Inside this unprecedentedly huge nebula creature whose body size is calculated by light years, there are tissues and organs that completely match its scale.

As far as the eye can see, there are countless lumps of wanton and deformed flesh floating in a space roughly half the size of the solar system.

The nearest is a majestic mass of giant connective tissue like a rotten orange with wrinkled skin, almost the size of the earth.

It is supported by dozens of things that should be nerve threads connected with more similar connective tissues, densely filling the field of vision.

According to the identification of the first generation of Big Brother, it should be a cluster of ganglia.

It was as if the streamlines of starlight were flowing between those indescribably ugly strips of flesh, like tiny currents flowing between nerves.

With a nauseating mood, I walked through this terrifying space and came to the very center.

Here, the Cubs of Light saw something even more outrageous——

A huge... heart with a volume of about a thousand suns piled up?

It should be the heart, although it is not consistent with humans and all living things, and there is no suspected supporting biological tissue around it.But the Cub of Light could see that the strange giant covered with pale blood-colored plaques and nerve-like veins shrank and shrank, pulsating slowly.

As the heart-like pulsation continued, the invisible ripples periodically rippled out considerable dark energy tides.

When the dark tide touched those nerve-like veins, an unpleasant complex dark red luster immediately flowed to the end of the horizon, causing everything in the horizon to suddenly shine brightly, and then quickly dimmed.

The deep pulsation like Hong Zhong Dalu is like breathing, showing the incomparably strong vitality of this behemoth.

If the complete rotation of the luster flow is counted as a complete heartbeat, then it takes almost... half a year?

Perhaps, this is normal for a creature as majestic as Bashomon.

[Little Resa? 】

Worried voices sounded, and the Cub of Light turned his attention back to look at the first-generation Big Brother.

【Are you OK? 】

【No. 】

The Cub of Light monotonously replied a word, then turned his head like an electric shock, focused his gaze on the other side of the numerous nerve clusters.

【Manishan, do you have any questions here?】


The first generation looked at the cubs for no reason.

[I have something to do. 】

Lei Xu didn't mean to explain in detail, he is now convinced that the existence that conveys the touch of a natural enemy to himself is at the end of his sight.

[Leave it to me here. 】

The first-generation Big Brother is keenly aware of the seriousness of the cub at this moment.

The light giant whose body was dyed red and white raised his hand to wipe the simple light bracelet on his arm, and the sharp needle sword shining with icy cold light transformed from the star cross.

This is the "Bracelet Stretch Needle" that can kill dark monsters, and the Cub of Light can't help but take a second look.

In fact, the shape is not important, the important thing is actually thank you... Cough, it's an Ultra bracelet.

【Destroying this will kill Bashoumon. 】

The first-generation Big Brother glanced at the huge and powerful heart not far away:

【You go, give me a signal when the time comes...】


"Are they crazy?"

Finally, a head of civilization left the first comment on the universe star network.

The first-generation brother looked at the three-dimensional live broadcast projection and fell silent.

That's right, from a third-party perspective, this scene is extremely absurd, so absurd that it is almost funny.

Compared with the pulsating giants about the size of more than a thousand suns, the other self and little Reza standing in that scene are no different from ants comparing planets.

What's even more ridiculous is that the ant even arrogantly claimed that the "toy" in his hand could destroy the former.

Compared with the live broadcast where only the head of civilization is eligible to leave a message, the public channels around the solar system at this moment are full of spicy, mocking and cheating messages.

Not many people doubted that Resa, the emperor who recreated the black hole, could destroy Baxiu Meng, but definitely not in such a ridiculous way!

Only the first generation, the emperor of the universe, Sha Fulin, knew——

This is real!

As an Ultra artifact that was catalyzed and transformed when the plasma spark core was born, the Ultra bracelet condenses the most essential light of the plasma spark.

One is a dark monster, the darkest in the universe.

One is Ultra Artifact, Plasma Light.

Once the two collide, it will be a fierce opposition between Mars and the Earth.

No matter how huge Baxiu Meng's heart is, it can't match the point of the Otto bracelet--

Jack, the younger brother of the Kingdom of Light Universe, defeated Baxiu Meng in this way!

