The will of the planet is generally affected by the will of the group spirit... the flow of life, and thus has a bad feeling for the earth & the son of the star Reza.

Everything revolves around this logic.

After all, Will of the Stars is not a lore alone.

Gathering together is the legendary will of the stars. If the internal opinions are not uniform, it may be difficult to exert its power.

So in fact, the Cub of Light knew very well——

After President Magma's "unsuccessful writing" incident, Naia's conspiracy has been declared successful.

Not to mention, that nasty guy successfully provoked the darkness in the hearts of the cosmic people.

As a result, no one believes the truth of "the universe will not be destroyed", which has caused countless civilizations to come to the "Ark of the Earth", directly triggering the confrontation between the earth and countless civilizations in the universe.


The Cub of Light looked at Sister Ka with beautiful eyes and affection——

With the thing like Dimogeur!

It can be said that if the star network now spreads the news about Dimojero, Camilla, and even someone related to him and Lei.

Good fellow, it is no exaggeration to say that almost all the wills of the existing planets will have a bad feeling towards Star Child Reza under the influence of the stream of life.

The earth is a node and a backup that cannot be tampered with, and Starchild Reza has no star support.

In this way, the wills of the stars have no choice, only the will of L77 can be the object that carries the authority of the alarm clock.


Really! ?

The Cubs of Light now wish this news could spread farther, farther, the farther the better!

Naia, this time I will let you know what is——

Smart is mistaken by smart!

176 The earth is here, dare enough, come on!

Against the background of the pale green giant star, a ray of shining silver light pierced the void.

In the next moment, the moment when the deep rift appeared, it was all closed again.

"Damn it, let go of labor and capital!"

Beria let out a cry of pain. The cruel silver seemed to be restrained by some invisible existence, and his arms were bound in front of his chest, unable to move.

The semi-illusory palm condensed by the bright starlight immediately appeared and fell with a crash.


Skimming through the invisible atmosphere of the Star of Light, the starry palm suddenly dissipated, and Bei Laobai regained his freedom just now.

"Damn it, it still doesn't work!"

The silver giant raised his hand to catch the cloak of King Ao, who returned automatically, and threw it away with a cold snort:

"This is a waste thing, the stinky brat has used it up!"

Star suppression——

The stars of M78 are shining, and all the Otts in the M78 universe are captured and forcibly escorted back to the star of light.

Anyone from the Otto family who tries to leave the Star of Light will be caught by a star hand, and then brought back like a chicken, just like what happened to Cruel Silver just now.

Nebula M78's attitude is very clear——

Just stay inside!

"Even Little Reza's ring doesn't work, maybe it's because of the cloak."

The figure with the horns on his shoulder raised his hand to grab the corner of the cloak from the void, and handed it to the blue scientist who was eager to see through it, and glanced at the background of the starry sky that is still shining today:

"It's M78's suppression of the Star of Light too much, not to mention..."

Father of Ultra tilted his head and looked down thoughtfully. The plasma spark tower suspended in the air was shining with constant brilliance.

"Even the plasma spark rejects all external manipulations that lead to the release of energy."

Hikari shrugged, joyfully fiddled with the Aowang cloak, which was silver on the outside and red on the inside:

"I'm afraid the Star of Light doesn't want us to leave either."

In the past period of time, he tried everything he could try.

Originally, it was easy to go out with the power of the plasma spark core.

But now even the supreme artifact of the Star of Light seems to be consciously rejecting them, and the Director of Science and Technology Development is powerless.

"So, the stars of M78 don't want us to go out?"

Superman Taro stepped forward, very puzzled:

"But why?

There is no reason to block the actions of our Ott family alone! ? "

"do not know."

The Ott Brothers clenched their fists. I don't know why Sophie is very angry now:

"Although I don't know the specific reason, it must have something to do with Little Resa!"

Zhongao: ...


Makes sense!

After that not so long ago... M78 stars shining for the pups.

Any fool can guess that the one who can trigger the entire M78 cooperation is none other than Little Reza.

But knowing this is useless—

Whether to go out or not to go out.jpg

"I'll go back to the guard first."

After saying that, the Captain of the Star of Light Guard turned around and lowered the altitude.

Although I can't go out for the time being, the affairs of Star of Light are still busy.

"It seems that something is coming."

Tai Luo raised his head, his eyes fixed on a familiar bright streamer passing by in the void, and he didn't react for a while:

"Hey, why are there still partners outside?"

Brother Ott paused.

"how is this possible."

Hikari responded casually:

"Except for Naios who went to the earth, none of the M78 nebula is missing, isn't it?"

"That's right."

Superman Taro scratched his head:

"But Nissans, look, it was indeed M78's Starlight who brought it here."

Taro has been watching countless partners being carried back like chickens by M78. He firmly believes that he will not admit his mistake... Unfortunately, he did not find Tregchia.

"Tch, it seems to be true..."

Cruel Yin glanced at the hand of starlight that was flying towards him, and suddenly fell silent.

Bighorn Niu looked at his friend who suddenly became happy for no reason, and tilted his head in confusion.


In the next moment, the red and white light and shadow instantly crossed the height of Zhong Ao and came to the front.

... Sophie?

Immediately afterwards, a series of familiar screams pierced the void——

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

This is not surprising, because the process of being caught by Starlight and escorted back to the Star of Light was a little bit exciting.

Most of the guards had unavoidably had a similar reaction, and just screaming was already the minimum feedback.


Otto's father looked puzzled at the light star guard captain who had gone and returned, but still didn't understand what was going on.


Instead, Beria came up with an unusually weird tone:

"The only avenger who climbed up from the grave of the Star of Light, vowed to let the Star Cluster Council for the innocent dead Ultra family and the dark people buried with the entire M78..."

Father of Ultra:  …


"Above all living beings in the universe, the ruler of the universe—"

The grotesque aria of the sadistic silver has not ceased:

"The highest~, the most domineering~, the strongest~, the most evil~...

Yu!universe!emperor!Emperor! "

"Guys with all of the above names."

Beria's yin and yang:

"Who on earth is it......"

Zhongao: ...

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