The effect of this persuasion was immediate——

The sweeping killing ice light quietly extinguished, the shadow tentacles that were about to fall stopped out of thin air, and the huge shadow-like dark monster suddenly stopped all movements.

The black mist dissipated a little under the control of instinct, and the dark super monster representing infinite darkness squirmed strangely and emerged with an ugly head covered with sharp needles.

On the grotesque and hideous flowing dark body that resembles some kind of soft-bodied creature, the smoke figure that can barely see the female curve slowly condenses...

I am... where?

Camilla stared blankly at the world shrouded in darkness, her thinking was so slow that she could hardly think.

Several starships that were about to be swept into two pieces took the opportunity to light up their engines, exploded at an unmatched speed in the shortest possible time, and quickly moved away from the dark monster that gradually revealed its ferocious face in the fading shadow.

But those starships didn't run very far before they seemed to hit something and exploded into meaningless plasma fireworks.

"Hmph~, looking for death!"

The invisible and intangible dark thoughts flashed and then withdrew, and the pitch-black figure appeared for a short time and flashed tens of thousands of kilometers away in an instant of fear.

Even the emperor of the dark universe didn't want to attract the attention of the dark super monsters over there, so Ampera consciously kept a low profile.

After knowing why the woman took the initiative to change into such a posture, no matter how much he disagreed, the Emperor of the Dark Universe was not prepared to intervene in the relationship between the two.

Ampera felt a headache.

He can't control how his son chooses, and now even a woman...

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe had to admit that he had a crush on that guy——

Camilla's incarnate Demogeah helpless fact!

Despair, fear, hatred...

Those who died under the ravages of dark super monsters, the negative energy released by countless cosmic beings before their death and the spirit of unwillingness to perish after death should have been in this starry sky.

Any creature under the entanglement of such terrible negative energy should step into madness and destruction. This should be what intellectual life can do in the face of destruction, the final revenge!


That chaotic and distorted shadow was reflected in the evil purple eyes, and that guy actually, actually used these as food for growth again.

The more the killing, the more negative emotions such as despair and hatred are brewed, the stronger that guy will be.

In other words, can that woman really control her current body?

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe expressed doubts about this.

And the development of the situation seems to be confirming his conjecture——


The next moment, the soul-shocking scream resounded again, and Camilla's barely condensed sanity suddenly collapsed.

Under the physical impact of that terrifying scream and sudden swing, Naios passed out again without any suspense, and his red and silver figure twirled and fell into the void...

Before implementing the idea in her heart, Camilla, who had a well-thought-out plan, didn't know that she had ignored a crucial reality——

In the plot of "The Final Jihad", the reason why she was able to occupy a dominant position in the competition with the ruler of darkness is entirely because Gatanjae has already passed away under the light of human hope for two years.

And this time, the Dark Lord is still alive.

Although he successfully obtained the Earth system and embarked on a potentially endless working life as a star beast, Gatanjah itself is an evil god representing darkness.

In a sense, the Dark Dominator also conforms to the Outer Gods... no, it conforms to the setting of the Old Ones.

As an evil god born from the purest darkness, Gatanjae has the natural instinct to control the negative energy of darkness, but is also subject to the violent influence of negative energy.

Gatanjae was supposed to rage violently amidst endless hatred and fear, but the god of death seriously injured it and woke it up.

The dark evil god who devours the negative energy of many intellectual beings has some characteristics of intellectual life, such as the fear of death and the desire for life.

So, for the first time in his life, he escaped.

Escaped to Earth, spent ages in deep dormancy...probably 11 billion years.

Deep sleep can help the evil god of darkness maintain the remaining rationality and rationality, and Gatanjahe never wants to return to berserk.

At that time, 3000 million years ago.

Darkness envelops, and light arrives.

For the first time, the Dark Ruler was pleasantly surprised to find that its rage was not uncontrollable——

If only the adoration of those little people existed!

In other words, positive emotions are like tranquilizers.

Although it will cause a small stimulus to the body, it can keep order and rationality for a long time.

Thus, a war with the giant of light begins.

