"In this case......"

The ruler of the Kingdom of Light, the father of Otto nodded thoughtfully:

"Let her go on, never mind—

Let Auto Heavy Industries rebuild the cosmic prison and provide it to Camilla as an arena. "

Zhongao: ...?

"I agree!"

After thinking for a moment, Sophie's vision suddenly sharpened:

"Since normal travel is not affected, it should be regarded as an experience.

If you don't even have the courage to challenge a strong enemy, it's not suitable to be a member of the guard. "

Not suitable This statement is too euphemistic, in fact, it is a disguised form of persuasion——

Dear, I suggest not to be a fighter, you are not suitable~.

This move by the warrior of love and hate was intended to use the opportunity to urge a certain Aguang Ameng to work hard.

But for Kingdom of Light, this is also equivalent to free combat training.

If things go on like this, even if they are defeated, the combat effectiveness of the guards will increase.

——Win-win belongs to yes!

So the question is, who loses in this game! ?

Hikari, who is being watched by hundreds of eyes at work:  …


At the same time, the Land of Light——

"Miss Camilla, please fight me!"

The clear and beautiful voice passed by the ear, the love-hate giant subconsciously turned around, and a curvy figure with a blue body came into view.

A... female Blue Tribe! ?

"If I win—"

The visitor did not announce the name meaning:

"Please tell me who Altman Seven likes!"

Camilla:  …


116 Block the door, block the door, block the door!

"Miss Camilla--

If I win, please tell me who Altman Seven likes. "

The blue woman bowed her head sincerely:

"Please, this matter is very important to me!"

The warrior of love and hatred stared at the heroic blue woman in front of her for a long while, until the latter shivered from head to toe under her strange eyes, then shook his head:

"You are not a fighter, you can't beat me."

Camilla didn't mean anything demeaning—

The blue woman in front of her was thin and slim, but she didn't even have a few muscle lines between her arms, which meant she didn't exercise regularly.

In the kingdom of light, the body surface is full of luster without energy, which is far from that self-proclaimed scientist... Hikari, a master swordsman.

This shows that her energy reserves are also extremely limited. In human terms, the blue bar is not long enough, and she doesn't look like she is specialized in light technology.

"This kind of thing!"

The blue woman's chest rose and fell rapidly, turning into a brilliant blue streamer and rushing up:

"How will you know if you don't try!"


The golden and white Valkyrie seemed to raise her hand unintentionally, and accurately blocked the rather delicate fist that was coming towards her.

"Tried it, are you satisfied?"

The blue female didn't say a word, and turned her hands over and over.

In the next moment, the streamline of incandescent particles gushing out from zero distance instantly submerged the golden white.


In the radiated stream of light, the calm female voice that made the women of the blue race tremble across their ears:

"That guy named Seven, do you like him?"

The exquisite figure in gold and white is re-emerged in the disintegrated stream of particle light.

It wasn't until this time that the blue women realized how huge the gap was between themselves and the love-hate warriors in front of them——

Not to mention causing damage, she didn't even move.

Departed, the fighters of love and hatred did not choose to fight back.

Camilla quietly watched the blue woman not far away.

In her body, the warrior of love and hatred saw his former self.

In "Light of the Earth", the humans on Earth Ressa called Camilla's ability the 'Eye of Judgment'.

In fact, Love-Hate Warrior doesn't have that ability at all.

Camilla is just... able to perceive two specific types of 'love & hate' in others, and a series of subtle emotions attached to them.

"terribly sorry--"

Feeling the passionate emotion of the blue woman in front of him towards that name, the love-hate warrior thought about it and decided to tell the truth:

"I don't know who Seven likes, that sentence is the tactic I use to beat him."

Blue female Austrian: ...

"But you have been to Resa Earth, and you must know many things about 1 years later."

The blue woman obviously came prepared, and the answer from the love-hate warrior seemed to be within her expectation:

"The new generation of Ultra fighters, Seven already had a son at that time... Please tell me who his mother is!"

In the section about the new generation of Austria, "Light of the Earth" very deliberately did not mention much, obviously keeping a secret.

The only "Jedd" that has any focus is that Lei Xu had to touch upon it when he gave Father Ao a bad idea to make "New Gedd".

By the way, "New Gedd" TV has become one of the biggest mysteries in the Kingdom of Light universe.

well known-

"Gedd" is also known as "Ultraman Zero TV·Gedd Biography", and Bei Laohei has a title of superman zero hand figure madman.

When it comes to Ged & Beria, it is impossible to miss a Saioltian who is always 2 years ahead of other athletes.

After being mentioned many times, it is impossible to hide the fact that the mysterious Ultra genius of the Kingdom of Light in the future is the son of Seven.

"Sorry." The love-hate warrior shook his head helplessly.

Camilla wanted to help her very much, but she really didn't know who Sai Luo's mother was.

There is probably only one person in this universe who knows the answer to this question——

King of Ultra!


Camilla pondered for a moment, remembering the scene of father and son embracing at the end of "Super Galactic Legend":

"What I can tell you is that Seven's son is very lonely, and he should have grown up under the socialized raising system of your Kingdom of Light."

The blue female Ao fell into deep thought.

"Light of the Earth" is deliberately blocking information, and Camilla will naturally not destroy it casually, let alone reveal Sai Luo's name.

"If you like it, go after it."

"Huh?" Ao Ru, a girl from the Blue Race, just woke up from a dream.

"You like Seven, don't you?"

Looking at the female Ao of the blue tribe who was twitching for a moment and twisted her fingers together quickly, the love-hate warrior was a little amused:


The blue woman Ao nodded shyly.

Although she didn't speak, those expectant eyes have undoubtedly exposed her inner thoughts——

sister, help me!


Love and Hate Warrior gave her a strange look:

"Neither will I. It was Resa who chased me first."

Blue female Austrian: ...


"Though it won't..."

Camilla deliberately dragged out her voice:

"But I can help you."

She listlessly glanced at the golden and white Valkyrie in front of her, and turned around.

"I can feel the love and hate of people around me."

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