When Voldemort's slender fingers moved away from Barty's mark, Harry saw that the Dark Mark had turned into jet black.

When this was done, Voldemort's face took on a look of cruel satisfaction.He straightened up, raised his head, and scanned the dark cemetery.

"After feeling it, how many will have the guts to come back this time?" he murmured, staring at the stars with glowing red eyes, "and how many will be foolish not to come..."

"I know, I failed two years ago because Dracula turned against the person I trusted the most...but this time is different, I found the best ally and regained all my strength."

He seemed to be talking to Barty Jr. and Harry, and also to himself.

"Dumbledore, Dracula...the shame of the past, I will make you return a hundredfold!"

Then, he looked at Harry, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a strange arc.

"Harry Potter, you are standing on my father's grave," said Voldemort softly. "He is a dirty Muggle with the same name as me... Tom Riddle."

Harry's eyes widened at the name.

"Oh, you look surprised, don't you?" Voldemort smiled coldly, "I guess, you know someone with the same name, and that person is you or your good friend..."

"However, in fact, he is just a personality made out of a fragment of my soul that is not worth mentioning... He was originally the person I trusted the most, yes, who wouldn't trust his own soul?"

Voldemort's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, "However, he shamefully betrayed me and took refuge in Dracula!"

Harry felt that his cognition had been greatly shocked.

It turned out that the assistant teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts who taught me a lot of knowledge and was also a teacher and friend was just lying on the ground.

A soul shard of a demon?Is he really worth trusting?Why did Professor Dracula take in Voldemort's soul...

Countless question marks appeared in Harry's mind, his thoughts were in a mess, and he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Voldemort's eyes suddenly looked around the cemetery.

The rustling of cloaks gradually filled the air.Between the graves, behind the fir trees, in every shadowy place wizards apparated.They were all hooded and covered their faces.

Voldemort stood there in silence, waiting.A Death Eater fell to his knees, climbed up to Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his black robe.

The same goes for the Death Eaters behind him, each crawling up to Voldemort on their knees, kissing his robes, then stepping aside, rising to their feet, and forming a silent circle around the grave of old Tom Riddle, Harry, Voldemort was surrounded by Barty Crouch Jr., still in Filch's tattered clothes.

"Welcome, Death Eaters." Voldemort said calmly, "This scene is so familiar, it seems to have happened once two years ago... That time, we went to attack Azkaban together, but in the hateful Dergo Ra's obstruction was on the verge of failure."

"I know that many of you think that I have fallen, and I am not even as good as a professor in a school... I also know that many of you have already found a way out for yourself."

"So my resurrection plan this time did not seek any of you. I don't want to see another betrayal."

Lucius in the crowd trembled all over, taking deep breaths in secret, trying to keep himself calm.

"Fortunately, I managed to find a servant that I can fully trust!"

Voldemort looked at Barty Jr. beside him, and Barty Jr. bent over him deeply.

"Barty Crouch Jr., he is much younger and more loyal than you." Voldemort said coldly, "Thanks to his efforts, I finally regained the power of my prime."

Hearing these words, the emotions of the surrounding Death Eaters changed obviously, either excited, shocked, panicked, or fearful.

Watching their expressions change, Voldemort laughed triumphantly.

"Yes, my power is back! Dracula and Dumbledore will no longer be obstacles in my eyes, and the entire magic world will let us gallop!"

"From now on, the Dark Mark will once again shine in the sky of the wizarding world!"

"Congratulations on the return of the master!" All the Death Eaters knelt on the ground and congratulated loudly.

"Then, let's start with this person—"

Voldemort smiled cruelly, stepped forward slowly, turned and raised his wand at Harry.


Voldemort certainly wouldn't be hit.

Seemingly irritated by Harry's provocative behavior, he raised his wand and yelled the Kedavin incantation:

"Avada Kedavra!"

Two beams of light, one red and one wisp, collided in the air—Harry expected to be hit directly and die an honorable duel.

But he didn't.

Harry's wand suddenly vibrated as if electrified, and he clutched it so tightly that he couldn't let go even if he wanted to - a thin beam of light connected the two wands, neither red nor green , but dazzling gold.

At the same time, Voldemort's wand trembled.

Completely caught off guard, both Harry and Voldemort rose uncontrollably into the air, their wands still held together by that gleaming golden thread.They flew from Voldemort's father's tombstone to a field without a grave...

As the golden thread burst out, ghostly figures emerged from Voldemort's wand one after another——

An old Muggle man on crutches, Bertha Jorkins with a missing person notice posted by the Ministry of Magic... Harry realized that these were the lives Voldemort had killed.

Sure enough, Harry found that Cedric did not appear in it, and he should not have died yet...

A moment later, another transparent figure emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand, and Harry recognized who she was at a glance... as if expecting it from the beginning

As if waiting for her to appear, because the person who appeared was the person he thought about the most tonight...

A long-haired ghost fell to the ground, her red hair and green eyes could be vaguely seen... Harry looked into his mother's face, his arms shaking violently.

