"I didn't save you. It was Professor Dracula who really saved you. If you want to thank him, thank him." He opened his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "As for me, in that room in the restricted area, I even wanted to kill you at one point."

"Isn't it just controlled by the Imperius Curse, Professor Snape." Dracula didn't think it was a big deal, and suddenly said with a smile, "You stood in front of Voldemort bravely and fearlessly in order to save Potter. I can see it clearly!"

Snape's face darkened.

"Professor Snape, I understand that not everyone can have the courage to stand in front of such a powerful enemy as Voldemort." Harry's expression was very sincere, and his words were also very sincere, "I know, only Germany Only powerful wizards like Professor Gula and Professor Dumbledore can confront Voldemort head-on, so it's normal that you can't defeat Voldemort."

It was obvious that Harry's words made Snape's face darker.

He suddenly lifted the quilt, ignoring the wounds on his body that hadn't completely healed, with a gloomy face, he limped towards the door of the school infirmary.

"Did Professor Snape suffer such a serious injury in the process of fighting against Voldemort?" Harry looked at Snape's leaving back, then turned his head and said to Dracula, "I also want to thank you for your help, Professor Dracula. In the end, you must be the one who helped me and Professor Snape solve Voldemort!"

"Small problem, you're welcome." Dracula's face looked a little unnatural.

Dracula didn't have the heart to tell Harry that what he had imagined in his mind was not the truth of the matter.

In fact, Snape was not injured in the battle with Voldemort at all. All the injuries on his body were caused by Dracula after he was controlled by the Imperius Curse...

Unaware of this, Harry looked at Dumbledore gratefully.

"Sir, thank you very much for your help." He said with some emotion, "Hogwarts has so many kind professors, I don't know how to describe my feelings."

Now, Dumbledore's expression became unnatural.

Dumbledore didn't have the heart to tell Harry that the person who actually made him take the risk to break through the restricted area, protect the Sorcerer's Stone, and face Voldemort was the old headmaster whom he trusted so much.

Therefore, Dumbledore secretly decided that he must wait until Harry had almost forgotten about it, and then tell him who sent the Invisibility Cloak...

After answering a few more questions, Dumbledore and Dracula said goodbye to Harry, who needed to recuperate, and left the school infirmary.

Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse, was carrying a bowl of potion and was about to deliver it to Harry, when she met Dumbledore and Dracula who came out from the side of the hospital bed.She nodded slightly to the two of them.

However, at the same time as she passed by, she suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

"Professor Dracula, when did you come?" Madam Pomfrey asked suspiciously, "Did you slip in secretly without reporting to me? Don't you know that the school infirmary must be in advance?" Only by reporting to the police can you visit patients!"

Dracula paused, then smiled and turned to look at her.

"Don't worry about those details, ma'am," he said in a mellow voice. "Shouldn't you be delivering Mr. Potter's medicine now? Don't let the medicine cool down."

Madam Pomfrey's gaze became dull, and she nodded in agreement.

Dracula smiled at her again, and before she could react, he left the school infirmary as quickly as possible.

Dumbledore watched this scene from the side and shook his head helplessly.

Madam Pomfrey stood there for a long time before she could react, stomped her feet angrily, and then brought the cold potion to Harry.

"Are you awake, come on, sit up and drink the medicine." She said to Harry, and then took out a diary from her pocket, "By the way, is this diary yours?"

Harry drank the medicine, looked at the diary in Madam Pomfrey's hand, and shook his head honestly.

"Not mine," he said.

"But your name is on the diary."

Madam Pomfrey turned to the title page of the diary in surprise and showed it to Harry.

Harry opened his eyes wide, and saw a name written in cursive handwriting on it——

"Harry James Potter"

Chapter 77 DADA Teaching Assistant

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A week later, an unexpected visitor came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

"Professor Dracula, according to Miss Granger's reaction, you haven't assigned homework for a week." Professor McGonagall said to Dracula with a serious face, "It's almost time for the final exam , it is irresponsible for students not to assign homework."

Dracula sank in a soft armchair, with one foot resting on his desk, and a goblet dangling in his hand.

"Correcting homework is too boring. My teaching assistant also played himself out. Of course I don't bother to correct."

He opened his mouth lazily, the wine glass held high in his hand tilted slightly, a shot of bright red wine flowed down from the air, and fell into his mouth like a small waterfall, making a pleasant gurgling sound.

Dracula drank a glass of wine with satisfaction, then sat up, put the goblet on the table, and then looked up at Professor McGonagall.

"Isn't this good now? The students don't want to do their homework, and I don't want to change it, so I just don't assign it. It's the best of both worlds, and everyone is happy." He said with a chuckle.

"Professor Dracula, not all students don't want to do their homework. Hogwarts still has good students like Miss Granger!" Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and glared at Dracula. It is one of the most basic responsibilities of a professor, and I will not ignore your dereliction of duty just because you are the chairman of the school board!"

Seemingly seeing Dracula's disapproving attitude, Professor McGonagall earnestly warned:

"Don't take it seriously, Professor Dracula. Homework after class can directly play a role in practicing and consolidating the review, allowing students to reinforce the knowledge learned in class; in addition, the completion of students' homework can let professors see that they are not good enough. What you understand, and then focus on explaining in class.”

"Students who do not assign homework will lose a chance to improve!"

Dracula poured another glass of red wine into the goblet, and nodded indifferently.

"Okay, it's just homework, I'm fine." He said, "By the way, who are some good students who want to do homework?"

