He saw a huge black figure beyond the hedge on the left, moving so fast this way across the crossing, that Cedric was about to run into it... but Cedric was so focused on the trophy that he didn't see it. ——

"Cedric!" Harry yelled, "watch out to the left!"

Cedric turned his head sharply and saw something around him.

He was startled, and hurried to the side to avoid colliding with that thing.

But Cedric had been running too fast before, and the sudden change in center of gravity caused him to fall hard to the ground.

Harry was horrified to see a gigantic spider crawling over and bending over Cedric.

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled, raising his wand.

The spell hit the spider's massive, black, hairy body, but it was like throwing a stone at it.The spider just twitched and seemed unaffected.

But at least there was some effect, because the spider's attention was diverted, his eyes were taken away from Cedric, and he turned quickly and rushed towards Harry.

"Stupefy! Obstacles (IioCedrid)!"

The extensive practice of the Flying Charm before the first project had not been in vain, and immediately after the Flying Charm was cast, Cedric's ash wand flew towards Harry.

Harry opened his hand to catch the wand and throw it back to Cedric.

However, at this moment, another huge figure suddenly appeared, blocking between Cedric's wand and Harry.

Harry's eyes widened as he saw another gigantic spider crawling up a side path in the hedge to the right.

As for John in the clearing, he took his index finger and thumb away from his mouth—he had just whistled, and it seemed that this whistle made the spider hear his order.

"Oh no, he can still control magical animals!" Harry's face turned pale.

The same was true for Cedric. He watched helplessly as the huge spider crawled toward him step by step, but he couldn't think of a way to resist.

At the same time, John raised his wand again...

Suddenly, the light suddenly appeared!

A short red cloak fell from the sky and stopped in front of the spider!

Harry's eyes widened, and he saw a thin, thin, boneless hand firmly grasping the spider's front pincers.

The next moment, with a flip of the palm, the spider, which was taller than a floor, was easily overturned to the ground, as easy as overturning a small beetle.

Only then did Cedric and Harry have time to look at the figure falling from the sky——

This looks like a petite, but heroic girl.

Her hair is half black and half white, she has a pair of red eyes, and she wears a short black cape and a long dress.

The person who came was Serena who arrived in time. She thought that she only needed to fish and paddle here, and the other professors would solve the safety issues of the contestants.

However, when no one cast the red spark, only she could hear the change in the center of the maze.

Serena clapped her hands and spread them across her chest.

A group of bats with dark white flames flew out and landed on the big spider.

In a blink of an eye, the spider's huge body was burned up.

"Huh - I'm awesome, I learned his secrets in less than two years!" Seeing the disappearing body of the spider,

body, Serena laughed, boasting gleefully.

"Uh... well, this lady," Harry suddenly reminded, "there is still one person whose problem has not been solved. By the way, please don't treat John like you treat a spider..."

Harry thought for a long time but didn't realize which professor this was. Isn't the security officer Professor Dracula?Why is such a girl who doesn't look too old coming here?

Just as Harry reminded, John raised his wand indifferently.


A red beam of light shot out, hitting Serena's back heavily.

"Watch out!" Harry exclaimed, startled.

But the next moment he shut his mouth.

Serena was hit by a stun spell, but she turned around angrily and looked at John as if nothing happened.

"You little wizard is not so cute!"

Harry and Cedric stared at her helplessly, then came to John in a flash, and then slapped John on the forehead.

John passed out.

"Huh, it's solved now." Serena clapped her hands.

Harry swallowed secretly.

"Well, he's not dead, is he?" he asked in a low voice.

"Of course, do I look like such a violent person?" Serena bared her sharp teeth and asked viciously.

Harry and Cedric took a silent look at the scrappy spider, then shook their heads at the same time.

Chapter 280

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Serena left with John, who was unconscious on the ground.

Harry and Cedric looked at each other, and they still couldn't believe that this problem was solved by a girl who didn't know who it was.

Next, they realized one thing at the same time——

Now there are only the two of them left in the entire maze, and they are only one step away from the final victory!

