The auditorium was already crowded with people, and everyone was noisily crowded on the long tables of their respective colleges, discussing what the dueling club would have next, and guessing how the auditorium, which had been used for meals and banquets, would turn into a dueling club venue.

With such a bustling scene, it was as if another opening ceremony or end-of-term banquet was held in the auditorium with the participation of all members!

Dracula habitually looked in the direction of the Gryffindor long table. Unsurprisingly, he saw the twins Fred and George making another bet, as if they were discussing that the club's duel match would be held at Where to do it.

The twins decided that Professor Dracula would let the students stand on a long table to duel, and perhaps let students from different colleges stand on different tables and cast spells on each other. out;

Their roommate, Lee Jordan, thought they would stand in the middle of two long tables, using the table as a dividing line, and whoever went out of bounds or who touched the table would lose...

Watching the mess, Dracula took Hogg out of his pocket

Watts’s title deed, tapped twice on the parchment of the title deed, and then waved to the students present——

The four long dining tables suddenly disappeared, and every little wizard sitting beside the long tables felt a light but irresistible force, lifted their bodies from their seats, and stood up involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, all the seats disappeared along with the long table.

Amidst the bewildered expressions of the little wizards, a gold-plated stage slowly floated up from the ground in the center of the auditorium, illuminated by hundreds of candles floating in the sky, shining brightly.

Instead of reflecting the sky outside, the ceiling became velvety black, as if to focus all the bright spots on the stage in the center of the auditorium.

Chapter 110 Dracula: The Disarming Curse Is Really Hard to Use

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"Before the duel club's first lecture officially begins, we might as well have some appetizers." On the stage, Dracula glanced at Snape maliciously, and the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, "I will be with Snape." Together with Professor Pu, I will give you a small demonstration."

Since you are going to take Dumbledore's place, don't blame me for being rude!

From the perspective of the little wizards below the stage, Dracula's smile looks a bit evil.

But since Snape has always been not very popular among the young wizards, except for the little wizards of Slytherin, the young wizards of the other three colleges are cheering for Dracula loudly, hoping that he can help them teach them a lesson. Nasty Potions Master.

"Professor Dracula, help us beat Snape hard!" Ron also joined in the fun and shouted.

However, I don't know if Snape paid special attention to him and Harry. Even though there were not too few little wizards shouting like this, when Ron yelled this sentence in the noisy crowd, Snape Pu Lingli's eyes still swept over with precision.

Ron shivered suddenly, and looked at Harry tremblingly.

"Oops, Harry, Snape once again found me speaking ill of him..." His mouth formed a bitter trapezoid, and his whole face wrinkled, "What should I do? I won't Will he be dealt with under the guise of a duel?"

Harry gave Ron a sympathetic look, and patted him on the shoulder, "Go on, Ron!"

Ron's expression became even more bitter.

Now he can only look helplessly at the stage in the center of the auditorium, hoping that Professor Dracula can directly beat Snape unconscious, so that he may survive...

On the stage, Dracula, whom Ron had placed high hopes on, had already stood face to face with Snape at the front and back ends of the stage.

"Duel is a traditional activity in the magic world. It is not about two people pulling out their wands to fight randomly, but there are many rules and restrictions." Dracula told the little wizards in the audience, "For example, now , before the duel begins, the wizards of the two parties should bow to each other as a sign of courtesy."

He smoothed the black and red cloak on his body, and bowed gracefully towards Snape.

Snape, on the other hand, had a dignified face. After bowing in a proper manner, he clutched his wand tightly to his chest with a serious expression.

For this scene, Harry and other young wizards who knew Snape were very surprised.

Originally, they thought that according to Snape's character of never looking straight at people, he probably wouldn't bow to his opponent honestly.

However, today's Snape changed from his previous casual expression to a serious face, and even bowed properly.

They had never seen such a serious potions master!

Under the surprised eyes of many young wizards, Dracula and Snape had finished saluting each other, and then they held their wands like swords in front of their chests.

"As you can see, the dueling parties will hold the wand in a specific posture," Dracula introduced to the crowd that gradually quieted down in the audience, "If it is a formal duel match, there will be a referee to count; If it's a private duel like ours, it's fine for both duelists to count together."

"On the count of three, we will cast the first spell immediately. Of course, in a friendly duel like this, neither side of the duel will use those extremely lethal curses to kill people."

Hearing Dracula's words, Ron in the audience showed an expression of extreme disappointment.

"I'm still waiting for Professor Dracula to finish Snape with a lethal spell!" he whispered.

On the edge of the stage, a very active little Gryffindor wizard has volunteered to act as the referee of this duel, standing by and counting loudly for the two professors——

"one two Three--"

The instant the number "three" landed, Snape jerked his wand over his shoulder.

"Disarm!" he yelled.

A dazzling red light suddenly flashed across the stage and hit Dracula instantly.

Dracula, who was under a spell, remained motionless, as if he had no reaction to the spell, but the wand in his hand was thrown high into the air.

Come on, drop it straight into Snape's hand...

"Ah? Professor Dracula's wand has been removed?!" Seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar.

