However, if you think about it carefully, no matter how likely the time travel is.

The statement of my dream made logical sense.

And only I dream to know—

Traveling through the timeline is not far away from human beings...

15 Sacrifice to Renlong~

Tokyo, the secret base——

When Lei Xu walked into the studio, he saw Daniel in the communication video.

"Li and his companions have entered the heaven, and the cracking work is in progress.

By the way——the Celestial Dynasty made a request.

After Tianjie successfully cracked it, they plan to block it in batches and complete the preparations for the typhoon fight, and let Tianjie purify the air pollution across the country in three months. "

"It's a bit hard to say, but the financial pressure of Alchemy Star is indeed..."

"It's okay Daniel."

Fujimiya's face was very calm:

"The heavens don't belong to me, and it's a good thing to purify the air pollution. There are many places where money will be spent in the future. It is impossible to complete the next development plan with Alchemy Star alone. Before our plan officially starts, the heavens can rent Just rent it out."

"You still need to worry about the ratio of funds. We will need a lot of investment in order to..."

"Well, that's roughly the arrangement for the heavens."

Daniel in the communication smiled as if he was relieved:

"Fujimiya, many of my companions hope that you can come back, and Dr. Inamori, she has been asking me about your whereabouts, do you want to?"

Mentioning Inamori, Lei Xu found that Fujimiya Ameng's stern attitude suddenly softened:

"Wait a little longer...I don't know what to do now...I will find her myself, don't worry."

After the communication video was hung up, Fujimiya turned to look at Lei Xu, and said succinctly:

"Set off?"

Lei Xu picked up the hamburger on the table and took a bite, "Well, my dream was arranged by me to pick up the sacrifice. Let's pick up Kuroda Megumi first."

"She's coming too?" Fujimiya obviously didn't expect this.

"I thought about it. Megumi Kuroda is a shrine maiden who can appease Renlong's anger. With her as an intermediary, at least there will be no fights. The water shortage in Tokyo is very serious recently."

In this way, Fujimiya understood.

In Gaia Chapter 11 [Dragon City], Renlong is extremely angry at the fact that humans have cut off the dragon's veins during the development of Tokyo's underground, that is, the Marunouchi urban redevelopment project.

Many things did not happen overnight, as did the impact of the project on the dragon's veins, and the anger of Renlong.

The emergence of Renlong is more intolerable, and the Marunouchi project can only be regarded as the fuse, not the absolute main cause.

Land Rover speeding all the way——

L77 survivor: [Chewing gum, have you arrived yet? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Ready, I have asked the commander to temporarily block the Marunouchi project site, but if there is no reliable reason, I am afraid...]

The Light of the Ocean: [It's okay, let Renlong appear on the stage to make a fuss, I dream, you are not allowed to make a move! 】

Guardian of the Earth: […]

L77 Survivor: [At least we can control the situation to a certain extent. According to the murals, Renlong should have the strength to compete with the giant beast Zolim. If it is not for the dragon veins and dragon jade... at least this time we can't let it go Dragon Jade was destroyed! 】

"Ah Nuo—"

A faint female voice sounded, and Lei Xu turned off his phone to look around.

Kuroda Kei held a gauze hat in his hand, with a polite smile on his face:

"May I ask, Mr. Lei, did you really bring...snacks for Mr. Renlong?"

"It doesn't count." Lei Xu explained with a smile:

"If you study Fengshui, you should know what kind of symbolic meaning the dragon has in our Rabbit... Celestial Dynasty culture."

Kuroda Megumi nodded reservedly.

"So in my heart, Renlong is not a terrible existence. Its existence itself is auspicious and a sacred symbol. As a person of the Celestial Dynasty, I am willing to treat and sacrifice to it."


Kuroda Megumi's eyes flowed:

"Three animals and six animals?"

Lei Xu smiled and said:

"There is an old saying in our country, people don't blame people if they are polite. I think Master Renlong wouldn't blame us for it even if he didn't need it."


Fujimiya got out of the car with a cold face - he always did this to people he didn't know well.

"Then, Ms. Kuroda, wait in the car. If anyone of us accidentally offends Lord Renlong, please help me to say a few words."

Kuroda Megumi bowed slightly with a smile on his face, and the car window slowly rose, covering the soft and delicate face of Renlong Miko.

"Hey, chewing gum."

"Senior Lei Xu."

At the entrance of the Marunouchi project, I dreamed of sitting in a Ram pickup, waving excitedly to this side.

He has been looking forward to this action with his friends for a long time.

The pickup truck slowly drove into the wide construction tunnel.

"Hey, Renlong, is Kuroda Priestess so powerful?"

I only know the plot, and I haven't heard Lei Xu's detailed explanation, I am amazed:

"Doesn't that mean that Renlong is the leader of all the monsters on Earth?"

"Theoretically so—I doubt all three of us going up together—"

Lei Xu didn't finish speaking, but the meaning was perfectly conveyed to the two friends present.

"Earth—" Fujimiya's tone was unceremonious:

"It has never been unique to human beings, but very few people can realize this. I dream. I hope you can make the group of people in XIG realize this."

"I will work hard!" I Meng held the steering wheel in my hand, my heart was surging.

Lei Xu's eyes radiated iridescent light, interrupting the communication between the two:

"Turn left."

The pickup truck drove across the smooth asphalt road and turned into a bumpy passage.

"Senior, Fujimiya!"

"I saw it."

Lei Xu calmly looked at the black dragon head protruding from the rocky underground pool in front of him and kept watching the people in Pikari, and ordered:

"Don't worry about it, keep driving. I checked with a perspective. The pool here is too narrow, and the head of Renlong can't come out. It's not polite."

I Dream & Fujimiya: ? ? ?

"Isn't this the master?"

My dream face is full of astonishment, and I can't wait:

"How big is Renlong?"

"More than 100 meters high...probably."

Lei Xu glanced at Fujimiya A Meng, but didn't find any changes on that poker face, and was a little disappointed:

"Turn right at the next intersection... and hit it!"

"Eh—?" My dream let out a cry of shock—the opposite was a jagged stone wall.

On the passenger seat, azure blue light flickered past, and the human-sized Aguru was still wearing a seat belt, and he slowly raised his hand and leaned out the window.

In the next second, the blue light flicked gently, and the hard rock wall disappeared as if it didn't exist.

Lei Xu: ...

Fujimiya Amen, how many strange skills do you have that I don't know?

The phantom-like rock wall quickly solidified after the pickup truck passed by, and finally stopped inside a huge cave.

Ahead, the pitch-black water surface shimmered under the light of the pickup truck.

Lei Xu, the leader of Renlong, was not disappointed when he didn't see him for the first time, he believed that Kuroda Hui would not engage in such an oolong.

"Come on, give me a hand and unload the sacrifice."

The three people present were not ordinary people, and Lei Xu's physical fitness was not needed. The body of Fujimiya who had returned to his human form glowed with a blue gleam, and together with Lei Xu, they placed the whole cow that was roasted properly by the pool.

Lei Xu's mentality at this time is not that he is visiting Ultraman in a detached form.

Just as an ordinary Rabbit Countryman, he worshiped the sacred totem with a long history in the Chinese culture.

The red silk cloth is spread on the ground, and the three animals and six animals are put in place in order.

Finally, Lei Xu took out three thick incense sticks, respectfully inserted them in front of the sacrifice, and shouted loudly:

"Master Renlong, please enjoy—"

The sound spreads everywhere, reverberating in the air...

16 Dialogue with Renlong ~ Two in One

"Master Renlong, please enjoy—"


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