Under the eyes of all the little wizards, Dracula suddenly spread a pair of wide wings behind him and took off.

The strong dark power was unscrupulously released, setting off waves of hurricanes on this lawn, and the audience who were still nearby were like duckweed in the water, being blown away, unable to control which direction they were drifting.

Dumbledore looked up at the silver-haired figure hanging in the sky under the bright moonlight, his eyes were more dignified than ever before.

First, he swung his wand heavily, sending the audience of the Four-wizard Tournament around him, Fudge and the Auror he brought back to the auditorium, leaving enough space on the lawn.

Then he raised one arm high to his side.

The golden red fire flashed, and the phoenix Fawkes appeared in the sky above Dumbledore, soaring gracefully around, and the moving singing was broadcast in the air, as if a little listening could bring unparalleled courage to people.

When everything was ready on Dumbledore's side, Dracula chuckled in mid-air, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the bright moon in the sky became a full moon in a blink of an eye, and the snowy moonlight suddenly became like an incomparably magnificent spotlight, casting a dazzling silver light.

This piece of silver light gathered into a bunch and went straight to Dumbledore's cage.

Everything under the radiance seemed to have lost its form, and became indistinct. The green grass on the ground turned into a piece of silver powder and flew away with the hurricane that had not completely blown away.

Dumbledore's eyes were serious, he raised his wand above his head, and swung it vigorously.

All of a sudden, the space he was in turned into a piece of broken jade, scattered into pieces of loose debris, and the silver light from the full moon shone on the debris, as if it had shone into another space.

Behind the debris, Dumbledore stood unharmed on the lawn, brushing his sleeves.

The wizards in the auditorium seemed to be still intoxicated in a beautiful and dangerous dream, and it was only at this moment that they suddenly realized that the first confrontation between the two great wizards was over.

This kind of duel is completely different from the duels they are usually familiar with.

In their original cognition, the duel between wizards is two people facing each other, casting spells at each other, and whoever can hit the opponent will win the final victory... Maybe there are some differences in the process, but it is not bad.

However, the duel between Dracula and Dumbledore completely overturned their perception of wizard duels.

The wizards present never imagined that a duel could be so pleasing to the eye and so gorgeous!

Isn't this much better than the Final Four?

The eyes of the audience, especially the little wizards who were still in school, gradually became strange.

This powerful and brilliant duel style is the future for them to learn magic!

Before seeing this duel, some young wizards were still complacent that they had learned a simple stun spell; some felt that the magic world was so comfortable that they would not need a few attack and defense spells in their life, so they decided to play it badly. ; Some are paddling all day long, thinking about taking a step to see...

However, today's duel between great wizards has completely aroused their desire to learn magic. Even if they can't change the world like the two professors, at least they must have a special skill.

On the lawn, the duel between Dumbledore and Dracula continued——

Dracula's speed was so fast that he almost split into four or five clones surrounding Dumbledore, and countless crescent-like light blades rushed towards him from all directions.

Dumbledore waved his wand, summoned a large scarlet flame, spun in place into a storm of flames, and swallowed all the light blades into it.

Next, Dracula's figure disappeared again, and a dazzling snake-shaped lightning fell from the sky, tearing apart the calm night sky fiercely, and then, thunder rolled from the sky one after another.

At the same moment, Fawkes flew to Dumbledore's side from a high altitude, plunged into the rapidly burning flame storm, brought the flames to rise high again, and set off a howling wind.

Surrounded by scorching fire, the storm turned into a huge fire phoenix, swallowing the snake-shaped lightning that connected the sky and the earth.

The flames shattered, the phoenix nirvana, a wrinkled chick flapped its wings and flew out of the ashes, and got into Dumbledore's arms.

"Albus, you have indeed reached the same height as Salazar and the others."

Dracula's voice came from the night sky, and there was undisguised appreciation and pleasure in it.

He hadn't had such an exhilarating duel for a long time, and he felt that the muscles and bones in his whole body were finally relaxed, and he couldn't restrain his joy.

"I'm really flattered by this evaluation, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore adjusted his breathing slightly, and said slowly, "I'm still far from the four founders."

"No, not far at all." Dracula chuckled, "Even in some respects, you are stronger than them."

Afterwards, Dracula changed the subject, "Unfortunately, human physique still limits you after all—if you were 20 years younger, I might really not be able to break through your block. But..."

Dumbledore's face was suddenly startled, and his eyes quickly turned aside.

He was stunned to find that the spell that had been arranged to protect Fudge had been broken at some point, Fudge fainted at this moment, and a small bat was lying quietly on Fudge's neck.

"You should thank me, Albus, I didn't take his life." Dracula's figure suddenly appeared beside Dumbledore, "Of course, I don't like to kill people, I prefer to keep him to watch." Lezi..."

"What did you do to him?" Dumbledore asked, frowning.

