Compared with the two who may be 'traitors', this murderer who destroyed Zarabu's home planet and the colony is the real goal of the purge force!

The treaties and agreements formulated by the Star of Light require the active maintenance of the Ultra Clan!

If it is said that human beings are a disaster without reason, then the people in front of them have undoubtedly violated the treaty and are sinners who must be punished!

[How dare you judge me based on the laws of your planet of light? 】

Otreza sneered:

[Who gave you the courage?Liang Jingru! ? 】

【Take it! 】

Although he didn't understand the meaning, the guy in front of him obviously wouldn't have anything good to say, and the black silver figure suspected of being the captain of the army shouted angrily.

In the next instant, five figures were in unison... Photon burst out of blood?

The commander's eyes shrank suddenly, what kind of attack could break the skin of the Otto clan! ?

Soon, he knew.

The silver-armored giant, who was approaching in front of him almost in an instant, raised his hand lightly, and the indestructible Alt skin was easily torn by that ordinary hand knife, and the severe pain that he had never felt invaded his mind instantly.

As the photon blood rained down, the silver-armored giant turned slightly sideways like a prophet, and a few pale light wheels that shot in dangerously flashed past.

【Hmph, the troublesome guy has finally arrived! 】

This is again...

The troop commander suddenly realized that the speed of his fall was slowing down, and a... a red figure that was no different from the guy's initial posture just now caught him! ?

The head of the Purging Force widened his eyes in amazement, and looked at the red giant in front of him in shock, not even noticing that the severe pain on his body was being relieved for a while——

He was completely dumbfounded!

[Manishan, Manishan! 】

A few more halos came out of their hands, forcing the guy who seemed to be 'myself' back.

After being dealt with by the unlucky guy who was disemboweled for some reason, the Cub of Light glanced at Meferas, who seemed a little excited for no reason, and quickly came to the two stagnant red silver giants.

After a little touch, he realized that the two Manisangs seemed to be sealed by a layer of space-time energy, and Lei Xu just breathed a sigh of relief.


Until this time, the Cubs of Light had no time to look back...

Lei Xu fell silent when his line of sight reflected the 'self' wearing silver armor and silver wings.

Don't know why, the lemon it surrounds me! .jpg

【Hey~! 】

Inexplicable thoughts flooded into my mind, as if to show off, Otreza shook his shoulders up and down, the meaning was obvious——

Are you envious! ?

Damn! ! !

The Cub of Light gritted his teeth with envy.

Nuo Shen is so eccentric... Oh yes, the one opposite seems to be from me too.

That's fine!

【What are you doing? 】

Now is not the time for envy, jealousy, and hatred. The Cub of Light simply glanced at the... 5, 5 Zedon statues around him! ?

Lei Xu was instantly stunned.

This...what's the situation! ?


With the cheerful voice of Sen Han sinking into his mind, Otreza shrugged slightly:

【As you can see. 】

The Cub of Light was silent.

Jayton is a unique weapon against celestial bodies of the planet of light, 5... It can only be said that this intensity is already at the level of immortality.

Different from the general cognition, there is only one option for the appearance of a second self.

Only he knows himself best, Lei Xu has absolute confidence in himself——

Even if Otreza is on the opposite side, he may be extreme, but he is definitely not an unreasonable guy!


[Don't ask anything, and don't say anything if you ask. 】

Lei Xu: ...


I haven't even asked yet!

[Since you're here——]

The silver-armored giant tilted his head slightly, and the sacred silver light that overturned the blue planet quietly withdrew:

【Then I will leave it to you. 】

Wait, leave it to me... what do you mean! ?

The Cub of Light was stunned for a moment, and looked at the one closest to the earth, which was accumulating weapons of sanctions against celestial bodies with surging fireballs.

[I have something I want to come to talk to Star of Light. 】

Otreza put it lightly.


【no! 】

Combined with the situation at the scene, the fool also knew what he wanted to do, and Lei Xu instinctively objected:

[You cannot destroy the Star of Light! 】

The silver-armored giant raised his height by himself, and the silver wings soaring into the sky released a faint brilliance and pointed to somewhere in the void.


The Cub of Light looked towards the 4+1 huge mechanical giants.

Isn't it just 4+1 Jayden? It depends on labor...

【correct! 】

As if sensing what he was thinking, the leisurely voice with a smile passed by his ears:

【This is not all--

Another Jayton is approaching the earth, the earth will be handed over to you before I come back, please don't leave~. 】

Lei Xu: ...


[Otreza you TM! ! ! 】

Episode 217 Destruction! Planet of Light!

Regret, in short, I regret it very much!

Cub of Light feels so regretful right now...

Damn it, you shouldn't be in such a hurry, you should at least bring Eugene with you when you come!

At the moment when he glimpsed the pair of Noah's wings behind 'him', Lei Xu understood everything——

Apart from 'myself', no one knows Noah better than him and someone else!

The most capable person, since Otreza has Noah's wings, then a little bit of Noah's ability is not too much! ?

For example-

Knowing that he will definitely arrive before someone from Lei arrives!

The Cub of Light suddenly realized that after many years, he had once again encountered the type of 'enemy' he least wanted to encounter!

Like the time-space snake beast El Robber, who is familiar with the past, future, cause and effect, and uses this ability to infinitely modify various parameters, so that the reality develops as it has arranged——

Time and space daddy!

The most outrageous thing is that this big daddy of the space-time system is actually me! ?

For a moment, the Cub of Light couldn't spit out the MMP in his heart.

It is conceivable that Otreza deliberately left a mess for Lei because he knew in advance that Lei would arrive.

The purpose... is undoubtedly to delay the time, so that I can't hinder what he wants to do!

In a series of cocooning thoughts, the surging heat that is gradually forming from the vast sky... It is said that a mega-degree fireball that can burn a radius of 200 light-years in a single blow takes shape silently.

Perhaps the identity of "Children of the Stars", which cannot be lost no matter what, is taking effect. In the perception of the Cubs of Light, hundreds of panic "calls for help" are approaching from the stars in all directions, rippling across the universe .

that is--

The planet is unwilling to suffer the wailing of this innocent disaster...

Apart from each other, only Lei Xu here can hear the wailing of the planets!

At the same time, it seems to have discovered the existence of the cub of light... the child of the star, and the starlight in this world seems to penetrate like activation.

In every starlight lies a...

[Little Resa, you——]

Raising his hands, the shining cloak swept across the two immobile red silver giants, and the Cub of Light pressed his hands to signal the two Manisans to be calm.

[His Majesty Reza, Mephilas salutes you. 】

The Cub of Light glanced strangely at the vile cosmic beings who came over like they were familiar. Lei Xu didn't remember that he had anything to do with Xin'ao's Mephilas.

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