"Your father is here too..." Her voice seemed far away, but also very close, "He also wants to see you...it will be fine, hold on..."

Then the spirit of a tall, shaggy-haired wizard, James Potter, rose from the tip of Voldemort's wand, fell to the ground like his wife, and straightened up.

He approached Harry, looked down at him, and spoke to him in the same distant, echoing voice, but too low for Voldemort to hear - Voldemort, who had never been in that situation before, was livid with fright ...

"We'll only be here a little while after the connection is broken," said James Potter, "but we'll buy you time... You must get the Portkey, which will take you back to Hogwarts. Do you understand, Harry?"

"Understood." Harry clung to his wand tightly, tears welling up in his eyes unconsciously.

"It's now, get out," James said.

The next moment, Harry threw away the golden light in front of his wand, turned around, and adopted a method that he hadn't thought of for a long time, throwing out a brightly shining hand lamp——

This is a hand lamp made by Dracula that can divert the attention of others. It was originally made casually during the welcome of the Four-wizard Tournament. Gwartz earned a lot of face.

Originally, Dracula just gave Harry the lamp casually, but today it has come in handy.

Even if Dracula's production was random, it was not something ordinary wizards could resist. Even Voldemort was affected for a moment, so that he was blocked by the souls of James and Lily.

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, Harry pounced on Cedric, grabbed Cedric with one hand, and the semi-finals cup with the other—

Portkey works!

Amidst Voldemort's furious shouts, Harry and Cedric were swept away by a whirlwind and returned to Hogwarts.

Chapter 280 Eighth

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On the other hand, earlier.

On the edge of the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts, Snape, who didn't pay much attention to the game, stood up suddenly, hurriedly dragged Dumbledore away from the judges' seat, and came to a deserted corner outside the maze.

"Do you know what happened in the maze?" he asked urgently.

"What's the matter, Severus?" Dumbledore asked strangely, "Did you find anything wrong?"

Snape jerked up the wide sleeve of his left arm, revealing the hot, reddened Dark Mark.

"This is..." Dumbledore's expression became serious.

"This is the Dark Lord summoning his servant!" Snape said heavily, with unconcealed irritation on his face, "He's back, Headmaster, at this hour! Nobody knows whether Potter has When something goes wrong!"

Dumbledore's face finally changed.

"Where is Professor Dracula?" He asked quickly, "Hasn't he been staying on the maze all the time? If he was there, the chance of something happening to Harry is not very high..."

"In addition, when Voldemort summons the Death Eaters, you should respond immediately... With Tom's incident before, he should trust you more than other Death Eaters, don't waste this trust in vain."

"No, he was the one who told me to stay at Hogwarts. I can say that I have no way to get rid of your attention..." Snape said with an ugly face, "Now I want to know more about what happened in the maze .”

At this moment, a strange little girl with half white and half black hair suddenly fell from the sky.

"You are the principal of this school, right?" She looked up and down Dumbledore's long white hair and beard, and asked.

"Yes, are you...?" Dumbledore asked suspiciously.

He could clearly feel that the little girl in front of him was not the same as the wizard's magic, and the dark meaning was very obvious, she looked like a... vampire.

"It doesn't matter who I am, anyway, he asked me to be a temporary security officer, so I came here." Serena said casually, "I wanted to go to the judges' bench to talk to the principal, but I couldn't find it. I came here when I heard someone talking here."

"Excuse me, this "he" is talking about Professor Dracula, right?" Dumbledore asked politely.

"Who else could it be but him?" Serena curled her lips, "I didn't say anything clearly, so I was thrown here as a temporary security officer, and there was such a heavy workload..."

"Wait, you mean, Dracula isn't here right now?" Snape's expression froze suddenly.

"Well, he suddenly has other things to be busy with." Serena said as a matter of course.

As she spoke, she clapped her hands.

Only then did Dumbledore and Snape notice that two people who had been floating behind Serena were now placed on the ground in front of them.

"I picked up these two little guys in that maze, and now I'm handing them over to you." Serena said.

From the appearance alone, Serena was younger than Fleur and John, but she referred to the two warriors as "little guys", which made Snape feel awkward.

"These two are...Miss Delacour, Mr. Kowalski?" Dumbledore didn't care about Serena's age. He looked at the two people on the ground and asked Serena, "In Crewe After Mr. Mu, did something happen to them..."

Dumbledore frowned tightly.

"I'm afraid there are some problems here... I don't think there will be anything in the maze that Mr. Kowalski can't even cast the red spark in time."

Then, he looked at Serena with a solemn expression, and asked, "Madam, when you saw these two warriors, what kind of state were they in?"

"This girl must have been in a coma for a long time. She was already like this when I got there." Serena said after thinking, "As for this boy, he was attacking the other two boys..."

"Don't worry, wait until I finish... I guess he was controlled by the Imperius Curse, so I knocked him out and brought him out."

"The game is going well, how can it be suddenly

What about the Imperius Curse? Dumbledore asked in a deep voice, "Where are the other two warriors?"how are they "

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