"The legs are soft and the feet are soft (ly)!"

The next moment, a violent explosion occurred in front of Seamus...

Looking at Seamus with a dark face in front of him, Ron couldn't help laughing, "As expected of you, Seamo, the blasting ghost, can even use the Soft Legs Curse as a bomb!"

Then, he confidently raised his wand and pointed it at Seamus, feeling that he had a chance of winning—

"Grilled hot and spicy ()!"

The next moment, the pimple curse cast by Ron himself hit his stomach...

Seeing the pimple-faced Ron, the dark-faced Seamus also laughed, "As expected of you, the genius Ron, I knew you were the best at beating yourself up!"

Chapter 110 Five Harry: I'm About to Use the Disarming Charm

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Dracula's voice rang out on the stage and filled the auditorium.

An invisible light curtain spread out from the center of Dracula on the stage, and gently swept across all the second-year little wizards who were in the duel.

The chaotic spell in the auditorium disappeared in an instant, Seamus with a dark face, Ron with pimples all over his body, Harry who was dancing so high, Draco who couldn't stop laughing...

All the symptoms of these little wizards who were recruited by each other recovered.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Now there are only two young wizards left in the chaotic duel——

Hermione and Millicent are still dueling between the two of them!

Millicent clamped her head with an arm thicker than Hermione's thigh, and Hermione screamed in pain, tearing at Millicent's hair frantically...

Both of their wands had been forgotten on the floor, and neither of them had forgotten that this was a magical duel, subconsciously thinking it was an everyday Muggle brawl.

Dracula held his forehead secretly and shook his head helplessly.

After all, Miss Granger was still nervous about fighting.She had this problem as early as the second half of the first grade, when she went to look for the Philosopher's Stone with Harry and Ron, and she hasn't completely corrected it until now.

When Millicent knew that she couldn't beat Hermione with magic, so when she rushed towards her with a strong body, Hermione immediately became flustered under the weight of oppression, her brain went blank, and her mind stored A large number of magical theories seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

So, the two little witches finally returned to the original, and started a hand-to-hand fight...

Dracula waved his hand lightly, Hermione and Millicent's muscles suddenly lost their strength, loosely loosened their opponent's neck and hair, and were easily separated by Harry and Ron who came in a hurry.

"Your strikes are too light and heavy, and you have violated many rules of dueling." Dracula criticized.But his eyes were not serious at all, instead he was excited, "In order to prevent this phenomenon from happening to young wizards of other grades, I think it is necessary to find two young wizards to demonstrate—"

He pretended to choose, and then looked at Ron and Seamus in the audience with great interest, "Or just the two of you, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Finnigan."

Ron glanced at his broken wand in bewilderment, and Seamus stroked his hair that was still "flashing with rage" from the explosion, and looked at Professor Dracula standing on the central stage of the auditorium in disbelief.

"Us?" they asked suspiciously.

"Ahem!" Before Dracula nodded, Snape finally couldn't stand it anymore and coughed twice.

"Professor Dracula, if you want to appreciate the art of explosions and the performance of self-mutilation, you might as well watch them privately in the future." Snape rolled his upper lip and looked maliciously at Ron and Seamus, who were not far away. Another little wizard not far away,

"Potter, Malfoy, why don't you two come up and show everyone?"

Dracula shrugged, looked at Ron and Seamus with regret, but nodded.

"Well, the duel between Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy was also very exciting, not losing to Wesley and Finnigan at all." He chuckled lightly, "Listen to Professor Snape, you two come to the stage superior."

Harry glanced at Snape angrily, then gave Malfoy a hostile look, then quickly walked up to the stage in the middle of the auditorium, standing next to Dracula, not wanting to approach Snape at all .

Not to be outdone, Malfoy walked up to the stage with his head held high, and stood beside his dean, staring at Harry.

Snape took two steps closer to Malfoy, bowed his head and whispered something to him.Malfoy's eyes lit up, his expression immediately became extremely confident, and he sneered.

Seeing Malfoy, who had obviously been taught by Snape, who might cast some vicious spells, Harry nervously looked up at Dracula.

"Professor, Snape seems to have secretly taught Malfoy a spell, can you temporarily teach me a way to stop him?" He asked in a low voice.

"Scared?" Mal

Seeing Harry's performance, Fu lowered his voice and said.

"You are dreaming!" Harry gritted his teeth and burst out these words from the corner of his mouth.

"Before the official duel, the two opponents should not whisper to each other." Dracula glanced at Malfoy.

Then, he turned his head to look at Harry, "Well, in order not to let Professor Snape, who is partial to Slytherin, disrupt the balance of this duel, it seems that I should also tell you some practical little spells. "

"Well... that's it, have you heard of the Locking Tongue Curse?" Dracula stood still, but his voice reached Harry's ears very precisely, and Malfoy and Snape didn't hear him at all.

"I've never heard of it." Harry shook his head blankly.

