"But this is too risky!"

The small Magma waved his hand vigorously:

"The new emperor of the dark universe, Resa, has ascended the throne, and the dark nebula has issued an imperial killing order to our family.

The Star Cluster Council is out of control, and the fleets of various civilizations are everywhere outside looking for the whereabouts of our Magma.

The earth has the king of the earth, and that Sha Fulin is also on the side of the earth, even that may not be able to..."

"You are too cowardly, General!"

'President' tit for tat:

"That man... the king of the earth has not been seen in public for a long time, and there is a great probability that he is not on the earth now.

Zo...Saflin is thousands of light years away, this is our best chance! "

"What if we take down the Earth?"

General Magma wouldn't give an inch:

"The cosmic emperor Reza and the Ampera Empire are existences that we cannot resist.

Once our race shows up, Emperor Reza will definitely come... No, the civilizations of the entire universe will want to capture us Magma alive!

The only solution now is to wait for my god to return..."

"Take the ark, and all problems will be solved!"

The 'President' impatiently raised his right hand, and the Saber Tyrant Magma swung down the iconic arm sword, obviously losing the desire to continue communicating:

"At that time, both the king of the earth and the so-called cosmic emperor Sha Fulin must obey our orders!"

The sword carved with gold and hardened silver was close in front of his eyes. General Magma was shocked and speechless, and the heavy and anxious atmosphere spread instantly.

"Your Excellency, it turns out that this is your purpose."

After a while, General Magma slowly raised his head, staring disappointedly at the head of the Magma civilization in front of him:

"In order to avenge your younger brother, use the earth to persecute Sha Fulin and the king of the earth and that guy... Is Reza, the emperor of the Ampera Empire, desperate!?"


The 'President' gave a cold snort and folded his arms and turned around indifferently. No one noticed the evil brilliance flashing in the long and narrow humanoid pupils:

"If you don't want to think so, then so be it.

Pass my order, awaken that one, and teleport to the solar system immediately..."


Somewhere under the earth, the human body classroom——

"Look at me for what?"

The first-generation Big Brother stared and scanned, clutching the cold killer that was written as the Ultra Javelin and read as the Red Javelin, and slammed on the blackboard:

"Is there any writing on my face? Look at the blackboard!"

Everyone hurriedly sat upright, focusing their eyes on the so-called 'blackboard' which was almost as big as an IMAX screen.

A few little dragons that were about to fall asleep... Renlong's tail was awakened by the sound, and he raised his head with his eyes wide open.

A few flashes of lightning shot out subconsciously almost hit the brother L77 who was sitting on the farthest side.

Renlong, who was simply listening to the class, came back to his senses early, and his invisible spiritual position instantly dissolved the lightning stream that was about to fall.

The green dragon jade flickered for a moment, and a few unlucky little dragons were immediately rubbed against the ground by their big heads, causing sparks to fly.

"Listen to the class carefully!" The deep and deep dragon's roar rolled like thunder.

Although the volume of the voice was deliberately lowered, with the size of the Earth Emperor Divine Beast, it was doomed that the movement could not be too small.

At first, Renlong felt that it didn't matter if he was uneducated.

But when I saw the effect of the two beast warrior brothers attending the class, and...

When Luo Ji borrowed words from the Earth Witch's mouth, "Children can't suffer no matter how hard it is, and education can't be poor no matter how poor it is", this ancient dragon beast began to feel deeply that the eight cubs it raised needed a complete childhood.

Facing the little dragons, such as "Big head, be sober, we are not your children", "We are the tail, why do we need to think?" ' and other unconvincing sophistry, the emperor and beast flamboyantly ignored them.

Looking at the few little dragons who have nothing to love, the L77 brothers on the side gloated—

During this period of time, they have been tortured by these little beasts a lot!

Because the way of teaching children is too hard-core, so that all the students in the human body class are distracted.

Looking at a large group of distracted students, the first generation felt that his light pressure was rising——

There is no doubt that this group of students in front of me is the worst class ever led by the first Wannian Aosheng!


Sweeping across the audience again, the first-generation Big Brother decided to use his former human body for surgery:

"Based on Spicyum's eight-point light wheel, it can be broken down into three steps from guiding the internal configuration. Which three are they?"

Hayata: ...

The gray-haired father in his 80s couldn't help turning his eyes to his son for help.

Hayata Shinjiro sat upright, without looking sideways, with a very serious look——

He doesn't know either!

Ali rested her chin with great interest, and when she met Hayata's gaze, the Fors star shrugged gracefully——

She entered school late, so she can't understand it!

"Cough um."

There was a suspicious cough, and Hayata glanced slightly at the notes spread out on the Earth Miko's desk in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hi, they are the positive and negative pole simulations of Spicyum respectively, the condensation of stored energy and the stable excitation conversion."

Hayata read out all the words in the notes in one breath.

"very good."

The first-generation Big Brother nodded, and at the same time transferred firepower to the Earth Miko who provided off-site assistance:

"Alice, what are the atomic ratios of Spyium?"

The earth witch stood up on the spot, blinked her eyes innocently——

She doesn't seem to have learned this!

"3000 atoms of aluminum, 8 atoms of chromium.

Theoretically, each standard Spitium has a high temperature of 50 degrees and a destructive power of 50 horsepower..."

The original Big Brother changed the subject:

"Why don't you write this down? Remember it all!?"


pen scribbling...

"Sit down."

The first-generation big brother nodded in satisfaction:

"We continue to—

Spaceum Energy...Alice What else do you need? "

Looking up again and seeing the still standing earth priestess without raising her head, the first generation's heart skipped a beat.

Affected by a certain cub, he has been in a bad mood recently, so that he is a little bit emotional.

Could it be that Alice...


The low-pitched dragon roar flashed across with the green flash, and it was Renlong who was the first to notice something was wrong.

The God Beast of the Earth Emperor opened its mouth and spit out a ball of watery clear light covering the girl's body, and the milky white dragon's eyes shone with an expression of unknown meaning.

"What's going on? Renlong...Forget it."

The first generation finally came to their senses, only halfway through the question did they realize that the cub was not there——

Renlong can understand their language without barriers, but no one present can communicate with the emperor beast except Alice.

In the clear and moist watery twilight wall, the face of the Earth Miko did not change much, but those beautiful emerald pupils were shrouded in a layer of dull emerald.

Glancing at the Divine Beast of the Earth Emperor who did not make any follow-up actions, the first generation felt relieved, and a cross-shaped starlight flashed in his pupils——

Alt Vision, open!

In fact, there is no need for Ultra vision, because it didn't take long, even the two most stupid...L77 beast warrior brothers noticed the emerald light spots overflowing in all directions.

The power of the earth?

This scene is a bit familiar, but the first generation rejected this judgment in the next second——

No, no, the source of these light spots is not underground, but...

The mechanical figure raised its head, and the multi-layer superimposed photon analysis skills visualized the turbulent and brilliant particle-like energy light band coming from the void of the universe under the horizon.

what is this! ?

The question of the first generation has not been answered, but he has no time to dwell on this question——

Alice is awake!

"Oh, Mr. Altman!"

The Earth Miko seemed to be under the weight of something, panting heavily:

"No, it's not good, the earth, the earth is in danger."

"Be clear, what's wrong?"

The first generation noticed that with the girl's rapid breathing, a large number of emerald light spots visible to the naked eye tried to penetrate the thin layer of moist light film.

"Something is coming."

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