Lei Xu nodded to express his understanding.

At such a juncture, the 'Universal Emperor Sha Fulin' must be present, otherwise it will easily shake people's hearts.

【Leave the earth to me...Yuni, have you found the entrance to Bashumon? 】

[Hi huh~! 】

The brilliance of Yinyao instantly draws a brilliant circular arc in front of the field of vision, and the surging darkness on the other side of the arc-shaped door can be vaguely seen.

【People of light, be careful~. 】

In the rainbow light, a figure in silver armor flashed, and the trembling cloak exuded a brilliant glow.

【don’t worry! 】

While transforming, Lei Xu didn't forget to comfort Mengxin Zhaishou.

There's really no need to worry--

The power of the Aowang's cloak alone is enough to allow the Cub of Light to come and go freely in Baxiu Meng's body, just like returning to his own home.

In the next moment, the silver-armored figure stepped out in one step, and submerged silently into the turbulent black mist.

What Lei Xu didn't know was that at the same time as he took this step, a completely dark live broadcast appeared out of thin air on the universe star network, which is now almost exploding in popularity.

The topic of the live broadcast is...

【the truth! 】


Black, utterly pitch black.

What should have been a blue sky was dyed with two distinct layers of blackness——

The first layer is thick and turbid darkness like sludge.

The turbid dark wave overwhelmingly suppressed, surged, spun and condensed, and charged fiercely with a terrifying momentum that seemed to swallow this planet.

In the center of Tokyo, a nine-headed sacred dragon beast stands on the ground, looking up at the sky calmly.

Above the Pacific Ocean, the ferocious-looking upright dragon beast raised its head and roared angrily, and the sound shook the sky.

"hold head high--!!!"

In the end, the evil god of darkness standing in Tokyo Bay let out a mournful and dark roar.

As if responding to this, the majestic and majestic black mist covering the atmosphere of the world swelled in a circle, and the cloudy and pitch-black stardust mist on the top did not budge.

The two distinct lines of darkness are at loggerheads, rippling out huge ripples that are clearly visible even from the surface.

People stared blankly at this scene, refusing to believe their eyes, thinking that they were in a terrible dream from which they could not wake up.

In this terrifying dark hedge, the powerlessness and panic of life being completely out of control swept the world again.

After they confirmed that all of this was true, despair emerged from the darkest corners of their hearts and spread crazily.

Heart-piercing shouts mixed with screams of panic and fear echoed over the city, and the streets were full of people running for their lives.

Obviously, apart from the appearance of darkness, there is no real attack, but people are running desperately.

A series of explosions and fires occurred one after another in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and several buildings were even directly ignited into torches.

People in desperation seem to have liberated all their natures, wantonly destroying and venting.

Several police officers who fired warning shots were pushed and fell to the ground, and the security personnel of the Kurt team, who were trying to evacuate and organize sabotage, struggled helplessly among the almost crazy crowd.

Even the weather-beaten Tokyoites have such an indescribable attitude. It is hard to imagine what kind of hell is going on around the world today.

"Ultraman-kun, Hayata-kun, the live broadcast is ready!"

The branch of the Kurt team, the former Kurt team rarely changed into the uniforms of the former Kurt team, and gathered here.

Captain Muramatsu, Akiko Fuji, Arashi, and Ide all looked at their comrades and 'comrades':

"Please, please bring hope to mankind again..."

In this dark and hopeless world today, there is only, only——

The giant of light who once saved this planet can wake up desperate human beings again...


The gray-haired old man, who was over [-] years old, raised his hand resolutely, revealing the red and white artifact of light between his fingers in front of the camera.

In the chaotic streets of Tokyo, someone has already noticed the picture displayed on the large advertising screen at the waist of the building.

Some people stop running, some people stop destroying, some people stop crying and wailing meaninglessly.

Their eyes are focused, on the screen.

People recognized the figure of the group—

The team of heroes who protected the planet from aliens and monsters 55 years ago and brought mankind to the new century.

Kurt team!


Why is there only one person standing in the middle?

Many people have the same question in their minds.

They stared at the old man with all white hair in the center, at the man named Susumu Hayata, and noticed the red and white magic wand in his hand.

There, the only one who was not a member of the Kurt team was the only one——


Hayata suddenly called out his son's name.


The father smiled at his son's pupils who had changed from bewildered to gradually resolute:

"Look, Shinjiro, look at the figure of your father.

I'm—, I'm—"

The old man over eighty years old stared at the camera, and his voice seemed to be announcing an indisputable fact:

"Ultraman Series (Ultraman)!!!"

At that moment, the bright light of red and white intersecting prints soared up to the sky.

At that moment, the shining brilliance representing hope blatantly tore through the despair and darkness in people's hearts, and descended brilliantly on this blue planet again.

The red and white figure, the real giant posture, the whole body rushes up and down with the sacred light that seems to wash away all the filth in the world, like a god walking in the world again...

After a lapse of 55 years, the earth and mankind once again fell into the darkest moment of despair.

The giant of light named Ultraman, once again——



The Cub of Light who happened to arrive at the scene:  …


Manishan is paying tribute to himself, why do I have such a dream! ?

128 The first generation:...... ??_? !

Outside the solar system, several probe-peeking spaceships hastily lit their tail flames and scattered in all directions.

In the next moment, quite spectacular dense star points pierced the deep space and arrived outside the realm covered by darkness.

With more than a dozen slender large motherships as the central axis, black and gray starships are assembled and displayed in a showy manner.

Countless small triangular warships shaped like darts are arranged in a dense formation that cannot be ignored.

The arrival of the huge fleet came without warning or notice.

However, all the spaceships who should have been indignant dared not even fart, lest they would voluntarily give up the best observation space for fear of avoiding it.

"Master Suffolin!"

On the flagship bridge, the Pedan star who looked almost identical to a human turned around tremblingly, and stroked the chest of the middle-aged man sitting on the central throne:

"The solar system has arrived."


The man hummed softly from his nasal cavity, and his eyes fell beyond the gradually transparent bridge, a little carelessly:

"Find the Magmas."

"Yes, Your Majesty Suffrin!"

The adjutant from Peidan Star responded with trepidation, and quickly turned around to make arrangements.

The man's line of sight did not deflect——

Outside the bridge, a pitch-black curtain filled the horizon, and the solar system that should have existed here was completely shrouded in a thick cloud of gray and black smoke.

The darkness in front of me has no clear shape that can be described by words, and there is no rational structure in the cognition of intellectual life.

The pitch-black nebula twisted like a turbulent sea wave, visually as if it was covered with a wave filter, showing the appearance of unwinding and shaking.

The most intuitive thing is that this is a 'living creature', which is extremely abnormal and absurdly twisted.

The body of the huge nebula covering the universe is accompanied by the spherical cloud cluster surrounding the solar system, and a small half of the Oort nebula is also shrouded in it, which is almost the same size as the entire solar system.

The majestic gravitational force that radiates attracts and changes the orbits of countless small celestial bodies.

At every moment, a huge number of active comets are pulled and dragged into the deep, dark nebula, falling into the dark abyss like stars in a trance.

Even if it is parked at the outermost position, the spacecraft must continue to maintain a high engine output to resist the gravitational pull that is always pulling the hull.

Dispersed interstellar dust undertakes the work of sound medium transmission——

It was as if a huge celestial grinding disc was tearing and grinding the comets, forming an extremely terrifying sharp cracking and creaking sound and almost mournful howls of pain.

The terrible movement was transmitted to the hull of every spaceship present along with the dust and gas, and it seemed to resound in the hearts of every spaceman present.

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