"If you want to continue, then Mabu needs a little courage from the family..."

People in the universe who are online will understand in seconds——

WDNMLGBD is a poor crazy dog ​​thing!

While scolding, many cosmic people exchanged all the currencies in the account for various virtual gifts without hesitation, and smashed them overwhelmingly.

For a while, the densely packed gifts made the live broadcast a little bit stuck.

However, you can still see the appearance of money reflected in the eyes of the brain-cosmic man in the picture, and he floats away from the body blocking the camera.

Understood, he is another master who wants money but not life.

Earth, Zhang Wei, who was also watching on Starnet, pinched his brows, feeling like he was dreaming of returning to Earth on Resa.

"It's troublesome."

As the solemn male voice passed by, Luo Ji frowned and looked at the live broadcast:

"If this continues, I am afraid that aliens will try to impact the earth soon."


Zhang Wei nodded, agreeing with Luo Ji's judgment:

"I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

"It doesn't matter."

The indifferent female voice that squeaked past attracted everyone's attention, and the woman standing by the window looked back slightly, revealing a murderous look in her eyes:

"I'll shoot."

"It's not a question of whether you can make a move, thank you Mom... Sister Wen."

Zhang Wei frowned and took the tea from the woman in military uniform, took a sip and put it on the table. He changed his words quickly while his eyes sparkled:

"Even you can't stop the coming impact, Camilla, I need you to obey the command."

The woman in military uniform had reddish cheeks, and she steadily retreated behind Zhang Wei, using the body of her 'son' to shield her non-existent attention.


The love-hate warrior snorted coldly, but kept silent.

"I'll take it as your default."

Zhang Wei put down a sentence and quickly entered the command state:

"Get ready, Hayata, Shinjiro—"

The father and son who were named both looked back from the live video and looked back.

"From now on, don't hold back anything!"

Zhang Wei is especially looking at Shinjiro:

"The earth will soon become a battlefield. If you can't carry out the order unconditionally, I don't ask you to join the war."

Shinjiro is too kind, and he is still not used to killing.

But that's right, getting a 17-year-old high school student used to killing is in itself a difficult task.

In comparison, Beidou Xingsi, who is one year younger, kills everything without blinking an eye, and he is worthy of the name.

Possibly... Somewhere, Superman Ace is watching! ?

Pressing the nonsensical thoughts in his heart, Zhang Wei gave Shinjiro the last chance to quit.

Either quit as soon as possible, if he chooses to join the war, then he will ask Shinjiro to obey according to the standard of a soldier——

This is the responsibility of other combatants!

Hearing the sound, Hayata Shinjiro lowered his head slightly, and when he raised his eyes again, his eyes were filled with determination:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, please trust me!"


Zhang Wei nodded slightly, and looked at the earth witch beside him:

"Alice, I need you to coordinate Gatanjaer and them—

It's time to unleash the black mist!

Zhang Wei thought for a while and added another sentence:

"The scope is global, and this is the only line of defense on earth that has no dead ends."

"no problem."

Earth Miko nodded vigorously:

"I will coordinate with Jiatan sauce, and Renlong sauce is also very obedient, but..."

Thinking of the brother who was still on the other side of the world, Alice looked at her rival by the window with some embarrassment.

Four... Among the three star beasts, only Godzilla is the most arrogant.

As for the remaining Unikin, the cute new house beast can understand Zhang Wei's command, and doesn't need her to help communicate.

"I see."

Zhang Wei caught the figure of the love-hate warrior following his line of sight.

Zhang Wei could not help but raise his hand and rubbed his temples:

"Godzilla doesn't matter in America."

Compared with the ruler of darkness who can serve as a planetary shield and control the Zoga Legion, and——

Renlong, who has super telekinetic power enough to cover half of the earth.

Brother always highlights one characteristic——


High emotional intelligence: unpretentious.

Low EQ: Who else can't even fly?

Not being able to fly means that there is no mobility, and only ground combat means that if Godzilla directly participates in the battle, it is basically equivalent to the most critical moment of the battle.

However, it's not that there is no way to make Brother fly.

Zhang Wei suddenly thought of something, and unobtrusively glanced at the love-hate warrior not far away.

I heard that Camilla has a lot of Ressa rings...

"Look, there has been a change!"

The small calculations in his mind were temporarily dispelled by Luo Ji's astonished shout, and Zhang Wei quickly turned his attention back to the Star Network live broadcast.

Under the lens, the hazy infinite starlight suddenly began to twist and shrink.

As if observing through a lens, the starlight trembles and flickers violently, and presents a scene distorted in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, lines and light arcs visible to the naked eye spread out among the countless distorted starlight, causing strange ripples in the background of the starry sky.

This scene was abnormal no matter what, and the increasingly heavy atmosphere could be seen even with the naked eye, as if it was the prelude to a nightmare.

"Please remember, everyone, it's me——

Marb brings the first live hit! "

The Chebbel star perfectly explained what it means to take money and not die:

"One more wave of family members, I will take the lead in the charge!"

Zhang Wei: ...

Perhaps for this guy, having no money is more terrifying than death.

Zhang Wei brushed 9999 Jaytons——

This is the highest reward amount ever!

What is criticized is that Ridgeton is the most expensive on this interstellar live broadcast platform, and even Bashoumon & Light Demon have to be inferior to the cosmic dinosaurs.

By the way, the cheapest is Ultraman... no doubt, it is the original Ultraman——

The kind that gives away 5 for free every day!

Because they don't need money, all the presents passing by are all Altman's figure with folded arms and clasped hands in the shape of a Spaceium.

All of the above had to make Zhang Wei suspect that the behind-the-scenes owner of this interstellar live broadcast platform is Jeden Chef!

Emmm, could it be Baxter Stars? ?

Zhang Wei, who didn't know what he said, stared intently at the camera that was getting closer——

The Chebul star kept his word and controlled the spaceship below him to lean forward, and the hazy texture in the image quickly faded a little.

Now, the scene in front of the camera became clearer.

Zhang Wei has reason to suspect that Ya deliberately concealed it before, but in fact it should be so clear in the first place.

No matter what, anyway, this guy who wants money and life is just full this time, and now no one really cares if he is cheated——

It's not certain whether you can survive or not!

The thick, quagmire-like blood-colored nebula suddenly dissipated a little, and the lines that spread to the extreme of vision suddenly flashed an ominous streamer.

The streamer flowed in the chapped lines that seemed to be carved in the background of the universe, and Zhang Wei's face changed——

He faintly observed a huge vague shadow in the lens!

What happened afterwards proved that this was not Zhang Wei's illusion——

The radial dark red ripples swelled in circles, and the background of the starlight distorted in a certain direction to form irregular ridges that could be discerned by the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, the entire background of the starry sky shook violently.

The blood that covered the sky and the sun came from nowhere, as if covering the entire universe with a bloody costume.

Indescribable forces powerful enough to distort the parameters of the universe are permeating this space.

Across the video, Zhang Wei almost suffocated in the camera.

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