming that there was no one else around, he stuffed the golden egg into Harry's arms, and raised his eyebrows at him mysteriously.

"I've discovered the secret of the golden egg, Harry!" said George triumphantly.

"What? You cracked it?" Harry's eyes widened.

He'd been so engrossed in the ball that he'd almost forgotten that there was a second event in the Final Four waiting for him.

"That's right!" George nodded. "Actually, Fred and I have discovered some clues before, but there is no way to verify it."

"So today I let Fred go to the dance by himself, and then I sneaked into the prefects bathroom while everyone was at the Yule Ball..."

"Wait, why did you sneak into the prefect's bathroom? Does it have anything to do with the golden egg?" Harry was full of doubts, and asked several questions in succession, "Also, don't you need a password to get in there? , how did you get in?"

"Oh, the password hasn't changed there. We've already got it out of Percy's mouth." George said in a funny way. "Only the prefect's bathroom has a bathtub. Our shower is useless."

"Don't ask me anything else. Now that the dance is over and there is no one else in the bathroom, let's hurry over there!"

"The two of us are going to the prefect's bathroom, so... what about Ginny?" Harry glanced at his partner and said hesitantly.

"If Ginny wants to go, she can wash with you." George said with a smirk.

Ginny blushed, stomped her feet resentfully, gave George a look, and followed the crowd towards the Gryffindor common room.


The moonlight reflected in the corridor, which was empty and very quiet, in stark contrast to the noisy auditorium.

George led Harry to the statue of "Lake Boris" - a wizard with a blank expression, with gloves on his hands backwards.

George followed the statue to a door next to him, and read the password to the door:

"Fresh pineapple."

The door creaked open.

Harry walked in after George, turned and locked the door, and looked around.

"Wow, being a prefect is not bad!" he exclaimed.

In front of them was an extremely luxurious bathroom. There was a luxurious chandelier with candles above their heads, casting a warm soft light on the room. Everything was made of snow-white marble, including the one in the middle. Plunge into a bath in the ground.

The bath is like a rectangle

A swimming pool with about a hundred golden faucets on the side, each with a gem of a different color set into the handle.

In addition, there is a diving board outside the bath, as if it can really be used as a swimming pool.

The windows were hung with snow-white linen curtains; a large pile of fluffy white towels stood in one corner.

On the wall hung a picture in a gilt frame.It showed a blond mermaid sleeping soundly on a rock, her long hair brushing her face, trembling slightly with each breath she took.

"There's no need to envy them. Don't you already know the password?" George laughed. "Fred and I often slip in secretly, and we don't have to do the work of the prefects. This is the most comfortable thing."

"So, what should we do?" Harry asked, looking at the golden egg in his hand.

"Well... I suggest you just throw it in!" George said.

Clues and countermeasures for the second project

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"Throw it in?" Harry asked in amazement, "What if it spoils?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure you're right!" George patted his chest and assured, "It's also a special alchemy product for the Big Four Tournament, and it's not that fragile."

Harry gave George a suspicious look, thinking that there was nothing wrong with trying anyway.So he finally gritted his teeth and threw the golden egg into the water.

With a "plop", the golden egg fell into the foamy water and quickly disappeared.

"And then?" Harry froze for a moment, then turned to George and asked.

"And then you have to jump in too." George gave a smirk, stood behind Harry and secretly pushed him into the bathtub.

"Hey, wait, I haven't changed my clothes yet... gurgling..."

The water here was very deep, he straightened up, but his toes could barely reach the bottom of the pool, and Harry accidentally choked on a big mouthful of water.

After a while, he struggled to surface and glared at George with a smirk on his face.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm helping you!" George had no self-knowledge of what he had done wrong, but instead said with a playful smile, "Don't you hurry up and see how your golden egg is doing?"

Harry took a deep breath, and decided to find out the information about the second event of the Four-wizard Tournament first, and then settle accounts with George alone.

He swam up and down the water twice before finally finding the golden egg in a sea of ​​steaming moisture and frothy water.

He plunged into the water and scooped up the golden egg.

There were clusters of colorful mist floating around, and the atmosphere made Harry's head feel dizzy. He didn't realize what happened to the golden egg in the water.

"It doesn't seem to be responding?" Harry asked.

"Why don't you try opening it?" said George.

Harry stretched out his arms, took the egg up in his wet hands, and opened it.Immediately, piercing screams filled the bathroom, echoing and oscillating between the marble walls——

But the sound was as inexplicable as ever, and mixed with all the echoes in the bathroom, it was even more incomprehensible.

