The trembling fourth-grade little wizards filed into the classroom, sat on their seats, tremblingly looking at Dracula on the podium, wondering what kind of hell would be waiting for them next!

"You seem to be very interested in what happened in the class just now?" Dracula's gaze slowly scanned around, and then he raised the corners of his mouth and asked with a half-smile.

The little wizards swept by Dracula's gaze were all trembling, lowered their heads and dared not speak.

At this time, they only hope that a real warrior can stand up and tell Professor Dracula loudly that they are not interested in the content of the previous class, and please do not let them become the same as those sixth grade students. look!

So the real warrior stood up——

"Professor, we are not interested in the content of the last class!"

The little wizard in the classroom, who lowered his head like an ostrich, was overjoyed, and quietly raised his head with eyes full of admiration, wanting to see who has the courage to confront Professor Dracula's power and oppression head-on!

Then they saw two heads of hair as red as flames...

Immediately, the little wizards felt a "thump" in their hearts, subconsciously feeling something was wrong.

And the Wesley twins didn't disappoint them either.

"That's right, Professor, we're not interested in the class, we're just more interested in your method of making Percy tired." Fred said with a smile.

"That's right, Professor, we must make fun of Percy about this when we go back!" George said.

The little wizards sitting in their seats kept winking at the two standing up, staring at them with angry eyes.However, the twins were so immersed in the joy of laughing at Percy that they didn't realize what they were doing at all, nor did they see the "kind" reminders from their classmates.

"Very good." Dracula looked at the two with a half-smile, and said slowly, "In this case, I can let you experience for yourself how Percy Weiss is "tired as a dog" as you say of."

The desks and chairs of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom were moved to the sides of the classroom again

The next day, Dracula's notoriety spread throughout the Hogwarts castle.

The reason why it spread on the second day instead of becoming widely known that night was not because the impact of this incident was not large enough, but because the students who had experienced the first day of Defense Against the Dark Arts were exhausted and paralyzed , There was no time to tell others about their tragic experience, so they fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until the next day that these students regained a little bit of energy that they remembered to tell the students who hadn't attended the Defense Against the Dark Arts class the content of the class, wishing them to take care, and hoping that their people are okay...

The young wizards at Hogwarts agreed that Professor Dracula was restrained when he first came last year—it was just letting students in a classroom cast a spell on him at the same time. What does this look like now?It's a piece of cake!

In the eyes of the little wizards, in order to let everyone experience what it means to be "tired as a dog", the insane Professor Dracula even did not hesitate to release the improvement class of Defense Against the Dark Arts to the lowest "T" level, We are blatantly unwilling to miss any student!


On the eighth floor of the main tower, the Hogwarts headmaster's office.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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Although the first week of school only required three days of classes, Harry felt that he had had a very difficult week.

On the first day he came to Hogwarts, he encountered an accident. The partition wall between platforms 9 and 10 was blocked, and he could not take the Hogwarts Express.After finally thinking of a way to drive to the castle, he crashed the car into the Whomping Willow, was beaten by the Whomping Willow for a long time, and even lost Mr. Wesley's car...

If Mr. Weasley hadn't sent a letter to Ron later, saying that they did a good job, and the Wesley family received a luxury car called "Rolls-Royce" from Professor Dracula, I am afraid that Harry would Feel even more guilty.

On the second day after school started, Ron received a roaring letter from Mrs. Weasley, and was locked in a soundproof enclosure by Professor Dracula, and was shocked by Mrs. Weasley's loud roaring white.

Not only that, even after several days, Hedwig was still mad at Harry for the disastrous car ride, and feeding him several packs of jerky didn't ease the tension.In order to get revenge on Ron who was driving, Hedwig even almost captured and ate his pet mouse, Scabbers.

If Scabbers hadn't been smart enough to spot Hedwig's malicious eyes in time, and got into Ron's pants in fright, the pet mouse that Ron inherited from Percy would have already become the one that fell in front of Snape that day. indescribable things...

For his beloved Scabbers, Ron and Harry had a quarrel.

These are still trivial matters, the most difficult thing is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by Dracula, Harry and other young wizards are in pain.They never want to experience the feeling of being drained of all their magic power and physical strength again!

It wasn't just Harry's first week that was tough, Ron's was even worse.

After Ron hit the Whomping Willow with his car, the old and worn wand he inherited from the family was broken.

However, the poor Weasley family did not have enough Garen to buy a new wand for Ron. In other words, even if the family had money, Mrs. Weasley would definitely refuse to buy a new wand for Ron who made a big mistake. wand.

Helpless, Ron had to stick the wand up with magic tape himself, thinking that he could use it for a semester first.

But if a few sticky tapes will do the trick, what else does the wizarding world need a stickmaker?Ron's wand was clearly not back to normal, crackling and sparking from time to time.

Especially in Charms class on Friday morning, when Ron uttered a spell, the wand flew out of his hand abruptly, just hitting the little Professor Flitwick's forehead.

Professor Flitwick let out an "Aww", a big green bump immediately bulged up between his eyebrows, and it jumped.

For this reason, Professor Flitwick deducted points from Gryffindor in a rare way.

Not to mention the nightmarish Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the wand in Ron's hand caused him a lot of trouble, and he couldn't even use the simplest spell.

In view of this situation, Dracula had "care" for Rondo, and cast a small spell on him for punishment from time to time, forcing Ron to use his broken wand to cast spells...

