After the mark was formed, a red light appeared, and then disappeared in the car.

"Okay, you can go." Dracula patted the car window that had been restored, and chuckled, "I will go over to check on your condition from time to time, and remember not to avoid me when the time comes."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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After the sorting ceremony was over, Professor Sprout packed up the tools needed to treat plants and came to the Whomping Willow.

"Oh, poor little willow, what a blow it has suffered!" She covered her mouth and said distressedly as she looked at the scraped-off bark and the Whipping Willow paper all over the place.

Dracula was also standing under the tree at this time, turning to look at Professor Sprout.

"To tell you the truth, Professor Sprout, maybe the Whomping Willow should calm down." Dracula shrugged and said to her, "Actually, only the piece of bark that was knocked off is the real thing." Potter and Wes came to do it, and those branches on the ground were actually dropped by itself..."

"Did you drop it yourself?" Professor Sprout was a little puzzled.

"Yeah, it may not be in a good mood after it was hit by that car, and smashed the sky, the ground, and the car with its branches like crazy..." Dracula said, "After all, its wood It’s still not very strong, and it’s like this when you smash it.”

"Well, I have to admit that this species of Whomping Willow is really easy to be irritable." Professor Sprout walked towards Whomping Willow while talking, "But I was hit hard by someone for no reason, let alone it , even I would be angry."

"That's right." Dracula chuckled, "But if I were the Whomping Willow, I wouldn't be able to let myself be so irritable that I wouldn't even look for the opponent's weakness and start hitting people."

"If it were me, I would smash the glass of the car, and then use two thicker branches to imprison the car as a whole, and block the door at the same time, so that when I get down, the people in the car will be slaughtered by me."

Professor Sprout stared blankly at Dracula's interested smile, and couldn't help shivering.

Thinking about it this way, it's a good thing that Hitting Willow is a stunned young man who doesn't know how to pick on his weaknesses.Otherwise, wouldn't the two little guys, Harry and Ron, have no way out?

"Ahem, Professor Dracula, do you also know the weakness of the Whomping Willow?" She quickly changed the subject, refusing to discuss with Dracula how to hit people more effectively, "It looks like It's pretty quiet."

"Does the Whomping Willow have any weaknesses?" Dracula raised his eyebrows. "I haven't noticed it. It can't get angry when it sees me. It seems that I don't need to understand its weaknesses."

"..." Professor Sprout raised his forehead.

She silently walked to the Whomping Willow, jumped up high, and stretched out her hand to press the top of the tree branch.

Although she is a bit short in stature, she can jump quite high, and she just hits a knot. It seems that she has specially practiced high jump just to control the Whomping Willow.

It took effect very quickly. The Whomping Willow, which was still shaking slightly, immediately entered a static state after being touched by the knot, as if it had become the most ordinary willow tree.

"It's an interesting tree." Seeing Professor Sprout's movements, Dracula chuckled, "But I have a problem—"

"Since you have to get close to the Whomping Willow to touch its weakness, what should you do if the Whomping Willow is already in a violent state? In this case, there is no need for a wizard who can touch the Whomping Willow Look for its weak point, and wizards who want to find a weak point can't get close to it."

"So... what's the point of this weakness?"

Professor Sprout's face stiffened.

"Is that really the case?" She scratched her head, "Unless someone can accurately hit the Whomping Willow's knots with magic spells or small stones outside of its attack range, and not It must be able to press down the knots."

"No, the next time I talk about Whomping Willow in class, I have to tell those naughty little wizards to stay away from the furious Whomping Willow. They can't let them feel that they can handle it smoothly if they have mastered its weakness. .”

While muttering, Professor Sprout swiftly took out a series of phytotherapy supplies, and was busy bandaging the broken branches of the Whomping Willow and the trunk with a battered layer of bark, so as to prevent its fragile The location was bitten by mosquitoes.

Seeing that Professor Sprout had entered the working state, Dracula shrugged casually and walked back to the castle.

He could guess that Harry and Ron, two rascals, had probably been punished by Snape or Professor McGonagall.

But Dracula does not

Worrying about the future of both of them.

Dumbledore is also ready to train Harry so that he can become the main force against Voldemort!Therefore, it is naturally impossible for the two of them to be expelled, and even because they have just started school, their college points will not be deducted.

Dracula reckoned that Harry and Ron, who hadn't deducted any college points for driving to school, might even be regarded as heroes according to the heartless temperament of the Gryffindor cubs!


Dracula was as expected.

The fact that Harry and Ron drove to the school spread unknowingly. Except for the two good students Percy and Hermione, the little lions of Gryffindor thought it was an extremely exciting and extremely long-faced event. things.

The two "heroes" returned to the door of the Gryffindor common room. The portrait of the fat lady who guarded the door had just been unscrewed, and there was a thunderous applause in the lounge.

All the students in Gryffindor House were still awake, and they were all crowded in the circular common room waiting for them. Many hands enthusiastically stretched out from the hole behind the fat lady's portrait, and pulled Harry and Ron in. Instead, Hermione, who picked up the two of them, could only climb in by herself.

"Brilliant!" exclaimed the twins' roommate, Lee Jordan. "What a wonderful way! Fly your flying car into the Whomping Willow and you'll be talked about for years at Hogwarts !"

"Good job!" said a fifth grader who had never spoken to Harry.

And someone patted Harry and Ron on the back as if they had just won No. 1 in the marathon.

Fred and George squeezed together from the crowd and asked in unison, "Why didn't you call us back? It's so embarrassing!"

Ron blushed and smiled radiantly surrounded by everyone.

