Everyone had been waiting on empty stomachs for a long time, and after Dumbledore's brief speech, everyone began to feast.

Only Dracula took a disgusted look at Maoxuewang on the plate, tapped the side of the plate with a spoon, replaced it with a Polish duck blood soup, and then tasted it with satisfaction.

Chapter 10 Dracula in the Office

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After the opening banquet, Professor Dumbledore stood up again.The auditorium also returned to silence.

He put forward some precautions to the little wizards, and told them not to go to the Forbidden Forest and not to cast spells in the corridor.

Dumbledore's expression was not very serious, and these reminders may not be effective.

At least when Dracula, who was sitting on the professor's seat, glanced at the audience, he could clearly see the look of eagerness in the eyes of many little Gryffindor wizards.

After talking about the precautions and a notice, Dumbledore's expression suddenly became solemn.

"Finally, I must tell everyone that those who do not want to encounter accidents and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor." He said seriously.

There seemed to be a few laughter from the audience, as if they thought Dumbledore was joking.

Dracula turned curiously to the short Professor Flitwick beside him, and asked, "He doesn't look like he's joking."

"Oh! Indeed not." Professor Flitwick replied with his characteristic sharp voice, "Albus seems to want to protect something. Some time ago, some of our main course professors set up some interesting checkpoints to prevent that thing from Stolen by thieves."

"Oh? Why didn't I know about this, isn't Defense Against the Dark Arts a main class?" Dracula asked.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts is of course the main course! Cough, even though I haven't enjoyed the treatment of the main course in the past few decades..." Professor Flitwick stroked his mustache, and said awkwardly, "But Professor Dracula, don't you It's normal to know that, you happened to be away when Albus asked someone to set up the level, so I asked Quirrell to set it up for you."

"That's right." Dracula nodded.

The next moment, he saw the smile on Professor Flitwick's face froze.

Standing in the middle of the professor's seat, facing all the students, Dumbledore flicked his wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, which twisted and coiled high above the dining table like a snake. Lines of text.

"Each one chooses his own tune," said Dumbledore. "Get ready, sing!"

Hearing the "singing" of all the teachers and students, Dracula's expression froze.

"Wait, 1000 years have passed, and Hogwarts' school song hasn't been composed yet?!"

In the noisy "singing" like a quarrel, Dracula loudly asked Professor Flitwick beside him.

Professor Flitwick was so happy not to sing with everyone, he stood on the chair and said loudly: "Every headmaster thinks this is a Hogwarts tradition, and no one wants to break it!"

Dracula was speechless, not knowing what expression to make.

He also vaguely remembered that Ravenclaw had written the lyrics of the Hogwarts school song 1000 years ago.But since the music of that era in Britain was still very backward, people at that time also knew how to play the bagpipes, play the lute and so on.

In order to prevent the repertoire of the school song from lowering the style of Hogwarts too much, the four founders handed down the words alone, hoping that there will be excellent wizard composers in future generations to compose moving tunes for the Hogwarts school song.

Who would have thought that the later principals would take the fact that they did not compose the school song as the deep meaning of the founders, and they always followed the tradition of free tunes, even today, 1000 years later.

After resisting listening to the school song, Dracula returned to his office.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office is located on the third floor, connected to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the second floor.Every time a class is held, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts only needs to open the side door of the office and walk down a short set of steps to get to the classroom easily.

Dracula was not at all sure whether this layout had always been like this, or if it was specially arranged by Dumbledore to guard against his habit of jumping out of windows...

In the office decorated with a dark aesthetic, Dracula met his teaching assistant, Quirrell.

"So the way you get rid of the garlic smell is to cover it with a worse stench??"

Before Quirrell came in, Dracula frowned and set up a dark barrier, shutting him tightly behind the barrier.

"De...Professor Dracula, you have to be considerate...understand me." Quirrell stood behind the barrier, stammering

Said. "Because I met... met a vampire in Romania, in order to prevent him from coming... to me, I can only do this."

Hearing Quirrell's reason, Dracula's eyes moved slightly.

"Have you ever seen a Romanian vampire?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, it is."

"How are they doing now?" Dracula's attitude became a little more serious, and he sat upright from the back of the chair and looked at Quirrell.

"What...what's the situation?" Quirrell looked at him blankly.

"Their behavioral habits, ways of doing things, mental outlook, ethnic group prosperity and so on." Dracula showed a smile that he thought was kind, and even endured the smell and put Quirrell into the office from behind the barrier. "Don't put too much pressure on it, just talk casually."

"Eh..." Quirrell was a little dazed, and stammered, "It's just... just the same as usual, the vampire is... still as brutal as before, with a blue face, an ugly face... ugly, and a thin body..."

"When he saw me, he rushed over and wanted to suck blood. I...of course I didn't want to, so I fought...with him. I...we fought for a long time, and I used...a magic spell to drive... him away ..."

