His Majesty Ampera is not a reasonable emperor.

Now, the only one who can guarantee the survival of Meferas, and even the civilization of Meferas, is His Highness Reza!

Mephilas has made a decision—

No one can separate him from His Highness Reza's thigh!


I'm sorry, but that's the second place I swore to protect with my life... No, it's my real hometown!

"Mephilas, what the hell are you doing?"

Disrem stared puzzledly at the gentleman demon in the communication projection:

"Regardless of whether His Majesty the Emperor is in Ambella Star or not, you are useless here now!"

Since the physical distance from the dark star is still very far, neither of the two dark kings could detect the upheaval that had just stopped on Ampera.

"Let's stop talking nonsense."

This time, it was Mephilas' turn to be anxious——

The Gentleman Demon has sensed the return of the Cub of Light and is eager to confirm the situation.

"Tell me—"

Mephilas pretended not to notice that Lei Xu had returned:

"With such a big battle, what are your plans?"

"Let's just say it—"

Mephilas' eagerness was in the hands of Grozam, and the Groza galaxy man simply snorted:

"I have reached an agreement with Desrem, to release that one, you still need the power of Meferas!"


The gentleman devil didn't react for a while.


Disrem waved his fan-like bony hand and chimed in:

"To fight against the cosmic emperor Sha Fulin and the king of the earth, he is the only one left in this universe!"

Mephilas suddenly realized something, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.

The gentleman demon just wanted to raise his hand to stop the idiot on the other side of the communication projection from continuing to speak, but saw the Cub of Light actively walking into his field of vision and looked over with great interest.

Mephilas:  …

dare not speak.jpg

"Release the evil general!"

Disrem waved his paw excitedly:

"Lord Bogaru is a strong man comparable to His Majesty the Emperor, plus the one with Jayden's core secrets.

Defeat Shafulin and the Earth King, take the Earth, and leave this dying universe! "

The Cub of Light rubbed his chin with interest, Lei Xu really did not expect such an unexpected harvest.


Disrem seemed to have remembered something, and quickly added:

"Master Evil General's former subordinates, the Magma Stars, we have already contacted them!"

Mephilas:  …

Can you die without taking me with you! ?

Cub of Light:  …


Can't laugh, must not laugh, hold back!


110 Which pot is not opened, which pot is lifted!

The Cub of Light wanted to laugh.

It doesn't take much effort to get what you want, that's it.

"The Magma star you are talking about..."

Without waiting for the Mephilas star who was stunned to speak, Lei Xu took a step forward and entered the capture range of the communication projection:

"Where are they now?"



Grozam glanced at the man who broke into the communication video in surprise, and asked unceremoniously:

"Who is this guy?"

"You don't care who I am."

The Cubs of Light are now full of news from the GZZ Stars:

"Tell me where Magma is!"

Grozam amused this man who came out of nowhere.

Looking at the entire dark nebula, there are only a handful of people who dare to speak to him like this.

Except for His Majesty the Emperor, Mephilas, His Majesty's think tank, and the former evil general Bogaru, the mighty general and the immortal Grozam are not in vain.

"It's you bastard!"

Just when Grozam was about to choke back and teach this strange man the rules of the Dark Nebula, there was an exclamation across the channel.


Disrem looked at the man in the projection and gritted his teeth:

"you this......"


Before Disrem could say anything too offensive, Mephilas interrupted sharply:

"Show respect to His Royal Highness Reza!"

Grozam & Desrem:  …



Grozam looked at the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness in disbelief:

"You guy's attitude, could it be..."

Strange, why Mephilas changed His Majesty to Your Highness! ?

The Cub of Light's train of thought went astray for a while, but was quickly brought back on track by Mephilas' next speech.

Left and right is just a title, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it.


The gentleman devil bowed in the direction of the man quite formally:

"His Royal Highness Reza is my new master."

what! ?

As soon as these words came out, not only Grozam and Disrem, but even Lei Xu was startled.

The term 'Master' is not a joke, it is a customary title in the universe, expressing complete surrender and unconditional obedience to orders.

What's more, there are words to learn the truth——

The Mephilasians are serious!

Monk Zhang Er, the Cub of Light, is puzzled, what is he doing?

The power of "Light of the Earth" is so great! ?

To be fair, in "Light of the Earth", someone like Lei is very restrained.

Although he had spoken many times, the actual revenge was only the one against the Magmas.

Even the lightning men who provoked humans and tried to exterminate humans have reproduced in their new homeland.

This is also the biggest reason why the bunch of villain aliens in the Kingdom of Light universe are not too worried.

Can't be provoked, can't hide.

The big deal is not to provoke humans and the earth, and the Cubs of Light have no reason to come to make trouble.

There is no need for the Mephilas star to reach this level, why does he...


Disrem sneered:

"I didn't expect you to be the first among us to betray His Majesty the Emperor, Mephilas!"

"His Majesty will understand—"

The gentleman devil still maintains a respectful attitude:

"Serving His Highness Reza is the most correct decision I have made in my life, Mephilas!"

Lei Xu: ...

So suspicious!

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