"It's different," Riddle said. "I didn't have Harry Potter's full trust before, so there were many ways I couldn't use it. But it's different now—"

"Under the circumstances that Harry Potter has completely trusted me, I can completely let him use a special bottle to collect the leftover blood and give it to me. As long as Dracula can pay more attention to this side Lighten up a bit, and I'll have Potter's blood in no time!"

Voldemort frowned and looked at Snape, seated first to his right.

"Severus, tell me, is there anything wrong with what my double said?" he asked.

"No problem." Snape glanced at Riddle indifferently, and said, "Your avatar is now a teaching assistant for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

, has time to tutor Harry Potter alone every day, and is really trusted by him.So what he just said is not wrong..."

"But—" Snape suddenly changed into a more serious tone, "The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is Dracula! I don't believe that your avatar can hide from Dracula and become his Teaching Assistant!"

"So you mean..." Voldemort asked, his voice extremely low.

"What I mean is... Your avatar has probably been discovered by Dracula, and the avatar sitting here may have been tampered with by him!"

Snape looked sharply into Riddle's eyes.

Chapter 120 Voldemort is ready to do something

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"What if I say... I wasn't manipulated by Dracula?" Under Snape's sharp eyes, Riddle stared back coldly.

"That's just your one-sided opinion." Snape was unmoved.His eyes were cold and empty, like two dark passages.

The two looked at each other with cold eyes, and the air between them seemed to freeze.

"Okay, Severus, Tom, you two can stop now." Voldemort's voice suddenly sounded from the front of the living room of Malfoy Manor, interrupting the almost frozen atmosphere.

"Severus, don't doubt my clone anymore." He said, "I've confirmed that he hasn't been manipulated by Dracula, and he can still be completely trusted."

Snape's eyes froze for a moment, and then he slowly turned his gaze back to the table in front of him.

"I see, Master." He said softly.

Riddle cocked the corner of his mouth at Snape and showed a provocative look, but he didn't receive any response.

He curled his lips in self-indulgence, but in his heart he was very disdainful of Voldemort's promise just now in front of everyone——

Riddle knew that Voldemort must have quietly checked his soul fragments for any problems while he and Snape were looking at each other.

Voldemort's willingness to believe Riddle was never out of trust in him, but simply out of confidence in himself.

Whether or not the soul fragments in the horcrux have been passively manipulated, he can't go wrong with close perception!

However, what Voldemort didn't expect was that Dracula didn't do anything to Riddle at all.

Dracula just used words to confuse him, so that Riddle, the Horcrux diary, betrayed Voldemort's camp and joined Dracula's team...

After joining Dracula's team, whether it was Snape's report or Voldemort's inspection, Riddle was terrified——

He was afraid that Voldemort would find out about his absorption of another Horcrux, and he was also afraid that Snape would find out that he had taken refuge in Dracula...

During the short meeting time, Riddle spent all the time trembling and tense.That is to say, Riddle inherited Voldemort's memory, possessed a strong acting talent and adaptability skills, so he could barely cope with Snape's cold gaze and Voldemort's inspection.

In order to avoid his own flaws, he quickly found an excuse to leave.

"In order not to be discovered by Dracula, I can't leave Hogwarts for too long." Riddle said, "Are there other important things? If not, I will leave first."

"There is nothing more important." Voldemort thought for a moment, then said to Riddle in a deep voice, "Your only task, which is extremely important to us, is to bring me the thing I want before Halloween! "

Riddle nodded silently, then disappeared in place.

After leaving Malfoy Manor, he let out a long sigh of relief, and quickly returned to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office at Hogwarts.

"You mean... Snape is definitely on Voldemort's side?" Dracula held a lollipop in his mouth, and looked with interest at Riddle, whose expression was still a little scared, "In such a short few minutes, how did you find out?"

"Not long after this meeting of the Death Eaters started, Snape pointed the finger at me..." Riddle said in shock, "I thought he would at least hide something from me... as Hogwarts Ci's teaching assistant, at least I can be regarded as his colleague!"

"But he didn't! He exposed the fact that I was working for you as soon as he came up, and urged Voldemort to stop believing my words. If I, as a fragment of his soul, still maintain a normal state, Voldemort may You really have to suspect me..."

Riddle gave a detailed account of Snape's performance in the Death Eater's episode, and then stared intently into Dracula's eyes.

"Professor Dracula, only by getting rid of the spy Snape, can I work for you more safely!" He said seriously.

"I see." Dracula nodded casually, took the lollipop stick out of his mouth, and threw it in the trash can beside him.

Seeing that Riddle was still standing there, he waved his hand casually and said, "Go back and rest first, I will deal with this matter."

Dracula's nonchalant attitude made Riddle's expression froze for a moment. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only leave the office with a cold face.

"What's next?"

Watching Riddle leave, Dracula opened the window boredly, admiring the Hogwarts Castle in the night.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office is located in the overall rectangular teaching area, on the east side of the third floor, and is connected to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom that is close to the east corridor on the second floor.

Looking towards the southwest side of the castle from the lower third floor, you can see an extremely tall and magnificent cylindrical building-that is the main tower of Hogwarts castle.

The main tower has a total of eight floors, and each floor is very high. The top floor is a wide spire covered with tiles, full of simple and atmospheric style.

The spire is connected to three small towers that rise in sequence, which is the Hogwarts principal's office on the eighth floor of the main tower.

