Although she knew that there might be such a result, she still couldn't accept it after the announcement.

"It's not...Director Wang!" Qin Huairu said, "These seven years are a bit too much, right?"

Director Wang said: "Because she has a criminal record and has a very bad attitude, she was only sentenced to seven years. But if you are not satisfied, as her family member, you can also appeal!"

"Come on, here is the choose!"

Director Wang gave the verdict to Qin Huairu, and then took people away.

Chapter 175 (5 more) A Good Time to Study in the World


Late autumn morning!

Standing beside the tricycle at the door, Jia Wen took a deep breath, and a dragon of air gushed out from his mouth.

"so cold……"

Guoguo held her little hands with a bitter expression on her face.

Li Qin said: "That's right, it's just passed the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, how come the temperature has dropped so much all of a sudden, you can even wear a jacket!"


Both Jia Wen and Guo Guo put on last year's leather jackets.

"Here, it's hot!" Mom handed over a bottle, which was steaming hot wrapped in newspaper.

This is marinated beef yesterday. It tastes amazing. Today, I put five or six catties in a bottle and put it in the car.

"This is for your Aunt Qiao. It is a huge advantage to go to her place to study and read every day. People should know how to be grateful..." Li Qin said while helping Jia Wen to move the three rounds of "five six seven" "The car was cleaned up, and a small quilt was placed in the back for Guoguo to use.

Jia Wen said with a smile: "No need, Mom... really no need, we sent her a lot of things!"

"Exactly!" Guoguo said, "We are learning from each other. Although we read their books, we have also taught Qiaoqiao a lot!"

During this time, the school was closed.

In order not to be illiterate, Jia Wen and Guoguo can only go to Qiao Xiu's house to attend classes.

The Yi family is indeed not an ordinary family. They have a separate villa and a jeep at home.

Yi Qiaoqiao's grandfather is a high-level man, so busy all day that he can't see anyone.

Jia Wen only saw it from a distance, he was a guarded old man.

In a study on the third floor of the villa, on Mondays and Tuesdays, Grandpa Qiaoqiao is not in use, and it becomes the study place for Jia Wen, Guoguo and Yi Qiaoqiao.

There are a lot of books here.

There are not only textbooks from elementary school to high school, but also many basic courses in universities.

Such as advanced mathematics, probability theory and so on.

Of course, most of them are the old man's collection of books, most of the classic books of the Dragon Kingdom from ancient times to the present can be found here.

Relying on the super IQ brought by Bunaowan, the two brothers and sisters can read ten lines at a glance.

It is often understood at a glance.

But Jojo can't do it.

It's smart to follow the steps, but compared with Jia Wen and Guoguo, it's a thousand miles away.

Jia Wen and Guo Guo usually tutor Qiao Qiao with her homework.

As far as this merit is concerned, Lao Yi's family is worthy of it!

And very profitable.

But there is no way, my mother Li Qin feels that she owes others, so that is a little gift, anyway, there is no shortage of these things at home.

Jia Wen, wearing thick gloves, rode a tricycle and drove all the way to Lao Yi's house.

It took about half an hour to arrive at Lao Yi's small villa.

In fact, it can't be called a small villa, it should be called a big villa.

There are three floors of villas, and each floor has six or seven houses.

"Jia Wen..."

The window on the third floor was opened, and Yi Qiaoqiao stood by the window and waved.

Jia Wen smiled and said, "Be careful not to fall!"

"Crow's mouth!" Yi Qiaoqiao pouted angrily.

Qiao Xiu also came out at this time.

The work of the Bureau of Education and Sports stopped, so she returned home and became a full-time wife.

"Jia Wen is here!"

"En!" Jia Wen nodded, took out the can of beef from the bicycle compartment, and said, "Aunt Qiao, this is my mother's stewed beef, I'll bring it here for you to taste!"

Qiao Xiudao: "You child, why are you like this? You can come to our house to read and teach Yi Qiaoqiao. It's too late for us to thank you. Why are you still giving me something!"

Jia Wen spread his hands and said, "That's what I told my mother too!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qiao Xiu laughed out loud.

"Okay, Auntie, I've brought it all, just try it... It tastes good, just don't turn around and ask me again!"

"Hehe... look at what your child said!"

Qiao Xiu finished the hot beef and said, "Is it still hot?"

"Yeah!" Jia Wen said, "It was marinated yesterday, and it was heated again this morning before it was taken out of the brine. Auntie, please be busy, we are going to class!"

Jia Wen dragged Guoguo all the way up to the third floor.

Sitting at a simple but charming desk.

The three of them read books.

"Jia Wen..." Yi Qiaoqiao suddenly turned his head and asked, "Recently, I'm learning general points and simplification, but I think it's very difficult. I always have to try one by one to get it right. It's too difficult." , is there an easy way?"

Common differentiation?


Jia Wen nodded, and said, "Common division and simplification are actually the same thing. It depends on your sensitivity to numbers. First, you need to find the least common multiple..."

"Well... let's put it this way, common denominator is to find the least common multiple of two denominators, and simplification is to find the greatest common factor of denominator and numerator..."

"But it's so hard to find!" Yi Qiaoqiao pushed a question in front of Jia Wen, and said, "Look at this, 27 out of [-], what should I do?"

Jia Wen took a look: 27/30.

This is simplification!

Jia Wen smiled and said, "Isn't the common factor three... just divide the top and bottom by three at the same time!"

"But I can't always see it!" Yi Qiaoqiao looked bitter...

Jia Wen picked up the pen, wrote three numbers on the paper, and said: "Then use the most stupid method, remember these three numbers, 2, 3, 5, all simplifications cannot escape these three numbers." !"

"Try these three numbers. Basically, it should be these three!"

Jia Wen knocked on the table and said, "Remember not!"

"Hmm..." Yi Qiaoqiao nodded.

Guoguo next to him curled his lips and said, "It could be seven, eleven is fine, thirteen, seventeen, nineteen are all fine too?"


Jia Wen suddenly became confused: Good guy, this girl came directly to disrupt the stage.

"Okay, take your time to learn master!"

There are really not many skills in generalization and simplification, the so-called practice makes perfect.

Of course, once you have mastered the basic method 0.1 and skill memory, you don’t need to memorize it by rote. As you grow older, you will naturally be able to do it well.

After talking for a while, Jia Wen also started to read his own book.

He took out a high school math book to read.

That's right!

The geometry and algebra in junior high school have been learned almost in the previous life, and there is nothing difficult.

In high school, he didn't study very well before, but now he just looks at it.

With Bunao Pills to replenish the brain, and now go to high school mathematics, it is simply one word: simple!

However, when Jia Wen turned his eyes to Guoguo and watched her read with relish with her high school math, Jia Wen instantly felt that she was too low.

Damn it...they all use brain-boosting pills, why is there such a big gap?


No way, some people seem to be born with this thing.

Chapter 176 (1 more) He Yuzhu: I'm going to be the director


In front of the small villa, a jeep rushed in from outside with a roar.

Then it stopped firmly in the yard.

The driver in his 40s got out of the car and helped an old man in his 60s out of the car.

The old man has gray hair and a stooped figure. He even trembles slightly when he walks, but his eyes are piercing.

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