"Having said so much, don't you want us to lose the game?!" Wood's expression became more dangerous.

"Stop, Oliver, Fred was just joking!" George hurriedly stood in front of Wood, holding down his clenched fist, "Actually, we deliberately released the The limelight came out..."

"Even if we both beat Slytherin, they will think that we don't have confidence in this game, and they will bet with a fluke mentality... If you don't believe me, they have already deceived half of Slytherin College. !"

George took out a book full of various bet amounts and waved it in front of Wood.

"And we only bet two Sickles on Slytherin's side. The real big players let Lee bet on Gryffindor instead of us." Fred also said.

Wood nodded in satisfaction when he saw the astronomical number "20 Galleons" behind Lee Jordan's name.

"In this case, in order to show my determination, help me put all my savings in!" Wood waved his hand, "This time, he will definitely earn a lot of money!"

Fred: "?!"

George: "Do you want to think about it again...buy football and buy a strong team, and queue up on the rooftop, Oliver..."

"Don't persuade me, I've made up my mind!" Wood said confidently.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you on the roof of the Astronomy Tower." Fred gave him a thumbs up.


Harry looked at the players who had bet heavily, and felt more pressure...

Finally, it was time for the Quidditch match to officially begin.

When Harry and the others came out of the locker room and walked towards the arena, they were greeted by loud noises.

Mostly the sound of cheering, as both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff wanted to see Slytherin defeated, but also the booing and booing of the crowd from Slytherin's students .

Mrs. Hooch, the Quidditch judge, asked Flint and Wood to shake hands, and they glared menacingly at each other and clenched each other's hands unnecessarily.

"Listen to my whistle," cried Mrs Hooch, "three...two...one..."


The whistle sounded.

There was a lot of noise in the crowd, and they were welcome to take off. The fourteen team members jumped up into the leaden gray sky together, and each came to their respective positions that had been rehearsed countless times.

Harry, as the Seeker, flew higher than all the players.He squinted and looked around, looking for the shadow of the Snitch.

"Are you all right, Scarhead?" Malfoy called in a mocking voice.

He rode the Nimbus 2001, shooting under Harry like an arrow, seemingly showing off the speed of his new broom.

Harry didn't have time to pay attention to Malfoy, he was under a lot of pressure in this match, and he just wanted to find the Snitch as soon as possible.

Just then, a heavy black Bludger flew towards Harry suddenly, hitting him hard on the head.

He narrowly missed it and felt the ball brush his hair as it flew by.

"Really hanging,

Harry! "George flew over and said in shock.

Bat in hand, he galloped past Harry, ready to hit the Bludger on the Slytherins.

I saw George hit the Bludger hard at a Slytherin player on the opposite side, trying to knock him off the broom.

But what Harry and George didn't expect was that the Bludger suddenly changed direction midway and flew straight towards Harry again.

Harry hurriedly lowered the broom, narrowly avoiding it again.

George slammed the Bludger at Malfoy again.However, like a boomerang, the Bludger spun around again and went straight for Harry's head.

Harry felt something was wrong, so he speeded up instantly, and flew to the other end of the arena with a whoosh.

Yet he could hear the Bludger still whizzing after him.

"What's going on here?" Harry wondered.

Chapter 130: Dobby the House-Elf

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"Professor Dracula!"

The twins, Harry and Wes, looked in the direction of the sound in surprise, and saw that the silver-haired professor who was full of interest came to the Quidditch pitch at some time.

Bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky from time to time, and they consciously circled around the edge of Dracula's body, and fell on the lawn with a "slap", "slap".

Today's weather has been very gloomy, without a ray of sunshine, and it started to rain even after the game started.

However, this kind of weather that will only bring discomfort to Quidditch competitions and spectators is just in line with Dracula's wishes. In the weather without sunshine, he doesn't mind coming to the grand first Quidditch game of the school year The game looks lively.

"I just saw that Bludger has been crashing around Potter right?" Dracula asked.

"That's right, professor, someone must have tampered with the Bludger!" Fred nodded emphatically, "Now I seriously suspect that someone sneaked into Madam Hooch's office and put a curse on the Bludger !"

"Mr. Wesley, I've checked, and there's nothing wrong with the Bludger." Mrs. Hooch gave Fred a serious look, and then turned to look at Dracula: "Professor Dracula, you should wait You shouldn't be on the Quidditch pitch in the audience, it's against the rules!"

"I'll leave as soon as I say something, and I won't delay your game." Dracula smiled gently at Mrs. Hooch.

Seeing Dracula's smile, Mrs. Hooch's tone suddenly softened, and she reluctantly nodded.

"Okay, for the sake of being a professor..." she said, "but you only have a minute!"

"Enough." Dracula chuckled, turned to Harry and the other Gryffindor Quidditch players, and said to them, "It is possible that the Bludger has indeed been tampered with, but not Most likely it was done before the game."