He snapped it shut, worried that the sound would draw the other prefects and Filch over.

"George, you're not up to some mischief again, are you?" Harry looked at George suspiciously, frowning and asked.

"Who do you think I am, Harry!" George yelled indignantly, "No matter how much I like pranks, I won't make fun of your game!"

"Think about it again, did I just let you jump into the water with the golden egg?" He sat on the edge of the bath and said to Harry.

"Yeah, am I just standing in the water with the golden egg?" Harry was still very confused.

"Think about it, Harry, if this egg just needs to be soaked in water, what am I going to do with you in this bathroom?" George said. Bury the head and the golden egg in the water, and then open the golden egg..."

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"Is that so?" Harry was still a little skeptical.

But with the mentality that everything has come, he took a deep breath, got under the water, and opened the shell of the golden egg again.

Now, sitting on the marble at the bottom of the bubble bath, he heard some strange voices singing in unison from the golden egg opened in his hand.

Harry clenched the golden egg in his hand in some surprise, and hurriedly listened to what those strange voices were singing——

"Seek us, where our voices ring, we cannot sing on the ground.

As you search, think carefully about:

We have robbed you of your dearest treasure,

You only have one hour,

To seek and recover what we have taken, to bury hope when the time comes,

It has completely disappeared and will never see the sun. "

After listening to this, Harry stepped on the bottom of the water with the sole of his foot, allowing himself to float up, and got out of the water surface full of bubbles.

He shook his head, brushing the hair from his eyes, and took a blue-faced breath.

"Hear anything?" George asked enthusiastically.

"I heard..." Harry said thoughtfully, "Look for us, where our voices sound..." In fact, there is no need to say this prompt... Wait a minute, I need to listen to it again..."

As he spoke, he plunged into the foam-filled water again.

The Golden Egg's song took three times underwater before Harry could barely get it into his head.

He emerged from the water again and called out eagerly to George, "George, do you have any paper and pen?"

"What's the matter, don't you remember?" George asked.

"I can almost remember it, but I'm afraid I'll forget it after tonight." Harry said, "It's better to write down the content here as much as possible, just in case something is missed!"

"I'm looking for..." George said while rummaging in his pocket, "...ah, yes, here is a color-changing quill, and a piece of parchment that I usually use to record inspiration .”

"Color-changing quill? Isn't this the magic joke prop you and Fred studied?" Harry asked worriedly.

"No problem, as long as you write in a specific way, the color-changing quill can also write clearly enough." George said confidently, "You can read it, and I will help you write it down."

When they wrote down all the singing verbatim, Harry finally crawled out of the bath in his wet clothes and sat down beside George.

"I'll have to look for those who can't make a sound on the ground..." he said slowly. "Well... who could that be?"

"I think it's already obvious." George raised his eyebrows, "What else can there be besides those underwater animals?"

"That's right," Harry nodded, "The first project is to face fire dragons, so it should be reasonable for the second project to face some magical animals that live in water, and this time there is an hour to go. Find those "treasures."

"Then there's a question that comes to mind, how do you stay underwater for an hour?" George asked sharply.

Harry froze.

Yes, swimming in the Black Lake in the cold weather is already difficult, not to mention that those so-called "treasures" must be in the deepest part of the Black Lake... How can he hold his breath for an hour until the end of the day? What about finding those "treasures"?

"Don't think about it too much," George said, seeing the seriousness of the atmosphere, so he used his usual strengths and made a face at Harry, "It's not too late to think about it slowly, there are still two months before the game starts. It's time!"

"Yeah, that's right." Harry nodded slightly.

"Let's go, let's go back to the common room together." George said, "I think you should have a good night's rest."


In Charms after the Christmas break, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat alone at a table in the back of the room.

By the second half of the semester, the practice of the Flying Curse has basically come to an end. The spell that the little wizards will practice in this class is the opposite of the Flying Curse—the expulsion spell.

Because things flying around in the classroom can easily cause unfortunate accidents, Professor Flitwick prepared a lot of soft cushions for each student to use for practice, so that even if the spell is misplaced, people will not be smashed hurt.

Professor Flitwick's choice is indeed very prescient. Many young wizards are not good at spells. Neville, for example, is too inaccurate when he recites spells. He always accidentally messes up some heavy things in the room. fly--

Like the thick stack of books under Professor Flitwick's feet.

Professor Flitwick has fallen off his books several times, all because Neville used the banishing spell to pull the book out from under his feet...

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