"It's okay, this is a very simple spell that can be learned quickly. Although it can't completely seal a person's voice like the forbidden spell, it can make the opponent's tongue stick to the roof of the mouth." Dracula said, "Little wizards in the second year don't know how to cast spells silently, so if you can make your opponent unable to speak spells clearly, you can easily interrupt his spellcasting."

"The tongue-locking spell is "Langlous!" "

By coincidence, he subconsciously uttered the disarming spell that Snape and Dracula had used on stage before!

A red light shot straight at Malfoy, knocking his wand high into the air!

Seeing this scene, Dracula was taken aback.

Dare to just comment for a long time, the Disarming Curse is not easy to use, so the comment is in vain?

... This little wizard with no eyesight actually used the Disarming Charm in front of him, and the key is to use it well!

Chapter 110 Six Parseltongue

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After the wand in Malfoy's hand was blown away by the Disarming Curse, the big black snake on the stage did not dissipate.

It seemed to lose control all of a sudden, but became more fierce.

"Once the summoning spell is cast, it is equivalent to a real magical creation." Dracula reminded at the right time, "Before the magic power of the caster is exhausted, unless it is resolved with the disappearing spell, otherwise it will not be destroyed." Dissipates as the caster is disarmed from the wand."

"Do you still have to be brave at a time like this, Potter?" Snape squeezed his wand tightly, but his words were still in a sarcastic tone,

"Do you really regard yourself as the savior of the magic world, no matter what you face, you can easily save yourself from danger?"

However, Harry didn't hear what Snape said at all, his mind was extremely concentrated-


Harry didn't understand why he did it, nor did he realize that he had decided to do it.He didn't even wave his wand, but stupidly yelled at the black snake.

However, his seemingly silly actions were very effective, and a miracle happened——

Under Harry's incredulous gaze, the black snake collapsed on the floor, became docile and tame, as supple as a thick, black watering hose, and stared at Harry non-aggressively.

Looking at this picture, Harry felt his fear disappear little by little.

He knew that the snake would never attack anyone again... As for how he knew it, he couldn't say.

But Harry at least knew he had won!

He grinned openly, and looked up at Malfoy, trying to see unwillingness, anger, and violent emotions on his face.

However, Malfoy did not show the expression Harry imagined. Instead, he shrank back a step with confusion mixed with a little panic.

Snape stepped forward, waved his wand—

"Oolong dissipates (Vipera Evanea)."

The black snake turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared.

Snape also looked at him in a way that surprised Harry: it was a very surprised, very meaningful look, and Harry didn't like it very much.

He was also vaguely aware that the crowd offstage were whispering and talking about him in private.

Harry looked at Professor Dracula walking towards him blankly, and wanted to ask a lot of questions, wanting to know what happened when he was busy dealing with the black snake and didn't have time to react?

"Mr. Potter, come to my office, I have some questions to ask you." Dracula said.

His burgundy eyes were full of exuberant interest, even a little fiery, and Harry wanted to avoid his gaze unconsciously.

However, Dracula stretched out his hand involuntarily, grabbed the hood of his school robe from behind Harry, and picked him up easily, just like lifting a chicken.

"Professor Snape, I have to leave a few minutes early for today's dueling club meeting." Dracula turned his head to look at Snape, evoking a pleasant smile, "I will leave it to you to take care of the competitions of other grades." gone."

"If you feel that one person is too busy, you can call Professor Flitwick over to help. Don't forget that he was the dueling champion back then!"

After saying this, before Snape agreed, Dracula carried Harry in his arms and disappeared instantly.

"Wait..." Snape wanted to retort a few words, but there was no time to speak.

So, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then he turned his eyes viciously to the young wizards who were chattering under the stage.

"Shut up for me!"

Snape took out his anger at Dracula's place on the students, "Tell me, did the slime from the Flobberworm seep into your thick skulls? Or how do you think Potter just dealt with it?" Does that snake have anything to do with you?"

"I'm deeply suspicious of your wizard identities right now—whispering and chattering, are you students who came to Hogwarts to study magic or are you parrots sitting on the owl tower?!"


The little wizards fell silent tremblingly, and Snape on the stage

He began to reprimand him for not uttering a single dirty word and holding a gun with a stick.


In the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, the figures of Dracula and Harry suddenly appeared.

As soon as he returned to the office, Dracula snapped his fingers impatiently.

When I flew to the principal's office, I opened it, and the window that hadn't been closed so far closed with a "snap". Immediately, the heavy curtains were automatically drawn, blocking the stars outside the window.

Because there were not many lights on in the office, the light suddenly became dim.

And Dracula's attention was on Harry at this time, because vampires love the dark habit, they didn't notice the light problem in the office at all.

He waved his hand casually, and a seat placed on the side of the office moved sideways and stopped directly behind Harry.

Harry was then pushed into a chair by Dracula.

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