"It's likely that, like Porter's broom last year, it was jinxed during the game."

"Then what should we do?" George asked worriedly, putting his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Professor, you must be able to help us solve this problem, right?" Fred asked.

On the one hand, they were worried about Harry. On the other hand, the twins would certainly not want the twenty Galleons they bet on to disappear if possible.

Mrs. Hooch also looked over with suspicious eyes, and asked, "Professor Dracula, is what you said true?"

Faced with this unexpected situation, even if she was unwilling to suspend the Quidditch match, she had to think carefully at this time.

"It's okay, you can just compete as usual." Dracula shook his head, "As for the guy who made small moves, I will help you catch it."

As he said that, he looked at Harry playfully, "Even if I didn't catch him in time, it's okay to save Potter in time. I think you should already have experience, Potter?"

"Of course, I believe the professor can catch me in time." Harry nodded helplessly, while still muttering in his heart, "After all, I experienced it once in the competition last school year..."

Harry also couldn't figure out why, when he participated in Quidditch matches, there would always be such and such troubles.Either Quirrell cast a curse on his broom, or he was chased back and forth by a Bludger like today, and he was in danger of falling from the broom at any time...

Fortunately, today's Quidditch match was promised by Dracula, and the players present and the referee, Mrs. Hooch, were all relieved.

All the Quidditch players returned to their respective positions and took up their positions.


Mrs. Hooch's whistle blew again.

Harry kicked his feet and flew into the sky with a whoosh. At the same time, he heard a gust of wind behind his head, and knew that the Bludger was relentlessly chasing him again.

He was not too anxious in his heart, he knew that he only needed to delay for a few more minutes, and when Professor Dracula found the person who cast a curse on the Bludger, he could be saved.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and Harry rose higher and higher, turning, spinning, plummeting, spiraling upwards, and circling eastward and westward in the sky...

He walks back and forth like weaving rope "Z"

Zigzag route, trying to avoid the Bludger's attack.

The fine rain curtain formed by the heavy rain was thick, blocking the sight of the little wizards, and the audience outside the field could hardly see the abnormality of the Bludger.But they could see Harry making funny and strange movements in the air.

The rain was even pouring down Harry's nostrils as Harry dangled headfirst from his broom to avoid yet another ferocious attack from the Bludger.

Harry, he heard a burst of laughter from the crowd beyond Slytherin.He knew that he must be in a mess, but he didn't have time to care about it, he just hoped to avoid the Bludger's attack.

Fortunately, it's not known whether the manipulator of the Bludger was too far away to control it precisely, or the jinx cast on the Bludger wasn't too powerful—

The wild Bludger seemed very clumsy, and couldn't change direction as quickly as Harry, so the Bludger and Harry fell into a stalemate of chasing and fleeing for a while.

Harry was slightly dizzy from the constant circles, but he still wanted to win and kept his eyes wide open.

He looked through the crackling raindrops on his glasses, through the silver-white rain curtain, and carefully observed any golden reflection of the Snitch on the entire Quidditch pitch...

There was a whistling sound in his ears, and Harry knew the Bludger had missed him again.He turned his head and sped off in the opposite direction.

At the same time, Dracula quietly appeared in the thick rain.

He spread his wings and floated in the sky, his wine-red eyes glowing brightly.

The dense rain curtain has no effect on him at all, it will only serve as the best sight cover for the wings behind him.

Dracula watched Harry's various funny and effective flying movements with interest for a while, and after a long time, he finally remembered his business, and then turned his attention to the Bludger flying around Harry like crazy.

Looking at the magic trajectory connected with it, a look of surprise slowly appeared on his face.

This type of magic doesn't look like a wizard at all, but more like... a house elf?

"Things got interesting."

Dracula raised the corners of his mouth with interest, and disappeared into the thick rain.


Harry dodged another Bludger attack.

With his superb Quidditch talent and his long-term adaptation to harsh weather training, Harry has become very familiar with the road now.He began to fly in circles like a giant pendulum around the edge of the Quidditch field.

After turning half a circle around the arena, Harry suddenly found that the sound of breaking wind that often rang in his ears had disappeared.

He turned his head overjoyed, and found that the crazy Bludger had returned to normal, flew out in another direction, and finally stopped chasing him.

Harry knew it must be that Professor Dracula had caught the bad guy.He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and stopped the non-stop spinning.

The time spent dodging Bludgers has worn him out!

"Did you just practice ballet, Potter?" Just when Harry breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to take a break for 2 minutes, Malfoy suddenly flew over on his Nimbus 2001 and laughed loudly.

Harry shot Malfoy a hateful look over his shoulder.

But since he really didn't have the strength to argue with him now, Harry was going to ignore him and fly away to the other side of the Quidditch pitch.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that a golden light quietly emerged from the thick rain curtain.

Harry's eyes opened wide suddenly, and he looked through the glasses to where the golden light appeared.

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