It’s a starship, that’s right, Lei Xu remembers those starships that You Lian brought to the mirror universe, why did she bring so many useless…

The Cub of Light hasn't had time to react yet... Well, it's a bit inaccurate to say that now.

From the perspective of the legend that was spontaneously brought up, Lei Xu clearly captured the identities of the arrivals——

Cosmic people of Didi Cosmos!

Crayfish Baltan & Mickey Starman, Dinosaur Girl Yiwu, Kigal Starman, Red-Eyed Crow Man Lebik, Raedel, Daisyma Galaxy Man...

The above are just the cosmic beings that Lei Xu can name, and more——

No, it should be said that there are roughly tens of millions of cosmic beings here, and the Cubs of Light can only recognize a very small part of them.

What really made Lei Xu unresponsive was not the people from the universe who were brought here for some unknown reason, but...

In the background of the 360° starry sky in the whole sky, the arrival of a more intense wave of starlight than any previous swell.

【ah--? 】

In this brilliant flood of starlight, the Cub of Light was stunned for a moment, and blurted out:

【why! ? 】

[Ah, your size! 】

The familiar symphony of cold and shy chanting has not yet settled down, and the two figures of red, blue and blue and black have rushed into the body of the star-studded giant:

[Hi, senior. 】


The Cub of Light looked at the heads of the two friends who were close at hand:

【How did you do it! ? 】

[Why don't you think about it with your smart brain——]

No matter what Fujimiya said, it sounded like irony:

[Why do the same cosmic beings exist in different universes! 】

Lei Xu: ...


[Okay, I totally understand——]

Feeling the starlight body that was almost full, the Cub of Light who didn't understand the situation at all waved his hand like a rainbow:

[Go, let's kill Geheros! 】

Fujimiya & My Dream & Unikin:  …

He/Man of Light doesn't understand anything! ! !


PS: Sorry, didn't break the chapter on purpose.

Last night, I didn’t finish coding until 9.38am, and I didn’t wake up until 7pm when I finished. After tidying up and writing, I didn’t pay attention and wrote until 2.30... No matter how I write, I am not satisfied and I am still very tired... Sorry for the late!

192 Eat Your Dad's Pai Daxing!!!

Spectacular ripples rippling in the deep and dark universe at the end of the line of sight, and the brilliant starlight in the background in the distance is scattered like glass shattering, as if the universe itself is disintegrating under some incomprehensible force.

[Tsk, this rotten ball is really hard! 】

What pierced the solitude was the undisguised chanting voice from the Cub of Light. Lei Xu stared at the gigantic shadow star in front of him deep in the black and red smoke cloud and complained:

【Hey, I dreamed that you said, are the pancakes from Zenda Ultraman's house as hard as Gherros? 】

[Hmph, if you have time to complain, work harder! 】

Before the innocent boy could respond, Fujimiya responded coldly in the space of consciousness:

【Otherwise, you may never know what kind of pancakes are as tough as your mouth...Here it is again, change! 】

Lei Xu: ...

The Cubs of Light can now be sure of one fact——

Fujimiya Ameng's aggressiveness is indeed full!

While thinking about it, the main control consciousness completed the exchange with lightning speed.

The star-studded giant flashed a series of shadow lightning bursting from the black-red cloud in a thrilling manner, and raised his hand to block the melodic ripples 'visible to the naked eye'.

As soon as he put it down, he bumped head-on into a majestic tentacle formed by swirling mist, and countless nightmare-like phantoms instantly formed in front of his eyes, grabbing the starlight giant's neck in the air.

[Ah oh, the situation is not good. 】

The Cubs of Light still have time to complain:

[It has to be you, King B, who is good at food and loves to play! 】

Fujimiya: ...


[Senior, stop joking, it's coming, get ready! ! ! 】

The moment my dream anxiously recited, the incomparably thick and indescribable touch of shadow emitted a roar that shocked the heart and soul.

Xu Shi realized that he had successfully captured the enemy, and huge power was being injected into the tentacles, forming a flowing mysterious luster on the surface of the black-red cloud.

