It turned out that on a certain day when the Hogwarts students' summer vacation had just begun, all the Death Eaters with the Dark Mark tattooed on their left arms felt strange waves coming from their arms one after another.

They all quietly found a place where there was no one else, and peeked at the mark on their arms—the original light red Dark Devil's Mark gradually turned scarlet, and as time passed, the scarlet color gradually changed to a scorched black color.

Seeing such a situation, some people felt flustered and terrified, some felt confused and at a loss, and some felt a burst of ecstasy.

But all former Death Eaters know one thing—

The Dark Lord is back!

Due to the terrifying deterrent power of the Dark Lord, no matter what state of mind they are in regarding the return of the Lord, all the Death Eaters who are still active in the British magical world apparated one after another and rushed to Little Hangleton and Riddle where Voldemort was. family cemetery.

Chapter 98's first re-elected Defense Against the Dark Arts professor

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Harry quietly slipped out of Borgin Burke Antiques Store, pressed his cracked spectacles to his nose, and looked around.

In front of him was a dirty alley lined with black magic shops.Borgin Burke seemed to be the largest, with shrunken heads grimly displayed in the windows of the opposite one.Across the two doors, a large cage was covered with huge black spiders.

In a dark doorway, two ragged wizards were watching him and whispering, and some non-humanoid creatures licked their lips at him.

Harry felt creepy and wanted to leave this weird place as soon as possible.

He trotted all the way, helping the broken glasses from time to time.

...However, 2 minutes later, he was still sad to find that he had lost his previous direction.

"You're not lost, are you, dear?"

Suddenly, an old, ugly voice sounded in Harry's ear, startling him.

An old hag stood in front of him, holding a plate of what looked like a whole piece of dead man's fingernail.She looked at him grimly, showing mossy teeth.

Harry shuddered and backed away hastily.

"I'm fine, thank you." He said tremblingly, "I just..."

At this moment, Harry suddenly felt something grab his shoulders and fly up.

The old witch below stretched out her sharp nails, trying to pull Harry down from the sky, but his body rose too fast, and the hunched old witch couldn't reach him at all.

Harry's feet were off the ground at this time, and he flapped his legs in a panic, trying to break free from the air, but he was afraid that he would become the prey of the old hag again if he fell.

So Harry bravely turned his head and took a look, only wishing that the thing grabbing him was something he had learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts class... As the No. solution!

Turning his head, Harry saw a huge bat clutching his back, flapping its wings.

This bat seems somewhat familiar...

Just like...

Like the one that caught him on the Quidditch pitch!

Harry's hanging heart immediately relaxed, and he was even in the mood to start admiring the scenery from a high place.

He saw the unwilling expression of the ugly old witch, saw many unscrupulous wizards on the narrow street looking at him in the air in surprise, and saw a window so luxurious that it was out of place with the entire alley...

A silver-haired man was sitting in that window, elegantly holding a crystal glass to taste wine.

The flapping speed of the bat's wings slowed down, and it hovered beside the window.Immediately, he suddenly accelerated, throwing Harry's thin body towards the wall next to the window.

"Ah..." Harry looked at the wall that was getting closer and closer, and cried out in horror.

The moment Harry was about to collide with the marble wall, the silver-haired man in the window glanced sideways at him.

The next moment, the marble wall seemed to turn into a liquid, with waves of spiral ripples.

Harry went straight through the thick wall and fell hard on the soft sofa.

"Mr. Potter, I think you need to explain to me, why did you appear in such a dangerous place as Knockturn Alley?" Dracula's faint voice came from beside Harry, "I'm curious about this place, secretly slipped in?"

"Professor Dracula!" Hearing this voice, the stone in Harry's heart was completely relieved, and he shouted hoarsely, "I'm lost... I used Floo powder for the first time today, and I sucked soot into my throat Li... so maybe I mispronounced the word..."

"The words Diagonal () and Kno (Kno) don't seem very similar. How much soot did you inhale?" Dracula laughed playfully.

Immediately, he found that Harry was indeed covered with soot, and the soot even stained the luxurious sofa cushions in the cubicle.

Dracula frowned.

"Well, it can be seen that you have indeed been sucking soot."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.compartment

The soot disappeared in an instant, and even Harry's glasses were repaired and looked brand new.

"Thank you, Professor..." Harry said weakly, "This Knockturn Alley doesn't feel like a place where serious people would come... Ah, no, Professor, I didn't mean you were not serious."

Dracula's face immediately turned black.

"Do you know who the old witch who stopped you just now is?" He sneered, and asked maliciously, "This is what I will teach after the second grade begins. As long as you do a good job of previewing at home, this question shouldn't be a problem. Difficult to answer."

"Huh?" Harry was stunned. "Isn't she an old witch with a strange appearance and personality?"

"It seems that you haven't previewed the following content at all." Dracula showed a happy smile, "If you observe carefully, you will find that there are many warts on the face and neck of the old witch, similar to Fungal or solid blisters on the skin."

"If you look more closely, you may also find that the front of her feet is much narrower than ordinary people, because this creature only has four toes."

"That is to say... that old witch just now wasn't a wizard?!" Harry asked in shock.

"That's right, she's a hag." Dracula chuckled. "Hares like raw livers the most, especially children's livers. If I didn't happen to find you nearby, you are very It may have been gouged out by that hag, and the whole body will not be left behind!"

Harry broke out in a cold sweat and was frightened for a while.He swore that he would never come to this ghostly place called Knockturn Alley again!