"I won't reveal their names." Professor McGonagall shook his head vigilantly, "Hogwarts only has a few well-behaved students, and I can't let you take revenge on them!"

Seeing her defensive expression, the corners of Dracula's mouth twitched.

"Who do you think I am, Professor McGonagall? I just want them to do me a favor." He looked at Professor McGonagall innocently, "Actually, I can guess who wants to write Homework, after all, as you said, there are only a few good students in Hogwarts!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand, and counted three fingers on his own——

"Hermione Granger in first year, Cedric Diggory in third year, Percy Wesley in fifth year, right?"

Professor McGonagall froze, then nodded helplessly.

"Well, since that's the case, I'll leave it to them to correct homework in the future!" Dracula said happily, "Isn't it difficult to do homework if you want to do it? Give them more tasks to save them from finding trouble all day long! "

"Uh...Professor Dracula, isn't it inappropriate to do this?" Professor McGonagall said with a weird expression after considering the sentence, "Besides, according to the grades of these three students, there is no way to correct grades [-] and [-]. Grade homework."

"What's inappropriate, changing homework is also to consolidate their learning achievements!" Dracula said nonchalantly, "As for the sixth and seventh grades, they are all wizards who are going to be adults, if they don't have the self-consciousness of active learning Sex, then they deserve to fail to graduate!"


Thus, Hermione, Cedric and Percy became the honorable teaching assistants of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

The three of them each received a badge depicting half a pair of demon wings. The six letters "" were written under the wings, which represented the teaching assistant ( ) of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

This badge was designed by Dracula himself, and it looks very good-looking, beautiful and high-end.

But Percy made a joke about the badge and had the Wesley twins laugh at him for a while about it.

Percy was very proud of being a teaching assistant. When he got the teaching assistant badge, he immediately wore it on his chest.

However, the problem was that he was already the prefect of Gryffindor, and since he was unwilling to take off the prefect badge, there was no place on his left chest.So he wears the teaching assistant's badge on his right breast...

For a moment, Percy's two symmetrically worn badges formed an extremely comical outfit.

"Hey, Ron, come see the image of Percy!"

In the Gryffindor common room that night, Fred called out for his brother.

Ron hadn't finished his homework for the next day, and while he was doing his homework, he was gnawing on a chicken leg that Harry had brought back from the auditorium for him.

Hearing Fred's shout, he subconsciously looked up at Percy.


Ron couldn't hold back, and sprayed all the chewed chicken on the homework in front of him.

"Hahahaha... Percy, what do you think!" He laughed loudly. "It's so strange to wear a badge on each side!"

Percy's face darkened as he passed the common room.

He originally wanted to show off his new badge, but being interrupted by the twins, he lost all pride, and instead felt ashamed...

In fact, in the eyes of other little wizards, this method of wearing badges is not as funny as Ron showed.But it was Percy who did it!The Wesley twins and Ron would never miss an opportunity to laugh at Percy, and over time Percy became a unique joke in the Wesley family.

Percy glanced depressed at Fred and George who were laughing, and then looked at Ron, planning to warn him not to be like the twins.

And when he saw the homework in front of Ron, his mood suddenly became cheerful.

"Stop laughing, my dear brother." He walked up to Ron and patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, "Look at how your Transfiguration paper has changed, I remember this assignment will be due tomorrow Is it going to be handed over?"

Ron stopped smiling and looked down at his homework, but only saw a piece of minced chicken and black ink marks...

"I hate you, Fred!

he yelled in despair, and at the same time his eyes began to search for the trace of another young wizard in the lounge, "Hermione, I can't finish my transfiguration paper today, and I need your help!" "

Chapter 78 Dracula who can't do without a teaching assistant

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"What's the matter, Ron?"

The little witch with messy hair came over, holding a large stack of parchment in her arms, all of which were homework for the first grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Hermione, copy your Transfiguration paper for me... no, can you "reference" it? I'm afraid I won't be able to finish writing today..." Ron looked at her anxiously.

"Isn't that right, I remember you just finished half of it?" Hermione leaned over and looked at Ron's Transfiguration homework.

I saw that the parchment in front of Ron was covered with minced chicken, and the mixed saliva mixed the wet ink into a black shape.

"Huh—that's disgusting, Ron!" The little witch looked away in disgust, then hugged the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework with her left hand, and took out her wand with her right hand.

"Whirlwind clean ()!"

The effect of the spell was very obvious, and the dust and saliva on the parchment were swept away.

However, the black ink blots left on the paper couldn't be cleaned up.

If Ron dared to hand over this homework to the stern Professor McGonagall, he probably wouldn't know how he died...

"Hermione, look, my homework is useless." Ron said guiltily, "It's very late now, if you don't lend me your homework, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it."

"If I can't finish my homework, I won't be able to hand it in. If I can't hand it in, Professor McGonagall will deduct points for me. If I get deducted points, Gryffindor's chances of winning the House Cup will be reduced... Look, your homework But it plays an extremely critical role in whether we can win the Academy Cup!"

Ron said a long paragraph in one breath, thinking that what he said made sense, so he confidently looked up at Hermione who was standing beside him.

"No!" Hermione slammed the thick stack of parchment in front of her on the table, proudly puffed out her chest, revealing the badge of demon wings pinned to her chest, "I'm a teaching assistant now, I want to give Let the other first-year students set an example, and a bad student like you cannot be allowed to opportunistically!"

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