The little wizards couldn't imagine that Professor Dracula, who was expected by the three academies to beat Snape, was disarmed of his wand and became unarmed after only one move with Snape.

How can you fight without a wand?

After a brief silence, several other Slytherin students headed by Draco Malfoy suddenly cheered and began to applaud excitedly.

In addition, he also wanted to persuade the little wizards not to rely too much on the wand, or else they would suffer a big loss when they met someone like Dracula who didn't hold a wand.

"As we all know, wizards in the magic world are very dependent on their wands, and even more serious wizards will lose their sense of security without their wands." Dracula explained seriously, "Therefore, the successful casting of the Disarming Curse can Defeat most wizards."

"But there are exceptions to everything—"

After saying this, Dracula suddenly raised his right index finger to Snape—

"Except your weapons."

The next moment, a red light that was more dazzling than Snape's Disarming Curse shot out from Dracula's fingertips and hit Snape fiercely.

He was so shocked that he couldn't stand still, and flew towards the back of the stage, and the wand in his hand was thrown high, and finally landed in Dracula's hand.

Snape's eyes tightened, and at the last moment when he was about to fall off the stage, his figure suddenly turned into a black phantom, landing abruptly on the edge of the stage.

The young wizards in the audience first marveled at Dracula's spell, and then sighed regretfully when they saw that Snape did not fall below the duel stage.

Among them, the three brothers Fred, George and Ron sighed the loudest.

"See? Even if the opponent is disarmed, he still can't take it lightly." Dracula raised the corner of his mouth, and then said to the little wizards.

"There are always some wizards who are more proficient in using spells and can cast spells without a staff. Therefore, for opponents who have lost their weapons, I suggest that you make up a petrification spell or stun spell in time to make them lose their fighting ability completely. "

"like this--"

With that said, Dracula raised Snape's birch wand that he had just seized in his hand——

"Dizzy ( )."

A pale red curse shot at Snape from afar.

Snape gritted his teeth, and dodged the stun spell on the spot, then raised Dracula's ash wand that he had just obtained with the Disarming Curse, and shouted——

"All petrified (alus)!"

Dracula didn't care about the petrification spell that Snape was about to cast, and even put down his wand, folded his hands on his chest, and watched him cast the spell as if watching a play.

In the audience, Fred and George looked at Dracula's actions with some eagerness.

"Why is Professor Dracula not moving again? It's easy to overturn if you are careless!" George murmured urgently.

"We threw in all the remaining Galleons, don't let us lose everything, Professor Dracula!" Fred also stamped his feet anxiously.

However, the scene where the little wizards expected Dracula to be shot by the curse did not happen.

After Snape uttered the petrifying spell, the wand in his hand suddenly trembled, and then, a spark flickered on the wand——

The light of the petrification spell suddenly shot out from the end of the wand!


Snape's eyes were fixed, but his physical reaction was quite quick. Almost at the moment when the magic spell lit up from the end of the ash wand, he immediately threw away the wand in his hand, and fell sideways to the ground.

Because of his timely response, he narrowly escaped most of the magic power erupted by the petrification curse, only his left arm was scratched by his petrification curse and became stiff.

However, Snape forgot that he was still on the edge of the stage, and fell to the ground, which meant that he fell to the bottom of the stage——

With the sound of "Winter", Snape fell heavily to the ground below the stage.

The surrounding little wizards retreated a large distance in an instant.

Leaving, for fear that he would accidentally become the punching bag of the bad-tempered Dean Slytherin.

As a result, a rare vacuum appeared around Snape...

"That's another thing I want to tell you." Dracula said happily, seeing Snape's distressed image on the ground, "Don't use other people's wands casually after you seize them, there may be some mechanism Woolen cloth?"

Chapter 110 Ron: Use the Disarming Curse on Me Quickly

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"Hey! Harry, did you see that? Professor Dracula learned how to defeat Snape from my wand!"

Ron looked excitedly at the scene just now, jumping excitedly, shaking Harry's shoulders constantly, "Professor Dracula learned the method from me, that is to say, he used my method." The method, to briefly summarize, that is to say——I defeated Snape!"

Ron's emotions were very excited, as if it was not Dracula who defeated Snape, but himself!

Harry glanced at him, and was about to complain about something, but suddenly his expression changed, his body tensed, he turned his head away, and froze in place.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Ron looked at his movements suspiciously, and poked his ribs, "I see, you don't want to admit my excellence, you want to change the subject!"

Harry was a little itchy from being poked, he suppressed a smile, and quietly pouted his lips in the direction of the stage.

"What are you doing, Harry? Why aren't you talking?" Ron poked Harry in the ribs again.

This time Harry couldn't hold it anymore anymore, and burst out laughing with a "puchi".

"Ron, don't be complacent here, look at the other end of the stage!" He said with a smile.

"What can there be over there, except for Snape who just became the defeat of Professor Dracula..." Ron said, "Wait, Snape?"

Speaking of Snape's name, Ron suddenly woke up, his heart beating wildly.

He immediately covered his mouth to prevent any inappropriate remarks, and then carefully looked in the direction where Snape had just landed on the stage.

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