The straightest Percy in the whole house was standing behind some excited new students, stern-faced, trying to squeeze in and give them a rundown.However, there were too many lion cubs surrounding the two of them, and he couldn't squeeze in at all.

Another two minutes later, when Percy finally got close to Harry and Ron, Harry spotted him.

So Harry nudged Ron in the ribs and twisted his head in Percy's direction, and Ron understood immediately.

"Yawn—I'm going upstairs." Ron's radiant red face changed color instantly, and he covered his mouth with his hands and pretended to yawn, "I've been flying all day today, and I'm a little tired..."

Harry, too, pretended to be terribly tired, and made his way to the door at the other end of the lounge, which led to the spiral staircase leading to their bedroom.

He pretended to be good, because he was really tired.The various twists and turns of the day made him a little exhausted.

"Good night." Even though Harry was tired, he still called back to Hermione.She was as sullen as Percy.

Harry and Ron managed to push their way to the other end of the common room with some effort, while someone was patting them on the back.

Outside the door at the other end was a secluded staircase. The two ran up the stairs in one breath and came to the door of their dormitory.The door of the dormitory originally said "Grade [-]", but now it has become "Grade [-]".

They entered the familiar circular room and saw again the five four-poster beds, upholstered in red velvet, and the tall, narrow windows.Their box had been magically carried up by the house-elf, and it stood beside the bed.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Harry a little ashamedly, "I know we shouldn't be proud of this, but..."

The dormitory door swung open, and in came Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom, the other second-year Gryffindor boys.

"I can't believe it, you guys really flew here!" Simo gave a thumbs up.

"Cool!" said Dean.

"It's amazing!" Even Neville, who was always honest, said with admiration.

"", "azing"...the three of them almost used common adjectives to express shock!

Harry couldn't help it any longer, and laughed smugly with Ron.


Of course, it's hard for them to be complacent for too long.

At dinner the next morning, Harry and Ron felt a little uneasy.

Harry picked up the bowl tremblingly and started to drink the porridge.

With a flurry of flapping wings overhead, hundreds of owls poured in from the windows above the auditorium, circled the auditorium, and dropped letters and packages into the conversing crowd.

On the professor's seat, Dracula seldom came to have breakfast, and felt a little irritable when he saw this messy scene.

"I still don't understand, why does Hogwarts let owls deliver messages during meals?" He turned his head and asked Professor Flitwick, who was sitting on two chairs, "If the dirty feathers on the owl's body How can we eat if we fall into the rice?"

"After all, when all the little wizards are around during the day, there is only meal time." Professor Flitwick looked accustomed to it, and used the floating spell to make a feather that was about to fall on his head fly elsewhere. "Especially on the first day of school, many careless little wizards will forget to take things."

Dracula sullenly put down the blood pudding in his hand, lost his appetite, and began to check the reactions of the surrounding professors and little wizards.

Snape seemed very dissatisfied that Harry was not expelled, not even deducted points. At this time, he was staring intently at the long Gryffindor table, thinking maliciously how to give the two The little wizard is not happy to find him.

At this moment, with a "click", a puddle of gray liquid fell from the sky onto Snape's plate.

Snape froze for a moment, looked away from the long Gryffindor table, and looked at his own plate.

"Hey, Severus, you seem to have won the lottery." The elderly Professor Kettleburn never missed a chance to tease Snape, poked his head over and said, "Shall I explain to you? This is Bird droppings, it can be seen that this owl caught a mouse last night..."

"Stop it!" Snape gripped his wand tightly, seeming to suppress the desire to massacre the owls.

"Oh, Severus, young people are easily distracted." Professor Kettleburn said with a smile, "The professors at Hogwarts should have been used to paying attention to the top of their heads during breakfast. How could you forget about this?"

Snape couldn't say no to him, gave Harry and Ron a hard look, and left the auditorium angrily without eating.

Seeing his leaving back, Professor Kettleburn clicked his tongue, "Young people tend to be impatient and rash."

The professors around him all looked sideways at this sentence——

"Professor Kettleburn, you are the most reckless one who has experienced more than 60 detentions..."

The trouble caused by the collective delivery of owls is obviously not the only one on the professor's seat.

There were some problems at the Gryffindor table that Snape had been paying attention to——

A big gray owl seemed to be drinking fake wine, and it couldn't fly smoothly. It fell into the milk jug in front of Hermione.

Suddenly, milk and feathers splashed all over Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Errol!" Ron yelled, seeing the owl struggling in the milk jug.

Holding Errol's claws, he pulled the wet owl out of the jug and placed it on the table.

Errol lay unconscious by the milk jug, his legs stretched stiffly in the air, and a soggy red envelope in his mouth.

"Oh, no..." Ron covered his face in pain.

"Don't be too sad, Ron, it's still alive." Hermione shook the wizard robe covered in milk, then stood up, and lightly poked the fainted Errol with her fingertips.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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"It's much quieter now." Dracula sat back on the chair and leaned comfortably against the back of the chair.

He picked up the blood pudding again, and while tasting the dessert, he watched with great interest the distressed expressions of the two little wizards, Harry and Ron.

After a long time, the red roaring letter finally stopped roaring, fell from the air to the ground, and then burned, curly and turned into ashes.

The hood made of milk also fell down, drenching both Ron and Harry.

However, the two of them didn't seem to feel it, they just stood there blankly, as if they had just been run over by a large group of rhinoceros, and their entire faces turned purple.

"Are you all right?"

Hermione, who had cleaned up the surroundings with a cleaning spell at this time, was looking at Ron and Harry worriedly.

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