"It's just a re-enactment of the experience of the centaur and mermaid patriarchs of the two ethnic groups back then." Dracula smiled maliciously.

"I want to see if this Mr. Fudge becomes a lowly vampire, whether he can still trust those pure bloods as easily as before, and find other people to take the blame as confidently as before."

After all, Dracula laughed.

Without waiting for Dumbledore to respond, he recalled the vampire bat on Fudge's neck, turned and left.

"Professor Dracula, please wait a moment!"

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped Dracula from behind, "I want to know, the plan you and I made together to fight Voldemort...is it still valid?"

"Since I am no longer a professor at Hogwarts, what does this matter have to do with me?" Dracula smiled lightly and waved his hands behind him, "I will leave the rest to you gone."

He took a few steps forward, then stopped suddenly.

"By the way, there is one thing that I should probably let you know." Dracula turned his head and said to Dumbledore, "Albus, there is a bigger enemy behind Voldemort. I suggest you read "Peter the Bard" more. Bean Story Collection."

After saying this sentence, it will sound inexplicable to others,

Dracula smiled softly, took another look at Hogwarts Castle under the night, turned and walked further away.

However, before taking a few steps, he was stopped again.

"Professor, there is no need for you to leave Hogwarts." Cedric suddenly stood in front of Dracula and said firmly, "I have heard from my parents that you revealed your identity to save me It's not your problem at all!"

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"Cedric, you don't need to persuade me." Dracula shook his head lightly, "I deliberately revealed my identity, and I've actually been bored with the same teaching for a long time."

"But didn't you also say that the fun that happened at Hogwarts is the most concentrated place you have ever seen?" Cedric continued to persuade, "There may be many interesting things happening here in the future, and you don't want to see them for a while?"

"It's unnecessary, I find it troublesome." Dracula said, "Not everyone thinks like you, especially those self-righteous parents... who would want their children to be educated by a vampire?"

At this time, Cedric's parents hesitated for a moment, and walked towards Dracula.

"Professor Dracula, we all support you to continue serving as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts." Amos Diggory said.

"That's right, I can't think of anyone more suitable to teach this subject than you." Mrs. Diggory echoed, "Hogwarts has had too many Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, and you are the only one who can Served four terms."

"I said, it's not a matter of being suitable or not." Dracula shook his head and said, "It's because I don't want to be this professor anymore."


"Don't worry about it anymore, I've made up my mind to go." Dracula interrupted them and said forcefully.

He rounded the Digorys and walked on again.

However, within a few steps, two more people blocked his way.

"Professor, have you forgotten our bet?" Fred George said to Dracula with a playful smile.

"We were only in the third grade at the time, and we bet in the auditorium that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would leave after a few months of teaching." George added beside him, "You came over and pressed dozens of Galleons, saying that you can I have been teaching here...do you remember?"

"Yes, Professor." Fred said, "If you leave like this, then you will lose those dozens of Galleons to us!"

"That's right, if you can hold back, then we've lost." George said, "It just so happens that we got the bonus from Bagman's last bet, and we have the ability to pay back your bet!"

Dracula looked at the two of them in surprise.

"It's really not easy to deduct the betting money from you two misers." He chuckled lightly.

"Yeah! So you've changed your mind?" Fred and George asked expectantly.

"No, those dozens of Galleons are just an investment for your joke shop." Dracula shook his head, "Didn't you guys say a long time ago that you wanted to open your own joke shop?"

"Professor, you still remember..." the twins said in a daze.

"Of course, is there anything I won't remember?" Dracula pushed Fred and George away with a smile, and then walked towards the gate of the castle, "Okay, don't stop me, think about it carefully It's time to put something on the shelves!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione rushed over, however.

Among them, Harry was even leaning on a cane to support his injured leg, and Pomfrey was running after him.

"Professor, do you really want to leave?" Harry asked eagerly, "We need you, Hogwarts needs you...I still have a lot to learn!"

"Yeah, professor," Ron nodded, and said in agreement, "Hermione just said that if you leave, she will never find another book that can be opened to her easily like you. The professor of Article!"

Hermione glared at Ron viciously, but she didn't refute, she just watched expectantly.

Looking at Dracula in front of him.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore will find a better Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Dracula said to the three little wizards with a smile, "Professor Flitwick used to be a duel champion. If you have any questions, you can find him. I will be stingy to teach you."

As he said that, he wanted to pass the three little ones and continue walking towards the gate.

But then, more and more young wizards rushed over from the auditorium and stood in front of Dracula. Hundreds of students gradually gathered together, forming a magnificent river of people.

Their eyes were full of reluctance, and they shouted loudly to persuade them to stay, and some emotional little witches even cried out...

Looking at this scene, Dracula's eyes flickered slightly.

He actually felt a touch in his cold heart.


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