(メ? Dish?)ノ

Good guy, this dirty water is splashing.

As soon as these words came out, the Cub of Light could even make up Zofinisan's distorted expression.

No matter who is behind the scenes, I'm afraid that the blame on that adult's head is not big enough.

Now that the opportunity has been lost, Lei Xu calmed down instead.

The Cub of Light crossed his arms and stared coldly at——

He just wants to see what kind of tricks the Magmas can do for him... no, what kind of tricks the mastermind behind the scenes can do for him.


In the projection, President Magma's complexion suddenly distorted and ferocious, full of anger:

"Why can't we Magma enter the Earth's Ark, and why can humans occupy a place in the Ark?

Humans haven't done anything, so why can't the Magma, who have made great contributions, be able to go to the new universe? "

The spearhead is aimed at the earth again...?

The Cub of Light brows calmly.

"Destruction is near, this universe is about to collapse—"

President Magma has a firm expression:

"Your Majesty, I will take back what Magma should have with my own hands.

Even if the mantis is in charge, the subordinates must fight for a chance for our clan! "

His emotions have reached the extreme, impassioned:

"As long as you can touch that place, the holy land that carries the hope of the universe, as long as you can board the ark..."

The recording of this passage was not finished, and a trembling voice-over was inserted——

"Your Excellency, confirm that the advance fleet is broken in the dark nebula."


President Magma was obviously shocked by the news, holding his sword at a loss:

"Where is Your Majesty? His Majesty Reza should be at..."

"My lord commander has given his allegiance to His Majesty—"

The voice-over is deeply painful:

"The Mephilasians were ordered by His Majesty Reza to destroy the advance fleet, and the Ampera Empire has issued an imperial extermination order to our family.

Mr. President, is this also part of the plan? "

"no, I can not!"

President Magma held his head and spoke incoherently:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, His Majesty Reza, His Majesty Sha Fulin..."

The video recording came to an abrupt end, leaving people with endless suspense.

Lei Xu: ...


The anger that had been suppressed with difficulty rushed towards Tianling Gai, and the Cub of Light felt that he could unleash a light energy riot at any time.

Oh, MMP, which grandson is behind this trick! ?

Turtle grandson Intuit loss!

Everywhere in this video, he defends himself from the perspective of Magma, and there is no deliberate explanation of the questioning and grievances throughout the text.

But actually, if you think about it carefully, you can see that Ya almost blamed him, Mr. Lei and Sha Fulin for all the blame.

I didn't deliberately say that the "degeneration of the whole universe" is related to myself, but it is full of hints after a closer look.

Most importantly, the Cubs of Light are powerless to defend themselves——

The sentence that the stars are afraid, coupled with his story about someone Lei reincarnating into a black hole and Ba Xiumeng, is simply convincing.

With the power shown by Reza, the emperor of the dark universe, it is normal for the stars to be afraid.

He was directly blamed for the destruction of the Star of Light——

Just ask, who doesn't know the identity of the cosmic emperor Sha Fulin once! ?

The situation quickly changed to:

【I can tell you that the plan to destroy the Star of Light was made by Sophie! 】

Presumably, the first-generation brother has already become obsessed by now.

The most troublesome part of the whole thing is that the Magma Stars are all dead now, and it is true that there is no proof of death.

The Cub of Light recalled the situation most similar to this time, which was when he confronted Imnar on Daisy.

This time, the black hands behind the scenes didn't even leave the opportunity for a face-to-face confrontation.

Yes, the Magmas are notorious.

But this is a different kind of 'unwritten book'——

As long as there is a Magma alive, this image will not be automatically released.

Taking the lives of 274 billion Magma stars as blood evidence, they left a convincing 'question', which attracted the attention of the whole universe to the earth.

If we say that the previous Baxiu Meng incident was half-covered.

Now it is completely tearing up the skin, and I can't wait to shout in the ears of the civilization of the whole universe:

The universe is about to be destroyed, 'Earth Ark' is the only hope, hurry up and grab it!

Explanation is useless!

It's still a cliche question of trust——

If you believe it, no matter how outrageous the statement is, it will be accepted.

If you don't believe it, even if the facts are in front of you, those cosmic civilizations will not accept it!

The timing of the release of this effect card is too ingenious, even if it is delayed for a few days! ?

"Light of the Earth", which was released earlier, will surely bring a large number of fans for itself.

There is a reasonable explanation for everything, and a large number of mindless followers, as well as a small number of insightful people, will not be so easily deceived.

When things got to this point, the Cubs of Light already sensed something was wrong——

From the moment he arrived in this universe, the black hand behind the scenes has been watching him.

No matter who that guy is, he obviously has a good understanding of himself...Light of Earth Reza's past, and even the entire Austrian series.

What's more, it was before he came to this universe!

Lei Xu faintly caught an unpredictable aura.

Right now is undoubtedly the most difficult situation!

After this, the dark current of the whole universe will flow towards the earth.

With Magma as a 'previous lesson', there is no possibility of allegiance or anything.

Who is not afraid of being unloaded and killed?

This wave directly dug out the foundation of him and Lei——

From the earth to the dark nebula, and then to the cosmic empire united by the first brother in the name of Sha Fulin, the cosmic empire that avenges the star of light may disintegrate——

The spearhead is directed at the earth!

The solution?

The Cub of Light couldn't figure it out.

But there is one thing Lei Xu is very clear——

From now on, I will be the enemy of the whole universe...

137 Leo's Call for Help!

[On the relationship between the "degeneration of the whole universe" and the fear of the stars...]

[The Last Avenger?Prime Conspirator!The murderer who destroyed the Star of Light was that adult Sophie! 】

[The universe is about to be destroyed, the holy land of hope is the earth! 】

[The emperor of the dark universe, the emperor of the universe Reza still stays on the earth!Where will the newly reorganized Ampera Empire go! ? 】

[Earth is still providing the 'civilization seed bank' storage service, the bidding is fierce, and the sales continue to be hot...]

[The stars in the sanctuary may become the biggest scam in the dark nebula. Even today, why are the Mephilasians still firmly supporting Emperor Reza? 】

[Pleshe Civilization announced that it will take itself as the core, and the union includes:

Many civilizations, including the strange cosmic man Zuluk, the dark cosmic man Kali, the assassinating cosmic man Naker, and the light wave cosmic man Refret, have formed a civilization mutual assistance and self-rescue alliance.

The alliance has been established a few days ago, and the above civilizations have collectively set off to the third cantilever of the Milky Way...]

[The Alliance of Civilized Mutual Help and Self-Rescue declares that any civilization is welcome to join on the way...]

...The more you look at it, the more angry you become!

Earth, Team Kurt branch——

Lei Xu pinched his eyebrows, his eyes could not stop drifting to the light screen in front of him through his fingers, and his eyes wandered among all kinds of sensational headlines.

Made looked more and more angry, and the more angry he looked, the more he looked.

Ever since the video titled 'Magma's Last Word' was released on Starnet, it caused an uproar, not surprisingly.

Currently No.15 days, exactly two weeks.

During these two weeks, with this image as the center, many explosive news spread across most of the known universe at an incredible speed.

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