
The co-author of the cub wanted to directly die, and was tricked by Reggiedo and Tiga to take Gehros away.

There is one thing to say, this is the style of the Cubs of Light, but...

Just based on this idea, Little Lesa, you deserve it right! ! !

This is a combat method that Kingdom of Light has never advocated. Ultra fighters can fight with the awareness of mortal death, but awareness does not mean voluntary suicide in exchange for help.

In other words, what is the difference between this and moral kidnapping and forcing others! ?

Simply speaking, the cub was quite sensible. At the last moment, he seemed to have thought that there might be the essence of Gehros in his body, so he temporarily changed his tactical choice.


Then the first generation realized what an Ultra Bomb is——

N power double version!

The reason for saying this is because the body of the Cub of Light suddenly transformed into nearly a hundred holes in the next instant.

If there is no conscious connection, it tells the first generation that this is a simplified version of the super-massive clone.

As for why not release tens of thousands at once...

In the invisible and insubstantial conceptual level, a surging red meteor suddenly manifested more than a hundred identical figures.

It penetrates the fluctuating chaos in a way that is almost flamboyant, and a thin but tough conceptual film stretched to the extreme, which is already close to nothing.

The scene in front of him is obvious, Gehros is dragging something, trying to move towards the universe of order!

In the next moment, the stars in the sky came into view in an absolutely unexpected way.

The First Generation recognized the light of nearby stars, impregnated with energy from the plasma spark core.

——This is M78!

- Come in!

Almost at the moment when this idea appeared in his mind, hundreds of red flame meteors crashed towards the indescribable Khorne superstar with a magnificent momentum that could not be resisted.

From a third-party perspective, more than a hundred meteors wrapped in red flames in the starry sky zoomed in rapidly, and finally turned into spectacular streams of flames penetrating the sky and falling!

The hell star didn't react at all, or it was too late to make any reaction.

The moment the crimson flowing flame appeared, it rushed towards the face——

In the grand melody that shook the universe, the falling red meteor had a negative distance contact with the hell star.

Loud thunder echoed in my ears, and wisps of spiritual power spread out unreservedly.

Following the will of the consciousness, the body is responding instinctively, leading the explosion in front of it to change in a more unstable and irritable direction——

Nuclear power control, full power!

This full power is the part that the Cubs of Light can currently control, not including the 75% that is sealed in the Pyramid of Light.

And this is the core reason why Little Reza only released more than a hundred clones——

The idea of ​​the Cub of Light is that at least nuclear energy control is essentially the same level of power as the Outer God, and this is also the most powerful energy blast that he can drive now.

Tens of thousands of clones can only be controlled by subconscious fighting instincts, but more than a hundred clones can be finely controlled by the cubs, such as using nuclear energy control to ignite the astral matter of the hell star by blooming everywhere.

Lei Xu has only one thought at the moment——

No matter what Planet Cthulhu wants to do, if he stops it, it's over!

[Gheros, you GZZ! 】

The Cub of Light roared angrily:

[Give labor and management in! ! ! 】

On the front of the indescribable planet evil god, countless magnificent pitch-black tentacles evaporated at that moment, revealing the cracked mountains and land of Khorne.

Then, more than a hundred extremely dazzling lights lit up at the same time.

Under the endless ray of light, the earth and rocks quickly turned into magma.

And was blown up by the devastating shock wave that rose up afterwards.

In the blink of an eye, the earth and the crimson evil eyes inlaid on the earth evaporated together. The violent air flow engulfed the high-temperature magma steam and instantly broke free from the confinement of gravity and the atmosphere. In the half-dark red, half-star-bright background, vibrations spread out about A spectacular shock wave with a thousand times the diameter of a hell star.

Gherlos:  …



What would happen if you were suddenly blasted in the face by a firecracker while running as hard as you could?

Supplementary condition [-], when you are running with all your strength, you are still fighting another existence that is weaker than yourself but is at the same level.

Supplementary condition two, the running tunnel is only narrow enough for you to perform.

Supplementary condition three, there are more than a hundred firecrackers, and they are poisonous submunitions.

This is what happened to Gherlos now——

Rao is here is the body of the evil god of the hell planet, and it is enough to make it fall by being caught off guard!

To be honest, at that moment, Gehros was stunned——

What is this sense of deja vu familiarity?

Probably, maybe, maybe...

It seems to be a similar scene decades ago?

Then it was... the guy who was supposed to be the food——

The planets in this universe unite and snatch away the essence that should belong to them in the way of robbers.


The consciousness of the dizzy hell star moved slightly, and the godless one-eye buried deep in the earth's core successfully captured the red figure that had made it gnash its teeth for decades through the solid stratum and the massively spreading nuclear flame.

At the moment of clearly 'seeing' that guy, boundless anger suddenly burst from the heavenly cap of the hell star (if it has one)!

The Cub of Light was still busy enlarging the scale of the nuclear explosion. In the next second, a voice that knocked him out of his wits roared across his mind:

[Children of the Stars! ! ! 】


The premonition of crisis in his mind suddenly became too sharp to ignore.

Lei Xu instantly realized that something was wrong, but the booming melody didn't give him even the slightest chance to breathe.

Huge malice and indescribable fear flooded like a tsunami...

Lei Xu: ...

To post post post post post!

——At first, the Cub of Light thought it was like this!

——Lei Xu has already made all the preparations to be taken over by the giant Lei!

——Someone Lei also sensed the gaze of Giant Lei!

However, Thunder Giant has no response, persistent OMO.

The Cub of Light was stunned——


Giant Lei, you were not like this last time!

No one knows the answer to this question, but at that critical moment, a response that is not inferior to the roar of the stars in hell came rushing——

[Gheros* Why are you calling you a horse! ? 】

The roar of that chanting sound was full of energy, and the terrifying spiritual power contained in it was not inferior to the grand melody that the evil star god was singing.

Lei Xu was almost fainted by this loud roar.

The expression of the Cub of Light at the moment is like this——

( ̄⊿ ̄)?

Whose general is this?

Lei Xu quickly found the answer by himself:

L77 will!

This is a fact that hardly needs to be thought about——

Long before coming here, the Cubs of Light have deduced from various situations:

In this universe, the only guy who can fight against Gehros is the will of L77!

In the field of vision, the golden female figure suddenly broke into the still spreading explosion nuclear flame, reaching out to fish it out.

The next moment, the Cub of Light found himself out of Ghroth's body... inside.

Looking at it again, Gehros bared his teeth and claws through a layer of golden film, impotent and furious.

A somewhat familiar and somewhat strange energy is entering the body.

The Cubs of Light vigilantly...did not reject this wave of energy injection.

Lei Xu quietly let the energy pass through his body, and then let it go.

The interstellar dust stripped from Gehros' body was ignited by the nuclear energy control, and the light turned into nuclear energy continuously replenished the empty body.

The will of L77 doesn't seem to be aware of this, and the Cub of Light feels that her attention is mainly spent on sending cordial greetings to the ancestors of Gheros's eight lifetimes and [-] generations.

Swearing may be the only common grammar in the entire dimensional universe——

From the more direct 'CNM' to the literary 'Zhan Ru Niang', and then to the implicit 'Why don't you take advantage of the wind and skyrocket to NMB'.

It is obviously a simple sentence, but at least one hundred and eighty different lexicons have been changed, and the average content of each version is not less than 1000%.

Lei Xu couldn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

The above descriptions all take into account that the readers of "Light of the Earth" include but are not limited to humans and cubs of the Ultra family. The cubs of light automatically filter out some rude words that are not suitable for appearing.

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