The Cub of Light pampered the head of the small Cub of Light, and rumpled the dull hair on top of Lily's head, and a faint rainbow light flickered on the surface of his body:


Wait, Lei Xu paused abruptly——

What's with the sense of sight of skipping a stage and starting to raise a daughter in advance! ?

There were some things floating around in my mind, and I was about to set off, when a voice suddenly passed through my mind——

[Little Resa, wait! 】


The Cub of Light calmly stopped and made a question mark in his words.

【Commander Black, confess! 】

The first generation of Big Brother said quickly:

【He said that he made a mistake before, and I hope you can let him go. 】

【Is he dreaming? 】

Lei Xu replied subconsciously.

Not killing Commander Black on the spot was already the result of someone from Lei's restraint, and that guy still wants to regain his freedom?

Ah, the best result is to go to the cosmic court and give a public sentence of death after everything is over!

[Although I think so too, you'd better come here. 】

The first-generation Big Brother read with puzzlement in his voice:

[Astral disc Black seems to be alive... not really alive, but it seems to be able to talk to Commander Black... I can't tell! 】

Lei Xu: ...

[I'll be right there! 】

105 You know a hammer!!! Two in one

Abandoning Lily who doesn't know what happened for now, the Cub of Light rushed to the scene at light speed.

"Blake is scared, it's coming, it's coming!!!"

Inside the transparent restraint column, the bald-headed cosmic man slapped the solid inner wall excitedly, roaring almost irrationally.


The first-generation Big Brother rubbed his eyebrows, the first thing he thought of was not the 'it' that Commander Black said:

"Where's Blake?"

Luo Ji on the side frowned——

Although he has not been here for a long time, after reading "Light of the Earth" well, his world view has completely changed to the shape of the Austrian system.

Although in the hands of Lei Xu, the astral disk Black did not show the glory it should have at all, but this does not mean that the latter is really good.

Thinking of whether such a terrifying disc creature was completely dead or not, Luo Ji immediately felt insecure all over his body.

Not to mention, Lei Xu almost went to the starry sky, in case Black was resurrected during this period...

"It's coming, it's coming!!!

Inside the restraint post, Commander Black completely ignored the question.

This bald head was nervously tilting his head left and right, his pupils didn't have much expression, he pressed the restraint column hard and the finger flesh close to the inner wall trembled like a twitch, because of too much force, he didn't see blood:

"Run, this planet is not an ark, let me out! Let me out!!!"

"what happened?"

The red rainbow fell, and the cubs of light came to the side of the robot in an instant:


"Sorry, little Reza."

The first generation of Big Brother speaks very fast:

"Now I'm afraid only you can communicate with him smoothly."

The state of Commander Black is obviously not normal, Lei Xu nodded slightly:

"let me try."

The original Big Brother was undoubtedly referring to his own words——

Because of the ability to convey emotions, the words of the Cub of Light can be used as half a soothing skill.

【calm! 】

In the faint rainbow light, Hong Zhong Dalu's chanting voice crossed the short distance that was almost face to face, and rushed into Commander Black's mind arrogantly and unreasonably.

【Have you calmed down yet? 】

Seeing the bald-headed cosmic man in the restraint column suddenly sluggish, Lei Xu directly started a group chat with several people present:

[Tell me, what's going on? 】

The Cub of Light frowned and stared at Commander Black's gradually recovering pupils:

[Blake's current situation, and who is the 'it' you mentioned? 】

[Let me out! 】

The emotions in the chanting were chaotic, but the determination in it couldn't be more clear.

Lei Xu thought for a while, then raised his hand to give a signal.

A cloud of harmless inert white gas quickly released from both sides of the restraint column, and the restraint wall it leaned on disappeared instantly.

Caught off guard, the bald-headed cosmonaut fell to the ground and bounced up quickly. Judging from the emotional feedback of the words, this time he was finally fully awake.

【answer my question! 】

The Cub of Light squatted down and stared at Commander Black lying on the ground, his endurance gradually reached its limit:

【Otherwise you...】

[A change has happened, the stars are all afraid! 】

Commander Black interrupted very quickly:

[Leave this planet quickly, the earth is not an ark! ! ! 】

While saying this, the bald-headed cosmic man tightly clutched Lei Xu's trousers, with an extremely excited expression on his face.

【Who told you that? 】

After reading the words to learn the truth, the Cub of Light suddenly narrowed his eyes:

[Black is not dead?Do you empathize with it? 】

Lei Xu quickly accepted the fact that the astral disc creature did not die completely.

Dishes are relative terms, Blake is a star-level monster!

Referring to the Lebrondo stars, who knows if your spirit and soul can exist independently of your body.

【Black is afraid, it is afraid! 】

Commander Black's mood is calming down, and his state seems to be affected by something just now.

However, the emotional feedback of this sentence directly affirmed Lei Xu's previous doubts about "sympathy".

【What is the star afraid of? 】

Luo Ji skipped over the matter of the astral disc creature, and went straight to the core.

[I don't know, I don't know. 】

The bald cosmic man swallowed a few times with difficulty, and the fear in his words almost overflowed:

[It is the messenger of destruction, the universe will fall apart, and all planets will die...]

Hearing the sound, Lei Xu couldn't help but look at Luo Ji, and both of them caught the clarity in each other's eyes——

This is indeed the characteristic of Gehros!

【You said the earth is not an ark? 】

The Cub of Light continued to ask:

[What is the earth?How can we avoid this disaster? 】

【Earth is hope, everything, but not the ark! 】

The emotion of fear may be the residual sympathetic influence of Black, and Commander Black quickly calmed down:

[Leave the earth, wait! 】

He added another sentence:

[Black said so! 】

[Earth is hope, what does it mean? 】Lei Xu asked.

Commander Black shook his head. Although he didn't speak, his emotion clearly conveyed the fact that he didn't know.


The Cubs of Light finally understand how the misunderstanding of the 'Ark of Earth' came about—

Planet|o'-'o)?: Children, the Earth is hope, help!

Jayton Core (?◇?)? : Earth is the only hope to survive?understood!

Planet???:  …

You know a hammer! ! !

Probably such a development, to put it bluntly, is a big misunderstanding.

[Can I communicate directly with Black? 】

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