At this moment, Cedric was standing just a foot away from the Triwizard Cup, the trophy flashing behind him.

"Take it, he's yours." Panting heavily, Harry suppressed his desire for victory, and said to Cedric, "Whoever wins the championship first will get it, you are closer to the semi-finals than me .”

Cedric didn't move.

He stood there blankly, looking at Harry, then back at the trophy.

Harry could see the longing expression on Cedric's face against the golden light of the trophy.

Cedric looked back at Harry, who was barely standing upright by the hedge.

Cedric took a deep breath.

"Take it, the victory shall be yours," he said. "Twice you saved my life."

If Harry interrupted Krum's Cruciatus Curse for the first time, Cedric could still comfort himself with the unanimity of being a Hogwarts warrior; but the second time, it was Harry's reminder and help That's why he didn't die in the spider's mouth...

Hufflepuff has always valued integrity and honesty the most, and Cedric couldn't accept that he took away the trophy that represented victory in front of Harry when he was helped twice.

"That's not the rule," said Harry, shaking his head.

Seeing Cedric's hesitation, he was inexplicably annoyed.

Harry's leg was hurting badly, and now he was hurting all over from dealing with those two spiders... yet after all the effort, he lost to Cedric, just like he had with Cho Chang before.

"Whoever arrives first will get the trophy, and it's you who arrived first." Harry shook off any doubts and said to Cedric seriously, "What I said is true, and my leg is injured like this, maybe There's no way to get past it."

Cedric was indifferent, but took a few steps closer to Harry, away from the trophy.

"No." He shook his head again.

"Stop playing in style," Harry said impatiently, "take it, take it so we can get out of here... who knows if there's any other danger waiting for us?"

Cedric saw Harry clung to the hedge to steady himself.

"You told me there was a fire dragon," Cedric said after a moment of silence, "If you hadn't reminded me in advance, I might have been eliminated in the first item."

"That's when I got help first!" said Harry impatiently, trying to wipe the blood off his legs with his robes, "and you told me how to deal with the second project - we're even."

"Strictly speaking, I was also helped by others." Cedric said, "That book was sent to me by Mr. Filch, although it may not be his intention..."

"But we're still even." Harry shook his head.

He cautiously tested his injured leg, which shook violently as soon as he put the weight on it—he sprained his ankle when the spider threw him off.

"Your score in the second item should be higher, at least higher than mine." Cedric said stubbornly, "You stayed at the end and rescued all the hostages...I should do the same."

"I'm the only one who was stupid enough to take that song seriously! You're smart enough to know they're going to be okay." Harry said angrily, "Hurry up and get your trophy!"

"No." Cedric still repeated the word.

He stepped over the spider that Serena hadn't burned, that he and Harry had stunned together, and walked over to Harry.

Harry looked up and stared at him.

Cedric is serious.

He is giving up the honor that Hufflepuff College has not received for hundreds of years. The ultimate champion.

"Go ahead," Cedric repeated.

It seemed that he had used all his willpower to say this.But his expression was very determined, without any hesitation, obviously made up his mind.

Harry's eyes moved to the trophy.

In the light of the trophy, his thoughts wandered for a moment, as if he saw himself holding it out of the maze——

He held the semi-finals cup aloft, hearing the cheers of the crowd; he saw Ginny's face glow with admiration, saw Ron and Hermione cheering loudly, saw Sirius laughing and saying he was proud of him... …

Then the hallucination faded, and Harry saw Cedric's stubborn face in the gloom.

"The two of us together." Harry suddenly thought of a way.

"What?" Cedric froze.

"Two people take it at the same time, Hogwarts still wins." Harry said, "We are tied for the championship."

Cedric stared at Harry, his eyes trembling.

"You... really want this?"

"Of course," Harry said to him heavily, taking a deep breath, "Of course...we helped each other overcome difficulties, didn't we? The two of us got here together, and it's not the fault of one person."

For a moment, Cedric seemed unable to believe his ears, and then he broke into a smile.

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