For some reason, the cub had disappeared from the live projection, leaving only the red and silver giant standing near the huge, ominous heart of Khorne.

The first generation couldn't help frowning.

This live broadcast even showed them this scene, there is no reason to deliberately cover up the cub's whereabouts.



After crossing the continuous nerve clusters and astral connections, Lei Xu passed through several special organs in succession.

Like a jungle of thorns, countless tentacles twisted together and shaped like muscle textures are connected to form a complex and incomprehensible organizational structure.

The ganglion-like and pump-like organs with unknown functions shone faintly, and the ubiquitous thin clouds were suspected to be microorganisms symbiotic with Bashumon.

A large piece of metal-like accumulation was picked up on the disgusting pink fleshy membrane, fluctuating with the shaking of the fleshy texture.

These are the parts that are not in Jack Nissan's report...supposed to be stones!

——The Cub of Light gave an irresponsible guess.

The pitch-black giant advances at the speed of light in a seemingly endless labyrinth tunnel, and from time to time, the silvery flashes disappear, and then appear in another tunnel at high speed.

No matter which direction it flies in, there are only nerve lines and hollows emitting an ominous dark red light in the field of vision.

But the Cub of Light didn't hesitate at all, he was sure that he was heading in the right direction.

In his mind, the strengthening sense of panic is guiding him.

At the same time, another voice began to become clear as the physical distance approached.

That voice seemed familiar to Lei Xu.

If he's not mistaken...


A huge void appeared in front of the bottomless tunnel, and the pitch-black giant stopped abruptly, standing just right on the edge of the void.

this is......

The Cub of Light couldn't help but widen his eyes.

What is unfolding in front of you is an indescribably magnificent space, so there is no need to go into details.

Here, the most eye-catching thing is the thing that exists in that space——


Planet, planet, planet, planet!

Everything that can be seen is all planets, large and small.

Stars, gas giant planets, terrestrial planets, asteroids, and even comets and meteorite belts are all over the event horizon. You don't need to look carefully to know that there are at least tens of thousands of planets inside.

Cubs of Light even captured a few majestic blue supergiants in it.

Even in a magnificent three-dimensional space comparable to half the solar system, it would be a bit crowded to pack so many tens of thousands of planets.

The scene in front of him was so shocking that the Cub of Light couldn't recover for a long time.


A pinprick-like touch accompanied by a scream for help that seemed to pass through the soul brought Lei Xu back to his senses.

Looking in that direction, the Cub of Light caught a faint green planet.

Several pitch-black tentacles with ghostly postures protruded from the indescribable fleshy membrane, and sank deep into the surface of the planet. The black smoke and mist almost completely submerged that poor planet...

There are no fewer than a thousand planets with the same fate as it, including stars and planets.

It wasn't until this time that the cubs of light realized that the huge tentacles were appearing and disappearing in the black smoke.

The small ones are only a few hundred meters thick and covered with pitch-black jagged teeth and rough protrusions, while the large ones are tens or even thousands of kilometers in diameter, flat and smooth.

Now, even Lei Xu can see the function of those tentacles——

The former is mostly used to deal with terrestrial planets and break down the hard crust, while the latter is used to absorb the energy of gas giant planets and even stars!

If this is Bashermon eating, those thick tentacles are undoubtedly decomposing organs similar to the villi of the human small intestine.

As for this space, it should be Ba Xiumeng's stomach pouch for storing food!

[No matter who it is, please save my child! 】

For some reason, a weak call flashed across Lei Xu's mind.

The Cubs of Light are convinced that they understand the meaning of that call, and that it comes from the very terrestrial planet that is about to be swallowed whole and disintegrated.

If...if I could—

The pitch-black giant stood in place for a moment, and his body turned red again in a flash of lightning.

Dark Tiga → Reza!

Miaocut's body was not intentional by the Cub of Light, but a choice he made under the guidance of his body's instincts.

The crimson figure came to the side of the 'deep swamp' planet at an incredible speed, facing the dark smoke cloud with its back against the atmosphere.

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