At this late night, in the dark and dark night, there were no stars in the sky, almost all the lights of Hogwarts Castle had already been extinguished, and the world was dark.

With excellent night vision capabilities, Dracula's office did not turn on the lights, blending in with the deep night.

However, the three small towers outside the spire of the main tower are faintly lit up, adding a bit of color to the night.

"It seems that tonight is not so boring!" Dracula raised the corner of his mouth.

He stepped lightly on the window sill and jumped into the dark night.

In this dark night, Dracula didn't need to avoid the eyes of the little wizards at all. He stretched out a pair of wide wings and flew lightly in the protective color of the night.

In this cold weather, the window of the principal's office was not closed, and a candle was placed on the window sill, shaking gently in the wind.

Dracula's figure quietly appeared beside the candle, blocking the rare light in this night.

"Ah, you're here, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore lightly supported the glasses on his crooked nose, and smiled happily, "It's cold today, please help me take the window when you get down. "

"You seem to have been waiting for me here for a long time?" Dracula frowned slightly, jumped off the window frame lightly, and closed the window casually.

"Ah, it wasn't long before I opened the window when Severus left, waiting for you to come." Dumbledore rubbed his hands that were a little red from the cold, "I'm really old, I still feel like closing the window It's warmer."

"Mind if I light a fireplace?"

Before Dracula agreed, Dumbledore waved his wand and lit the fireplace next to the desk.

Green flames rose high from the fireplace, and the room suddenly became warm.

"Tell me, what did you stay up so late to tell me?" Dracula glanced at the fireplace with green flames, and lay down skillfully on the sofa next to the Sorting Hat. "Let me tell you, You should really learn how that old fellow Niko does."

"He goes to bed at 600 o'clock every night and wakes up at [-] o'clock in the morning. With a body of more than [-] years old, he can still walk on the ground." Dracula said with a chuckle.

"To be honest, I also envy Nicole's leisurely life." Dumbledore shook his head with a smile, "Originally, he still needed to worry about others coveting the legendary Sorcerer's Stone, but now after I entrust the Sorcerer's Stone to you for safekeeping, , and the last worry is gone.”

"Now he doesn't have to worry about anything. He only needs to watch dramas and study magic every day to live comfortably."

"Doing those repetitive things every day, where is it comfortable?" Dracula disapproved, "But his boring life has indeed made his work and rest more regular."

"If it is possible, which old man is willing to stay up late? But I have no other way, if I don't solve Voldemort's problem, I can't sleep or eat, Professor Dracula!"

With a smile in Dumbledore's eyes, he looked deeply at Dracula.

"If you feel sorry for me as an old man, you can promise to help me get rid of Voldemort. In this way, I don't have to be like those energetic young people.

Stayed up all night like a young man. ’ he said with a smile.

"If I love you, an old man, who will love me, an old man?" Dracula shrugged. ... I will not look for trouble and take such a troublesome task for myself."

"You're joking, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore smiled, covered his mouth and yawned, "Which old man would be so energetic like you without sleeping for a few days?"

Dracula closed his eyes, too lazy to go back and forth with Dumbledore, the old fox, talking those unnutritious words.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to tell me?" He asked straight to the point.

"Don't worry, there's still one of us who hasn't arrived yet!" Dumbledore said with a chuckle, looking at the fireplace beside him.


On the other side, in the living room of Malfoy Manor.

After Riddle left, the remaining Death Eaters continued their previous killing.

"Do you understand the next plan?" Voldemort asked coldly, scanning the Death Eaters present with his scarlet eyes.

"Understood, Master." All the Death Eaters present replied solemnly.

"Very good, then let's discuss the main task of everyone in this operation."

Voldemort stared into everyone's eyes one by one, until they were so frightened that cold sweat broke out on their heads, and then slowly said the next sentence.

"Start with you, Severus." Voldemort pointed his wand at Snape, who was sitting first on his right, "Tell me about how to accomplish your mission."

Snape nodded expressionlessly.

"I will stay at Hogwarts, cast spells on the owls and magic messages that come and go, and block Dracula and Dumbledore's access to information." He said calmly, "If Dumbledore and Dracula have If I want to leave the castle, I will try my best to stop them and use other things to hold them back until our operation is over!"

"Severus is right!" Voldemort's hoarse voice rang out.

"Dracula and Dumbledore are the two biggest obstacles in our plan. We must hold them back to succeed! Although we have two undercover agents in Hogwarts, my clone has other tasks, so only You will be able to hold back these two obstacles."

"Severus, for the sake of the confidentiality of your identity, you don't need to participate in this operation." Voldemort said in a deep voice, "All you need to do is to try your best to hold Dracula and Dumbledore back, the longer it takes The better!"

Snape nodded slowly.

"Yaxley, where is the Ministry of Magic?" Voldemort suddenly turned his head to look to the left.

Yaxley was different from other Death Eaters who were covered in black. His black robe was embroidered with gorgeous and complicated patterns, which seemed to show his unique temperament as one of the 28 saints.

Voldemort's sudden question startled him.

Yaxley shivered subconsciously, and then he realized that he began to introduce his job content.

"I have bought off the Aurors and observers who were stationed in Azkaban at the end of October. They thought I was just visiting the Yaxley family members who were in prison."

"But where are those locked up waste worth my visit?" He sneered and said, "At that time, I will destroy the communicators of Azkaban and the Ministry of Magic while they are not paying attention, and cut off their The possibility of finding reinforcements!"

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