The father of Ultra and the great emperor of the dark universe both nodded.

Part of the essence of Gehros is in the body of little Reza, which is already an irreconcilable deep hatred.

The will of the stars is obvious, they want to leave the planet evil god behind.

The situation is such that there is no possibility of peace—

You can't kill Little Reza and return the essence of Gehros! ?

From the beginning to the end, this option never existed in the minds of those present.

[Then follow what that guy said——]

The great emperor of the dark universe waved domineeringly:

[Leave the future to the future, and leave the present to the present! 】

【Eh! 】

Father of Ultra nodded in agreement:

[Regardless of whether we will continue to have conflicts with the Outer Gods in the future, at least solve Geheros now. 】

[But, how to solve it? 】

The untimely chanting poured cold water on the somewhat fiery atmosphere, and the captain of the Star of Light Guard looked over because he didn't know:

[We can't get out now, so we can only wait. 】

Bighorn & Ampera:  …

In all honesty, this is true.


You talk too much! ! !

104 Yes, that’s the expression! Two in one

Dark horrors...the unspeakable silence of the flaming warp ships.

The captain of the Star of Light guard looked left and right, only to realize that it seemed to be caused by his own words.

【What can we do now? 】

After a long while, Bighorn Niu tentatively looked at the Director of Science and Technology Development and the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe:

[Even if you send a message to Little Resa. 】

What Zuo Fei said just now was a bit blunt, but the truth is correct.

Now, the most critical thing is not M78, but the outside world.

From the very beginning, the guys outside got the most critical information wrong, causing the Cubs of Light to be misled as well.

According to the news brought by Beria, the star cluster council somehow manages the earth as an ark.

Probably... the guy outside who can communicate with the planet misunderstood the information sent by the planet——

It is true that the earth is the hope of the entire universe, but this does not mean that it must be the ark that saves lives when the universe is destroyed.

On the contrary, it was Ampera who was influenced by the messenger Naia, and the bait theory was more credible.

If this is the case, the life-saving Earth Ark is actually a reminder of destruction.

Once Gehros successfully returns to the universe of order with the M78 nebula, it is possible to go directly to the earth.

At that time, no matter what arrangements L77 will and the stars have, they will be activated immediately.

60 billion human beings, no... by then, there may be refugees from half the universe on the earth.

If there is no preparation in advance, it is difficult to say how many casualties will be caused by then.

It's just the best possible-

The more probable situation is that before this, all the civilizations with some strength in the universe were fighting around the earth in full swing.

Everyone wants to live, the fact is that the earth cannot accommodate so many refugees.

If that happens, relying on the temper of the cub of the light, relying on the earth to create a blood-stained galaxy...

To be honest, this is normal development!

【no! 】

Hikari worked hard for a while, a little depressed:

[It was a little bit possible before, but now it keeps moving and I can't calibrate the signal. 】

Ao's father subconsciously turned his head to look at the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, but found that the latter was also shaking his head.

【no way. 】

Unwillingly, Ampera looked at the Demon Nebula, as if she wanted to capture the stalwart light and shadow through the ominous dark red:

【That guy... doesn't think we can help, damn it! 】

All the Alfreds present stared at the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe with strange eyes——

Why don't you think it can help, you don't have any AC numbers in your heart! ?

[Tsk, who made certain guys pull so hard? 】

Beria made an undisguised sarcasm, with a drawn-out tone of yin and yang:

【Thanks to a certain guy, we all seem to be denied. 】

Ampera's fists were silently clenched, and then unconsciously relaxed.

With the pride of the great emperor of the dark universe, he will not deny the facts that already exist.

It is true that Ampera was first occupied by a memory of the messenger Naia.

Considering that the guy communicated with the stars first, and colluded with Gehroth later, L77 Will probably knew about it a long time ago.

Based on this, the will of L77 judged that it is reasonable for them to run into the area of ​​direct influence of Gheros to be useless.

[Maybe we really can't do anything now, but don't be discouraged, it's not the time to give up yet! 】

The bighorn bull waved his hands to encourage morale:

[The universe is not that fragile, this is good news! 】

【Eh! 】

The Star of Light Guard Captain is also optimistic:

[The real battle may not begin until then, before that, we must make all preparations. 】

【That's right, don't worry too much about the outside! 】

Hikari is more confident than the previous two. This confidence comes from the calmness of his other self when acting with Little Reza:

[I believe in little Resa, he has overcome countless difficulties along the way.

When his strength was insufficient before, he was able to protect the earth and mankind very well.

With Little Reza's current strength, he will definitely be able to properly handle the relationship between the earth and the universe! 】

This statement was approved by Otto's father, and the atmosphere suddenly returned to enthusiasm. Even the Ambella star couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

Although I still don't know the specific content of "Light of the Earth", but the old enemy's recognition of his child... This is the best boast!

However, whenever this time, there will usually be someone who pours cold water——

[Wait, did you make a mistake? 】


Several people turned their heads in unison, and their puzzled eyes fell on the silver giant with his arms crossed.

[Belia? 】

Bighorn Bull took a step forward, his body tensed up gradually, and he paid attention to the audience nervously.

Otto's father thought that his old friend wanted to jump again, or he just mocked Ampera... In short, there is nothing good to say.

[If I understand correctly, you are worried about the situation outside! ? 】

Beria's voice was very strange, as if holding back a laugh:

[Yes, labor and management have indeed not told you this in detail. 】

[Belia, do you know what? 】

Otto's father was delighted, and he believed that Bei Laobai would not be aimless.

【uh-huh. 】

The silver giant nodded with great interest:

[The stinky brat came because of the fact that the aliens ate human beings, guided the core material of the stars to destroy the home planet of the Cicadas, and by the way cleared the influence of the Star Cluster Council on the earth and all the alien immigrants. 】

Bighorn & Hikari & Sophie:  …

【Huh~! 】

The emperor of the dark universe hugged his chest and snorted coldly:

[Good job! 】

[The dark star invaded the earth, behind the Black Stars and the core of Jayden. 】

Beria made a mouthful of Commander Black's spontaneous statement and its related influence, and accurately summarized what he knew:

[The disc creature army, the astral disc creature Black, were all tricked by that stinky brat. 】

Bighorn & Hikari & Sophie:  …

Don't be surprised, it's something little Resa can do!

Hearing the sound, Ampera nodded in satisfaction, and the annoying Silver Clan became much more pleasing to the eye.


Beria's words did not end:

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