"Call me the on-site screen."

As soon as the projection screen was switched on, before the details could be seen clearly, there was a messy noise transmitted to the eardrums through the tactical communication.

"It has been confirmed that it is safe here, what do you want to do...don't!"


The lobster-shaped landing craft suddenly appeared in the screen, together with the countless capsule-shaped objects inside, fell into a sea of ​​flames, and the heavily armed tactical players around were forced to fall to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a group of fighters armed to the teeth entered the projection screen, stood in front of the burning wreckage and continued to replenish their guns until there was no sound.

"This is Team Storm."

Soon, a cold and flat voice came from the tactical communication:

"Confirm the destruction of an enemy landing ship and all hostile targets."

"what are you doing!"

The team commander who got up in a panic looked angrily at the comrades who broke in:

"These are babies, there is no threat to us!"

The surrounding team members also looked at the burning wreckage with unbearable expressions.

"Senseless kindness, people like you are better off the battlefield."

"What did you say!?"

This broadly contradictory response enraged the squad commander:

"You are the ones who attack babies..."

"They are aimed at your kind of thinking, see clearly—"

Storm One stepped forward with a sense of oppression, and radiated breathtaking sharp eyes through the tactical goggles, and paused every word:

"This! Yes! Enemy! People!"

"You, you, don't you have humanity..."

"777 Tactical Squad, transfer support coordinates X474Y587, execute immediately!"

The team commander obviously couldn't accept this reason, but the order in the tactical communication made him unable to continue talking.

"Oh, humanity!"

Storm One contemptuously glanced at the back of the absolutely unqualified soldier in his eyes, and said loudly:

"Innocents like you all died the first year we were invaded—

Get rid of these bedbugs! "

"E! D! F!!!"

The iron-blooded slogan sounded in the communication channel, and the storm team quickly assembled and floated in the air, turning to the next landing craft landing point.

In the command hall, Zhang Wei frowned.

At this time, the enemy's conspiracy... is clearly on the surface.

The core purpose of the other party is actually the same as that of the smugglers who infiltrated into the earth not long ago, the Civilization Mutual Assistance Alliance.

The smugglers infiltrated on their own, seeing that human beings were unable to find them all, so they were determined to hide on the earth and get there.

And the enemy is also aiming at the weakness of human beings this time——

Human weakness!

If his conjecture is correct, all those released by these landing craft are cosmic infants or juveniles without the ability to recognize themselves, attacking the simplest compassion in human nature.

This is an extremely shameless, but indeed useful tactic.

All members of the storm team come from the universe in the background of "EDF·Earth Defense Force"——

The earth was continuously invaded by aliens, the earth was almost completely occupied, and the total number of human beings was reduced to less than 4 million.

It is precisely because of this background that Team Storm hates all alien life.

Regardless of the unarmed refugees in front of them or the babies and hatchlings like just now, this group of fighters who climbed up from hell will never hesitate or show mercy.

Humans on Earth are different!

The most recent cases of cosmic people causing a large number of casualties happened more than half a century ago, when the first generation of brothers protected the earth.

Even though there have been many incidents of aliens killing human beings on the earth in the past year, these are too far away from the general public after all.

Besides, since Boy Lei came here, the series of actions of the "King of the Earth" have really raised the psychological threshold of human beings.

Unknowingly, human beings as a whole have a superior mentality, thinking that they have already stood at a relatively high-end position in the universe civilization society, although this may be true.

To make an inappropriate analogy, it can be compared to those animal protectionists.


Most of the tactical teams in the Tokyo Metropolitan area have been selected urgently in the past six months to form recruits who have been trained!

Today, there are nearly 2000 million ground troops fighting in the world, but the number of active soldiers is less than [-] million——

Only the flower growers provided nearly 1000W, which is the amount only including the recalled veterans!

Over the past 55 years, the countries of mankind that have long been at peace have maintained a pitifully small standing army.

Almost none of these active-duty soldiers who grew up in peaceful times had real combat experience, including North America.

