
The Mephilas star snorted coldly, and said words that would make the Cubs of Light so embarrassed that they got into the ground without changing their expressions:

"Our supreme holy emperor of the Ampera Empire——

His Highness Reza hasn't made a move yet, and the mere Gehros is not worth mentioning! "

A group of Ampera officers suddenly looked at the gentleman devil with strange expressions.

Everyone has studied "Light of the Earth". If you want to say that the legend came after His Majesty Reza, it's okay to say that Gherlos is not worth mentioning.

But if you really want to brag about His Majesty the new emperor of the Ampera Empire so embarrassingly, you can only say that you have never seen such a brazen person...

"That's right!"

The leader of the Groza Galaxy Army raised his blade arm:

"Master Mephilas is right, so right!"

"Yeah yeah......"

The Dark Star Babar strategist nodded in agreement:

"His Majesty Emperor Resar made a move, and Geheros must be so frightened that he can kill him with his palms!"

"No problem!"

The Dithrem stars raised their arms and shouted:

"What Diga Regedo or the king of Noah Ott is not as good as a hair of our holy Ampera Emperor Reza—"

"His Majesty Reza's appearance is diverse, shining forever!"

"His Majesty Reza looks diverse..."

"His Majesty Reza..."

Tiga:  …


Ultra King:  …


Mephilas:  …

(=_=)? ? ?

The gentleman and the devil were startled.

I thought that the flattering of the Meferalas star was already blatant enough, but I didn't expect you gang, gang, this, this, this...

Mephilas thought for a long time but couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

Never seen such a brazen gang!! !

"Okay, okay, okay..."

Knowing that the legendary giants would probably look at the Cubs of Light, the gentleman demon raised his hand to suppress the audience with a headache:

"Wait until His Majesty Reza comes back to celebrate, and go back to work!"

A group of Ampera Empire officers listened obediently.

Forget about Ultra King & Noah & Reggado——

It's not a big deal that the rumored giants probably won't take the time to look at Meferas and these shameless guys.

Bring Tiga?

Have you guys forgotten that there is a 3000 million year old woman in "Light of the Earth"... The Priestess of Light is the current actual captain of the Kingdom of New Light?

Even You Lian didn't need to make a move——

Believe it or not, His Highness Reza heard this and would have skinned you guys first! ?

The Gentleman Demon took a deep breath, clasped his hands in his heart——

I hope "Light of the Earth" don't draw this part, please!

Otherwise, these cheeky guys don't know, he, Meferas, will probably have to be skinned by His Royal Highness Reza first!

Should be... no?

The Gentleman Demon is a little uncertain, but he has a premonition.

Logically speaking, the little girl with the red shoes should focus on His Royal Highness Resa and the frontal battlefield. It doesn't make sense...

"The star cluster N57 is continuously suffering from disasters, and over 1/2 of the starlight in the observation horizon is extinguished!"

The continuous reports of the battle situation attracted the attention of Mephilas.


The gentleman devil glanced at the continuously expanding disaster range in the star chart, and shook his head regretfully:

"Silver... how's the solar system going?"

"The Milky Way, a large number of high-energy reactions have been detected moving towards the solar system!"

"The star network monitoring department has reported that the civilizations of multiple superclusters around the Milky Way, including the Andromeda galaxy cluster, are transferring to the Milky Way on a large scale."


This is an expected development, and Meferas nodded slightly:

"Send a warning to the earth, continue to plan--

The broadcasting system of those surface civilized planets? "


The adjutant of the Imperial Stars bowed his head respectfully:

"Everything is according to your orders."

"That's good."

The gentleman devil turned his head and thought for a while, and found that there was nothing missing:

"This is His Royal Highness's arrangement, so be sure to make it foolproof!"


The imperial star stood up to attention:

"This time, let His Majesty Reza gather hope, shine with diversity, and reach the top of the legend!"

Mephilas:  …

The gentleman devil nodded cheerfully on the surface, but rolled his eyes in his heart——

Dare to say, these guys!

Everyone is familiar with "Light of the Earth", and His Royal Highness Reza's random arrangement is probably "shine".

However, relying on the hope of a group of cosmic people to reach the top and legends... is too wishful thinking.

The biggest conspiracy of Mephilas was just to let that one, His Majesty Di Jia, do it himself.

"But, Master Mephilas..."

The Babar strategist turned his head slightly:

"Is it really okay on the other side of the earth?"

"Master Mephilas, please order—"

The leader of the Groza Galaxy Army turned back, patted his chest and vowed:

"Earth is the hometown of His Highness Reza, and I request to lead an Inpreza Legion to station on Earth!"

"No need!"

Gentlemen and devils use their asses to know the small calculations in the minds of these guys:

"Do what you should do!"

With the current average online strength of the earth, it may be more than enough to push the entire Ampera Empire horizontally——

Godzilla, Emperor Renlong, Gatanjae the ruler of darkness, and the time-space Eudemons Unikin, the little partner of His Royal Highness Reza, any of the four star beasts can push the dark nebula horizontally.

Not to mention the light demon lying in the fighting instrument of the little princess of the empire, Her Highness Camilla is also a top-level combat power not inferior to Zofie on earth.

More than a dozen EVA mechanical Ultra bodies are really driving humans into a hurry. Zhang Wei and Luo Ji have a ring gifted by His Royal Highness Reza in their hands...

It is no exaggeration to say that in the current universe, the earth is purely a copy of hell——

The kind that no one can please!

Take the earth firmly?

Hehe, Mephilas sneered——

Let the Ampera star himself come and see if he dares to say this big talk!

"Lord Mephilas, lord Mephilas!"

An anxious call came from the communication channel.


"His Majesty is heading towards you."

"His Majesty?"

The gentleman devil was taken aback when he heard the sound, and then he was overjoyed:

"His Royal Highness Reza is finally back, that's great."


The feedback in the communication made Mephilas stunned, and the ominous premonition lingering in the heart of the gentleman and the devil was suddenly strong.

"What do you mean by not...?"

"It's not His Majesty Reza, but His Majesty Ambella, Lord Mephilas!"

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