With all these sad circumstances, Harry and Ron were glad to finally make it to Friday night.

The two of them lay on the bed exhausted, and immediately fell asleep. They were going to sleep for a whole night, and completely recovered from the grievances they had suffered in the past half a week in their sleep!


Harry was woken early in the morning by a burly figure.He originally wanted to sleep for a few more hours, until noon.

"What...what's the matter?" Harry squinted, confused.

"Quidditch training!" said the burly man. "Get up soon!"

Harry rubbed his eyes, barely half-opened his eyes to look at the sky outside the window, wondering if he had slept too long and forgotten the time.

Outside the window of Gryffindor's bedroom, a thin layer of mist shrouded the pink and pale gold sky, and there were bursts of crisp birdsong outside.

"Oliver," Harry glanced dissatisfied at the burly young man beside him, and found that he was the captain of his Quidditch team, Oliver Wood.

time? "

"I read the time right!" Wood's eyes flashed with fanaticism.

"This is part of our team's new training regimen. Come on, grab your broomstick and come with me," Wood said eagerly. "The other teams haven't started training yet, we're going to die They, defending our Quidditch Champions!"

"Oliver, why do you have so much energy..." Harry looked at Wood's frenzied eyes in disbelief, "Could it be that even Professor Dracula's perverted Defense Against the Dark Arts class can't calm you down?" ?"

"I have to admit that Professor Dracula's class is really painful." Wood's eyes were a little scared, but it was contradictory with a sense of comfort.

"But after the pain, just yesterday when I was practicing Quidditch, I found that my stamina has increased a lot! My God, this is more than my improvement in the past year!" He said, "So I I found out that only extreme exercise can bring us greater improvement. In the future, our Quidditch training will be in line with Professor Dracula's Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

Seeing Wood's solemn expression, Harry was horrified to find that he wasn't joking at all!

"Oliver, I want to ask you a question..." Harry swallowed, "Are you really not masochistic?"

Wood: "..."


After all, Harry didn't tell Wood, and decided to follow his decision to go to Quidditch training.

He yawned, his legs still hadn't recovered from the actual combat training in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he got up from the bed trembling slightly, and started looking for his team uniform.

The rest of the Gryffindor team was already in the dressing room when Harry arrived on the pitch.

He was very fortunate to see that only Wood in the locker room was fully awake.Fred and George didn't seem to have recovered from their Defense Against the Dark Arts ordeal either, sitting distraught, with puffy eyes and matted hair.

The female players next to them, Chasers Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson, sat across from each other, yawning.

Seeing that everyone was there, Wood held up a large schematic diagram of a Quidditch pitch, with lines, arrows, and crosses of various colors drawn on it.He took out his wand and pointed it towards the board, and the arrows squirmed like caterpillars on the board.

In front of the drowsy Gryffindor players, Wood began to explain his new tactics.In fact, no one listened to it at all.

More than an hour later, amidst the snoring in the locker room, Wood, who was intoxicated by his tactics, clapped his hands.

"That's the overall tactic!" he said finally. "Do you have any other questions?"


"Did you not hear a single word of the tactics I have worked so hard to tell you?!" He said angrily.

"It's not that I didn't hear a single word..." Fred rubbed his sleepy eyes, and lifted his head from Angelina's shoulders, "I still heard a sentence—"The overall tactic is like this ", how? Did I repeat it correctly?"

Looking at the unconcerned expressions of the players, Wood was a little unhappy.

"Listen, folks," he said sullenly, "we managed to win the Quidditch trophy last year through a little bit of luck and sheer strength. That's nice!"

"But this year our task is more difficult. The strength of other teams will not stand still. We must work a hundredfold to defend our championship in the end!"

"Enough talk, now let's put the new theory into practice!" Wood said loudly, grabbing his broom and leading the way out of the locker room.

And his team members yawned and followed behind with their numb legs...

However, this week, Harry seemed destined to be unhappy.

After they explained the tactics, not long after training, a group of Slytherin Quidditch players in green robes approached the door.

There is a habit that has been passed down for hundreds of years in Hogwarts, a school of magic, that is, when a lion and a snake meet, a fight will inevitably occur!

Sure enough, after the two teams met,

Immediately a fight broke out.

Wood thought he had secured the pitch, and Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, took out the note signed by Snape——

"I, Professor S. Snape, have allowed the Slytherins to train on the Quidditch pitch today, to train their new Seekers."

He proudly read to the note.

The Gryffindor players then discovered that second-year Draco Malfoy had become Slytherin's new Seeker.

And he didn't rely on his own strength to become a Seeker, he relied on his rich father, Lucius Malfoy——

Lucius donated seven of the latest Nimbus 2001 broomsticks to the Slytherin Quidditch team, and sent Draco to the Slytherin team through the ability of krypton gold.

Naturally, the Slytherin team began to laugh at the Gryffindor players' old sweeping seven-star five broomsticks, while Hermione, who was watching the game, sharply satirized Draco Malfoy for paying to join the team.

Draco was very upset about this, and cursed out one of the most ugly words——

"Nobody asked you, you stinky little Mudblood," he said viciously.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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Dracula's words without warmth made Ron, who was originally full of hope, despair.

"Professor, don't... vomit..." He retched and said in pain, "Don't be so heartless, professor... vomit—"

Just when Ron was about to spit out the next slug, Dracula frowned in disgust, and said a spell very quickly——

"Keep your mouth shut (le)."

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