One can therefore imagine how these unblooded warriors behaved in the face of defenseless infants and hatchlings.

Not to mention that so far, humans have indeed not made any sacrifices——

Zhang Wei noticed that not only the ground troops were unscathed, but the Wito air squadrons that attacked around the world were basically not shot down.

Unlike shooting down the dark demon bird mercilessly, when facing human fighters, the enemy restrained to an unimaginable degree.

No fight back, no fight back, no fight back!

So far, it is entirely human beings who launch defensive attacks unilaterally.

No matter how many enemy ships fell, not even a ray of light from the enemy fell to the ground.

Regardless of the casualties, the spaceman pilots who drove the landing craft down didn't even carry any weapons.

There were even reports of an out-of-control crashed Wito rescued by enemy ships, and the pilot now refusing to execute the sortie order.

Therefore, even though all members of the 777 tactical team were unqualified in Zhang Wei's eyes, he was powerless to criticize.

Turning a normal person into a murderous executioner in a very short period of time, at least Zhang Wei can't do this kind of thing, let alone think of any effective way.

——Think about it without breaking the law!

The worst thing is......

"How is the evacuation going?"

"Still in progress—"

Immediately, a correspondent put the current human evacuation progress on the projection in the form of a global map:

"Currently less than 30%!"

That's right, it takes three days to execute the human evacuation plan itself, which is already the minimum redundancy.


Amidst the dull knocking sound, the fist made close contact with the table, and the command hall fell silent for a moment and fell into noise again.

Zhang Wei is very uncomfortable now, very uncomfortable——

Even the personnel who participated in the war couldn't do anything to those cosmic babies and larvae, so what about those babies who were thrown out by the landing craft and scattered in human cities?

With the compassion of most ordinary human beings and... what will the Holy Mothers who are overflowing with compassion do! ?

The term Virgin is not derogatory. People who are dedicated to goodness and sacrifice themselves to others are worthy of respect no matter what.

But this is exactly what the enemy is exploiting—

Weak and innocent babies can best inspire human compassion and arouse the desire for protection in people's hearts.

In Zhang Wei's review, the other party even thoughtfully considered the issue of the continuation of hatred——

Ignorant babies have no memory, and these babies who will grow up under human care in the future will not remember the sacrifices and hatred of their ancestors.

The enemy clearly knew that the 'Earth Ark' could not carry everyone's life, and did not intend to let 'self' live from the very beginning.

The purpose of everything is to continue!

Civilization can be abandoned, and a new civilization will be born if the race can continue.

Even if it is possible to inherit human civilization, the physiological differences are destined to make the growing babies realize the difference between themselves and humans.

At that time, whether it is to leave the earth to develop independently in a new universe, or to develop its own civilization on the basis of human civilization... these are all foreseeable things.

All adults are subject to sacrifice for the purpose of 'perpetuation'.

Even self-aware children cannot fall to the ground, because they have memories and may carry and pass on hatred.

This minimized the disgust of Ultraman Reza, the Light of the Earth, and the concerns of high-level human beings about accepting these babies!

As for attacking babies... Don't make trouble, neither the Star of Light nor the Kingdom of Light will allow it!

The Cub of Light might not be able to do such a thing himself, so he has to replace Otreza... Zhang Wei thinks a little bit of the boy Lei in "Ultraman Reza".

Moral kidnapping?

Yes, that's right, this is an upgraded version of moral kidnapping!

This kind of calculation in people's hearts may even seem a bit sad, but it is an out-and-out method that can be effective.

The development of the matter was exactly the same as Zhang Wei expected——

There is only one storm team, and it is difficult to take care of even the Tokyo metropolis, but similar reports have been received from all over the world.

The ground troops stated that it is impossible to kill cosmic infants and larvae, and the result of forced orders is that several armies collectively resist the order and choose to withdraw from the battle.

In Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Central African continent, people in almost all the cities where human beings have not completely retreated have begun to take the initiative to accommodate and protect these cosmic babies.


"Boy Ray—"

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