Gatting all the little ones on the line, Gatanjah vowed to keep his sanity alive.

The ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

That damned guy named Tiga! ! !

Xu saw the essence of the ruler of darkness. Even if Qingzhi was eliminated, another monster that ruled the darkness would be born, so that guy kept his hand.

There is no need to say much about what happened next——

The God of Death who struck again awakened the ruler of darkness from his slumber, and for the first time, the will of the planet contacted and accepted him.

No matter when, the life raised by the planet will always thank the mother planet, and the will of the planet has never lacked faith and worship.

The sharing of positive emotional energy such as belief and worship makes the conch no longer need to sleep in order to maintain the few rationality.

The hateful guy came back together with the agent of the planet's will, to its enemy... the most hateful god of death was raised.

Immediately afterwards, I got to know a few little friends such as Xiaolonglong and Dabaiiao. The agent of the will of the planet seems to be very friendly.

From now on, he doesn't need to sleep to maintain his rationality, and he can still run around and play. The Dark Dominator is actually very happy in his heart.

So actually—

Gatanjeh is willing to work!


That nasty woman! ! !

The ferocious monster's head and body surface, the smoke that condensed the embossed female figure was instantly engulfed, and the dark monster far away from the earth sank in the darkness.

Carrying the endless hatred for those "guys who make him and her unable to meet" and being one with himself, whether it is the love-hate warrior or Gatanjah, he lost control of his body in an instant.

Although Gatanjiehe tried his best to regain his body, the more he killed, the more negative energy poured into his body continuously, which made his instinct become more berserk.

The bit of energy contained in the Proxy's token is simply a drop in the bucket, and the dark nature of the Dark Ruler is returning bit by bit.

If it is okay on the earth, but in this starry sky far away from the earth, the star beast cannot receive the slightest positive emotional energy.

Big Conch felt wronged and wanted to cry, where are you, Proctor?



Gatanjee was stunned, why can it shout for help now! ?

Immediately afterwards, the ruler of darkness saw the dissipated azure blue and striking red in front of the horizon...


The dark sky seemed to be oppressed by an overturned sea, and there was only a circle of light that was so dim that it was almost extinguished.

Messed up.

The dark giant mixed with gold and gray lay on his back in the dark tide, and Camilla's thinking was almost stagnant at the moment,

Under the influence of increasingly violent dark emotions, it has exhausted all her strength to come to the conclusion of these three words.

But in the next second, a beam of bright red brilliance pierced through the chaos and darkness like thunder and lightning, dispelling all the darkness in the field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, the flickering light was outlined in the red rainbow.

As the rays of light gathered, the red figure that made her dream come true gradually solidified in front of her eyes.

"I'm here to pick you up."

The red giant crouched down and gently embraced her gooseneck and legs:

"My love, Camilla."

Camilla:  …

She must be dreaming! ! !

PS: Sorry, Calvin is a bit serious, it's late!

173 ——He said so.

The invisible dark thoughts lightly caught the whirling and falling silver giant, stabilizing the latter's figure.

Seeing that his son did not look this way, the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe breathed a sigh of relief, wait!

What are you doing?

Suddenly aware of the Cub of Light's thoughts, before Ampera raised his hand to stop it, the ferocious and ferocious dark super monster stopped moving again in the caressing palm of the red giant.

In the next moment, the scarlet figure disappeared into the flowing dark body and disappeared without a trace.

Ampera:  …


[Little Resa! ! ! 】

The boundless sea of ​​mental imagery is suffused with disturbing darkness, and the dark storm surges into wave after wave of monstrous waves, setting off a violent hurricane that seems to overturn the entire world.

The gray-black sky is covered with a depressing sea of ​​clouds, except for a circle of afterglow that is so dim that it almost dissipates.

Black water & cloud, storm & twilight, it is self-evident what they symbolize in the world of heart images.

Looking at the scene, I'm afraid that if I don't take strong medicine, I won't be able to bring back the old woman's sanity.

At a glance, the Cub of Light caught the figure of the love-hate giant in gold-gray color scheme when he first met on the disintegrating island in the middle of the pitch-black ocean.

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