He first drove the blood man Barrow who came to apologize with indifference from the ghost party, and then he also drove the fat monk who came to be a peacemaker aside.

The bloody Barrow, the culprit who turned Helena Ravenclaw into a ghost, really couldn't make Dracula treat him well.

"Uncle Dracula, thank you for venting your anger on me just now." Helena said with a smile as she raised her eyebrows.There was no trace of the usual cold expression on her face.

"It's a small matter." Dracula said casually, "If Baro pesters you again in the future, just tell me about it, and I will take action."

"It's true that ghosts can't die again, but there's still some magic that can limit ghosts... just use a special confusion spell on Barrow so that his memory doesn't recognize Hogwarts as the place he's been before—based on With the characteristics of a ghost, he will immediately roll as far as he can!"

"Actually, there's no need to make such trouble for me, Uncle Dracula." Helena said

He said, "After all, Barrow was once Uncle Slytherin's favorite disciple, so there is still some affection between you."

"Since you've said that, forget it." Dracula shrugged, "Let's see how he behaves in the future."

Afterwards, Dracula took out a silver crown from his pocket——

This is another Horcrux that Dracula learned from Riddle.Now, all the soul fragments in the crown have been absorbed by Riddle, leaving only the purest magic power left by Ravenclaw in the crown.

"Happy Halloween, Helena!" Dracula chuckled.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that he would try not to make promises lightly in the future——

Too much trouble!


Meanwhile, in the dim living room of Malfoy Manor.

The Death Eaters gathered around the long table, the whole room was silent and the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

"Master, hasn't your avatar returned the news yet?" Yaxley asked, breaking the silence in the field.

Snape stayed at Hogwarts, responsible for holding Dumbledore and Dracula; Riddle was still trying to get what Voldemort wanted.

Under such circumstances, Yaxley considered himself the No. [-] Death Eater present, so he did his part to be the leader.

"Master, we are about to start action now, but your clone hasn't delivered what you need..." Yaxley whispered, "Will he really do what Severus said? , took refuge with Dracula?"

Chapter 120 Voldemort: Break through Azkaban with me!

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"No, I still have confidence in my avatar." Voldemort said hoarsely, with a cold tone, "Don't say such things in the future."

Although the words were straightforward, Voldemort's scarlet eyes kept flickering, and no one knew what was going on in his heart.

"Yes, Master." Yaxley bowed his head obediently.

There was another piercing silence...

After a while, the fireplace in the living room suddenly lit up, and there was a crackling sound of burning, breaking the silence in the living room.

"Lucius." Voldemort cast a sideways glance at the absent-minded owner of Malfoy Manor.

Lucius froze for a moment, stood up quickly, walked to the green flame of the fireplace, and put his hand into it.

The flame in the fireplace was very gentle and did not hurt Lucius' hand at all.

A piece of parchment rolled into a small scroll was pulled out of the green flame by Lucius.He unfolded the scroll, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"It's a letter from Severus!" he exclaimed.

Voldemort's expression suddenly cheered up, and he looked at Lucius with inquiring eyes.

"Severus said that he has already haunted Dumbledore, and he will go to the principal's office to discuss with him how to deal with the threat of the Dark Lord's return..." After reading this, Lucius looked at Voldemort with some fear, " this……"

"It's normal." Voldemort was not angry at Snape's statement, but nodded calmly, "It is impossible to hide Severus' identity as a Death Eater from Dumbledore. Make sure he's an undercover agent lurking among us so that Severus' true camp won't be revealed."

"I've already communicated with him, what information can be told to Dumbledore and what can't be told. Don't worry about these useless things, Lucius, keep reading!"

Lucius heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the crumpled parchment in his hand, and continued to read:

"Severus also said that in the next time, he will try his best to drag Dumbledore to the principal's office, and discuss with him carefully the plan to fight the Death Eaters, which can buy us about three hours ..."

"Three hours?" Voldemort nodded, "enough for us to break through Azkaban!"

Then, he seemed to think of some other threat, and his face sank, "Did Severus mention Dracula? Did he only hold back Dumbledore, not Dracula?" The guy who is more threatening?"

"Wait a minute, master. Severus mentioned Dracula at the back of this paper." Lucius read back quickly:

"Dracula went to the [-]th anniversary party of the ghost Sir Nicholas on this Halloween. He has a good relationship with the ghosts, and there are many novel things at the ghost party, which is very in line with his interests, so everyone The probability is that there will be no possibility of leaving halfway.”

"Not only that, ghost parties like this often go on after midnight, so Dracula's stay at Hogwarts Castle is theoretically longer than Dumbledore's—at least four hours won't leave."

After reading this, Lucius said with a relaxed expression: "Master, so...we are pretty lucky!"

Voldemort, however, frowned.

"Did Severus just let Dracula stay alone with the ghosts? This is completely pinning his hopes on Dracula's character, and I don't see any rigor in it!" He said coldly, "What is good luck? What if Dracula just doesn't want to stay with the ghost and has to leave Hogwarts?"

"If Severus only makes it this far, I'll be very disappointed in him!"