The frightening and terrifying limbs frantically waved and swept across the stars, and some kind of lines containing the truth of the world seemed to be formed on the indescribable folded skin, and the whole tentacles shivered and retracted quickly——

Together with the star giant with its tentacles grabbing!

The light wheel condensed by raising the hand was shattered into thousands of pure white light spots by another tentacle, and the dazzling blue lightsaber extending from the palm was dispelled by some extremely corrosive force halfway through the swing.

The star-studded figure on the tentacles struggled desperately to break free from the restraint, but was dragged into the dark abyss as if helplessly, and disappeared without a trace.

In the mobile Austrian universe, countless cosmic beings who captured this scene through the light and shadow across the universe looked at each other.

Witnessing such a scene with his own eyes made one wonder whether the new emperor of the Ampera Empire was defeated because of the magnitude of the star-studded scene before.

After all, even a black hole is but a part of a constellation of stars.

It is far away from a mirror universe, and has lost the continuous support of the stars in the universe.

Even that Ultraman Reza probably couldn't beat the "stars always" concept of the outer god body......

At this moment, probably only the countless shining figures who were looking up at this scene outside the Bashermont still looked at that——

According to the concept of time in this universe, the legendary Ultraman Reza who has not yet given birth to the placenta is full of confidence.

Oh yeah, and there's an ordinary mortal and a light... light and dark giant—

Zhang Wei & Camilla!

The melody that reverberates across the universe is gradually becoming clear from a vague and uncertain state, and the sound of celestial bodies that was no surprise in the legendary posture is once again singing deafeningly in the ears.

At the same time, thoughts full of malice and blasphemy suddenly came over, and Lei Xu knew that it was Gehros!

[Children of the Stars! ? 】

The astral evil god's words were full of sneer and disdain, and his empty and lifeless blood eyes almost touched the starlight giant wrapped in the tentacles:

[Without your support, you still want to kill me with the power of a group of food! ? 】

Gehros is the twisted tumor of the conceptual incarnation of the stars, and 'food' undoubtedly refers to the stars!

【Difficult, difficult——】

The cubs of light acted in disbelief:

【You've been pretending all this time? 】

This is nonsense!

In the past period of fighting, Lei Xu was convinced of one fact——

Gehroth has the natural restraint of the power of the stars like a cat and a mouse!

Whether it's L77's will that successfully suppressed the extraterrestrial gods, or he, someone like Lei, who shines among the stars easily, Gheroth has a role to play!

Speaking of which, the Cub of Light actually noticed——

When the support of L77 Stars Will was transferred to him, the former's suppressing power was weakened a bit, and Gheros should be able to break free!

【Create a stage and watch the performances of the clowns who think they are winning. 】

The astral evil god trembled and let out a joyous roar, making the starlight giant show a painful posture in the roaring melody that was close at hand:

[I have to say, I am very satisfied with the performance of the clowns like you. 】

[Now, to be clear——]

Noticing the painful gesture of the star giant, Gheros satisfactorily slowed down the voice of the celestial body:

[Who exactly is involved in this calculation against me. 】

【So, so you always knew? 】

The voice of the cub of light is full of unwillingness:

【Know that guy...】

As if realizing that he had slipped his mouth, Lei Xu's chanting stopped abruptly.

Realizing that the key to my attention is the second half of the sentence that was not revealed, the large-scale melody stagnated abruptly.

【right!That's the one--】

The Astral Cthulhu couldn't wait to utter an incomprehensible chant:

[Son of the Star, tell me the identity of the traitor! 】

Outside the hyperspace, the hearts of Dracione and Naia who were watching this scene...Although I don't know if there is any difference between these two, but in short, it was mentioned in the throat.

Di Jia glanced at the two silently.

It's fine if Dración doesn't know the cub, even Naia, who has carefully studied "Light of the Earth", is like this.

Little Resa was right, the negative existence of Outer God is extremely arrogant...

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