"Enough, it's all nonsense!"

Dracula's face darkened the more he listened, until he couldn't listen anymore, and slapped him out of the door.

"I don't care what reason you find, to get rid of the smell on your body, or to fire you, you choose one!"

Quirrell fell out the door and slammed the back of his head against a pillar in the corridor.

He stretched out his hand to rub his painful head, but when he stretched his hand halfway, there was a vicious curse in his mind.

Quirrell hastily retracted the hand that was almost on the back of his head, stood up and left Dracula's office disheartened.

However, he had just walked a few steps when he was suddenly grabbed back by an invisible big hand.

"One more thing." Dracula once again spread out a barrier to isolate the smell, and asked behind the barrier, "I heard that you have set a checkpoint for the thing that Dumbledore wants to protect? What is it that he wants to protect?" do you know?"

Hearing Dracula's question, Quirrell tensed up all of a sudden.

"I...I don't know very well, I'm only responsible for setting up...levels." He said cautiously.

"I guess you don't know either." Dracula pouted, "So what's in the level?"

"One...a troll."

Quirrell was thrown out of the office again, his head banged on the same pillar.

"I said how could you smell like this, it turned out to be the smell of the troll." Dracula frowned in disgust.

"Go and throw your troll out of Hogwarts right away, I'll arrange the levels!"

Chapter 11 First Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

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September 1991nd in [-] was a Monday.

Today, Dracula also ushered in his first class as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

Nine o'clock in the morning is the time for the first class of Hogwarts to start. Under the effect of magic, the bell on the high tower resounded on time throughout the campus.

Dracula also pushed open the side door of the office the moment the bell rang, and walked down the marble steps on the right front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Half of the students under the podium wore school robes with red collars, and more than half wore school robes with yellow collars. It was obvious that they were young wizards from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

At this moment, they sat neatly on their seats, staring at the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Whether it is the little wizards of the Lion Academy or the Badger Academy, they secretly guess in their hearts whether this professor with outstanding appearance and temperament will have the extraordinary teaching ability like his appearance, or will he be superficial, like Are previous professors as bad?

"Good morning everyone." Dracula simply greeted the students.

He stood still on the podium, looked up and scanned the young wizards under the stage, and found two acquaintances among them, the Weasley twins of Gryffindor.

"Good morning, professor!" The students in the audience said in unison.

Dracula nodded, and continued:

"After yesterday's banquet, everyone must have known that I am your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. You can call me Professor Dracula."

"I hope you guys can make me happy for the rest of the time...ah no, I mean, I hope you all have a good time."

Dracula, who almost told the truth, didn't change his face, and immediately switched to the main topic, "Okay, without further ado, let's start the first class of this semester. What we are going to talk about today is..."

Having said that, he glanced at his empty hands and the smooth desk with only a pointer on it, and paused for a while.

Dracula found that because of his laziness, the textbook "Black Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense" he had selected according to the usual practice, as well as the thick volume of lesson plans written by his teaching assistant Chilo, all fell on the desk in the office .

In other words, he came to teach the students empty-handed...

Although the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office was very close to the classroom, and even though Dracula could send the teaching materials flying over with a snap of his fingers, it seemed that the new professor was too unprofessional to do so.

He didn't allow this to happen in his first class!

So Dracula smiled indifferently, and changed his words: "...The content is, the spell-casting ability test!"

Looking at the bewildered faces of the little wizards, he showed a malicious smile.

"All of you, use your best spells on me one by one." Dracula said, "You are already in the third grade, let me see what you have learned during the two years at Hogwarts." what!"

Without waiting for the students to react, he walked straight off the podium and came to a young wizard sitting in the first row.

"Let's start with you, Mr. Hufflepuff." He said to the little wizard in the yellow collar.

Looking at this young man with a young face, but already very handsome, Dracula's eyes showed a hint of appreciation, and he felt that he had a bit of vampire aristocratic temperament.

"Professor Dracula, isn't this appropriate?" The Hufflepuff boy hesitated.

"There's no need to shrink back in class." Dracula raised the corners of his mouth and asked provocatively, "If you don't even have the courage to attack the professor, how can you become an outstanding wizard?"

After hearing these words, the boy nodded heavily, "I understand, Professor."

He gritted his teeth and raised his wand to Dracula——


With a smile on the corner of Dracula's mouth, he slightly raised his hand, and took the stun spell with his palm.

If you observe carefully, you can see that when the spell hit Dracula's palm, it was like running water colliding with a rock, and the magic power attached to it was scratched on the skin, then flowed, and finally dissipated in the air. did not cause him

No harm done.

The little wizards in the classroom all opened their mouths wide, watching this scene in disbelief.

"Casting spells neatly is quite good at your age." Not paying attention to the shock of the young wizards, Dracula nodded in satisfaction and asked, "What's your name?"

"Diggory, Professor. My name is Cedric Diggory," said the Hufflepuff boy.

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