Lucius' relaxed expression froze for a moment, and he hurriedly looked at the last paragraph on the parchment:

"In order to prevent Dracula from suddenly changing his itinerary and plans, (he has done this before), I have a backup plan - I gave Dracula a It's a very novel black magic item, he has been carrying it with him for the past few days, and he takes it out to play with it from time to time..."

"However, Dracula was obviously not willing to dismantle this black magic item, and did not find the positioning magic attached to it, so he gave me an opportunity to take advantage of it."


"Dracula's location is always recorded on that parchment. If you find him disappearing suddenly or moving abnormally, please pay more attention! —— S·S"

After reading the text left by Snape, Lucius looked over and over at the crumpled parchment in his hand, but he didn't find any traces of positioning magic on it, nor did he see what Snape said on it. Say Location History.

"Bring him here, Lucius!" Voldemort looked at the flustered Lucius in distaste, and stretched out his slender fingers like spider legs, "Why do I have trash like you under my command!"

Lucius showed an embarrassed expression, handed the parchment to Voldemort tremblingly, and then lowered his head.

On his deeply buried face, Lucius showed an expression of extreme resentment.

However, Voldemort's attention was all focused on the parchment in his palm at this time, and he didn't care about the strange expression on Lucius' face at all.

He stretched out his wand and tapped on the narrow parchment, and said softly——

"The sign manifests (grate)."

The next moment, the handwriting on the parchment seemed to melt, and all the ink was disrupted and reorganized, with vertical and horizontal lines intertwined to form a simple floor plan of Hogwarts Castle.

A red dot is marked on the left side of the floor plan, which is the location of the underground classroom where the ghost is.

In addition, there is a line of small characters that are almost invisible appearing on the edge, and it is a thoughtful comment——

"The red dot is the position of Dracula. If the red dot suddenly disappears, or starts to flash and move quickly, please pay attention to it!"

All the Death Eaters present looked at this magical parchment in astonishment.

They were very curious, how did Snape make such an exquisite and small positioning map in such a short period of time!

What the Death Eaters didn't know was that the former rivals of Snape in school, the "Rooters Four" were best at making maps that could be located. They often used this map to find Snape's location and bully him at the time. Still very young Snape.

As the robber's deadly enemy, Snape also carefully studied the principle of magic positioning when he was a student.

Compared with the Marauder's map made by the Marauders, Snape's super simplified mini-map is really nothing!

"Very good!" Voldemort stood up from his seat and nodded affirmatively, "As expected of Severus, I knew it would be impossible to find him with such a low-level mistake just now!"

Lucius: "..."

That's not what you said just now...

"I'm sending my clone to send Potter's blood now." Voldemort stood up impatiently, pacing back and forth in the dark living room of Malfoy's house, "What a waste, even a little wizard's blood in more than half a year I can't even get it!"

"Severus can only hold Dumbledore for three hours, and we don't know when Dracula will come out of the ghost's party... There is no room for any delay!"

"Trash! Trash! Trash!"

The more Voldemort thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't help but cursed loudly.

In the entire living room, elite wizards from all walks of life were silent, trembling all over, and they didn't have the courage to answer the question at all.

The only sound left in the living room was Voldemort's heavy breathing, still indignant.

Just when the room was about to fall into silence again, the flames in the fireplace lit up again with a burst of green light, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters present subconsciously turned their gazes over——

A cheek made of various elements in the fireplace suddenly appeared in the green flames!

Although the face pieced together with flames, ashes, and coal looks a little scary, but from the structure of the face, it can still be vaguely seen that the face is handsome.

"Waste, you still know how to contact us?!" Voldemort roared, "What have you been doing this month, and you can't even get a bottle of blood?!"

"Who told me back then that Potter's blood would definitely be available before Halloween?! I trusted you time and time again, but you failed my expectations time and time again!"

"Say! This time

Did you bring your stuff here? "

Voldemort fixed his scarlet eyes on Riddle's face in the fire, burning with anger.

Even as Voldemort's Horcrux, Riddle was frightened by the violent mood of his main soul.

This matter can be said to be the only important task Voldemort entrusted to him, but he has been delayed for too long.

At the beginning, he didn't find a practical method, but when he finally found a method, he reached an agreement with Dracula, so he could only continue to drag it down.

Of course, the most important point is - after absorbing the Horcrux fragments in Ravenclaw's crown, Riddle has already lost the possibility of standing with his main soul!

So he took a deep breath, forced to suppress the panic in his heart, and said, "Can you wait for me for a while?"

"Still waiting?!" Voldemort suddenly pulled out his wand and pointed it at the fire where Riddle was.

Under the gaze of Voldemort's angry eyes, the flames in the fireplace tumbling crazily, the green fire tumbling, jumping wildly and wantonly in the narrow space, like an angry devil dancing in hell!

Riddle's face made of fire was distorted and his voice muffled.

"Listen...let me say, I really...want to help...you." Riddle's voice came from the flames intermittently, "but... until today... I finally found the way to get Perfect timing for Harry's... blood..."

"That's what you said last time!" Voldemort said loudly, still sullen.

Maybe he wanted to hear what reasons Riddle would say, or maybe he really wanted to get some good news from Riddle, but Voldemort didn't completely disconnect Riddle.

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