"Well, since you didn't prepare well at home, after returning to Hogwarts, you will have twice as much homework as others in the first two weeks." Dracula glanced at Harry, whose face turned green with fright. , said casually.

"Professor, there is a reason why I didn't preview!" Harry quickly explained, "After returning to the Muggle community, my uncle and aunt hid all my magic-related things, and I had no chance to preview my homework at all. ah!"

"What a poor kid," Dracula said.

A gleam of joy appeared on Harry's face when he heard this, thinking that he didn't have to double his homework.

"But what does that have to do with me?" Dracula's next words broke Harry's glee, "and how would I know if that was your excuse?"

"Let me assume that what you said is true, but since you came to Knockturn Alley with Floo powder, it means that you must have left the Muggle family and lived in a wizard family for a while, um , I guess it's Wes coming over."

"So during Wes's stay at home, didn't you just focus on having fun and completely forget about your homework?"

Harry stared blankly at the long-winded Professor Dracula, and finally understood——

It doesn't matter whether you have previewed your homework or not, this narrow-minded professor simply wants to get revenge for the word "improper" he just casually uttered!

He stood up filled with righteous indignation, stared straight at Dracula, and said loudly:

"Professor, I am willing to accept the double assignment!"

Seeing Professor Dracula's half-smile expression in front of him, Harry resolutely chose to give in.

You can't resist, so why not agree quickly to prevent the homework from tripling, anyway, Professor Dracula doesn't assign much homework at all... Well, the premise is to stop Hermione from reminding him!

"Professor, you are right. I am indeed staying at Wesley's house now." Harry said, "I mispronounced the word and came to Knockturn Alley. Now I got separated from them. They must be very anxious. So... Could you please take me to Diagon Alley?"

Dracula glanced at him, and casually placed the crystal cup in his hand on the table.

"Then let's go, I'm about to leave just now." He stood up, walked to the window of the cubicle, and lifted the closed window.

In fact, when this compartment was just built, in order to ensure the privacy of the compartment, this luxurious window could not be opened.

But Dracula thinks that the process of bypassing the middle hall, passing through many booths, and then walking down the stairs from the entrance of the Bai Feilong Bar on the second floor to the door of the Black Wizard tattoo shop on the first floor is too much.

It's cumbersome, and it's not as fast as jumping out of the window.

Therefore, in order to cater for Dracula's preferences, the proprietress of Bai Feilong Bar specially ordered someone to transform the window into a form that can be opened and closed.

At this moment, Dracula lifted the window with ease and jumped from upstairs.

Because Harry had previous experience in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he just gritted his teeth and jumped out of the window following Dracula.

Sure enough, just a moment before landing, a bat flew lightly to the bottom of Harry's feet, providing enough cushion for his landing, allowing him to land smoothly in this dark and narrow alley.

After the two left, the luxurious window of Bai Feilong Bar also closed automatically, and returned to the previous tight-fitting state, not giving those curious people a chance to spy.

With his arms folded, Dracula leisurely led Harry through the winding and narrow alleys, heading towards Diagon Alley.

Harry noticed that the evil eyes in the alley that were looking at him with ulterior motives had changed.

After seeing Dracula beside Harry, their eyes showed expressions of fear and awe, and they didn't even dare to stay on the two of them, and quickly looked away after a short glance.

"Professor, the people in this alley seem to be very afraid of you?" Harry asked curiously, "Did you find a chance to deal with these people before?"

Chapter 99 Where is Nagini?

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Hearing Dumbledore's congratulations, there was warm applause in the auditorium.

All the faculty and staff were clapping willingly and convincingly.

After all, it has never happened in decades to be able to be re-elected to the second year in such a wicked position as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts!

"Professor Dracula's luck seems to be pretty good, and he hasn't encountered any messy things since he took office." Professor Flitwick said with a sigh, "The Defense Against the Dark Arts professors always encountered all kinds of weird things before. It's worrying!"

"Filius, you don't know about this." Dumbledore looked at Professor Flitwick with a smile, "Actually, Professor Dracula encountered many strange things, but they were all cleverly handled by him." It's just resolved."

This is true.

Voldemort's curse on the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts also seems to have a limit and cannot directly kill the sitting professor.

This curse seems to be imperceptible, guiding and changing a person's fortune, magnifying their bad luck, making them clog their teeth when they drink cold water, fall down with their left foot and right foot, and laugh at themselves when they hear a joke die……

The closer this fortune-changing effect gets to the one-year period, the more pronounced and damaging it becomes.

However, Dracula didn't care about these little things that made people unlucky, and there were no difficulties that could actually affect him.

For example, meeting Fred and George, two twins who want to make big news, being attacked by a troll behind the back on Halloween, staring at a basilisk in the restricted area, and meeting the notorious wizard in the magic world The Dark Lord fights...

Dracula had encountered enough strange things, but these things did not affect him in the slightest, at most they added a bit of fun to his boring life.

In a lively atmosphere, this luncheon exclusively for the faculty and staff came to an end before they knew it.

After the tray disappeared from the table, Dumbledore called Dracula, and the two left the Great Hall together, heading for the Hogwarts headmaster's office.

"Professor Dracula, I would trouble you to adjust the brightness of the ceiling of the auditorium to what it was before you leave." Dumbledore laughed, "Besides, in such bright sunlight, you probably don't want to go directly from the entrance courtyard Fly to the eighth floor?"

"You're right." Dracula nodded noncommittally, walked out of the auditorium door, and then casually restored the ceiling to its original state, "But that doesn't mean I'll have the leisure to accompany you up the stairs."

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