"Then follow this plan, You Lian!"

It's kind of a family thing on Earth—

After being affirmed by the scientific research department of the Kingdom of Shinko represented by Gama Fujimiya and the TPC mascot Dagu, Lei Xu directly made a decision:

"When dealing with Redigai's human government, the training of actual combat personnel is up to you, and you are fully responsible for the overall planning and implementation."


The head of the Earth Guard nodded slightly, and glanced at the two Austrian scientists on the opposite side:

"I need technical support."

The Cub of Light looked towards the two little friends.

"Daniel, no, Alchemy Star should be able to help!" The first thing I thought of in my dream was those reliable partners.

Fujimiya folded his hands on his chest with a calm expression, and said succinctly:

"no problem."

"I think Horii should be able to help too."

Dagu pitted his colleagues relentlessly:

"If it's just one or two, TPC should be willing to let people go."

Very good, Gu'er already had an obvious tendency to turn his elbows inward, and the Cub of Light nodded happily.

"The Kingdom of New Light needs its own combat readiness and heavy industry system... No, I need the support of the entire industrial chain."

You Lian made a more demanding request, and what the Priestess of Light said made sense:

"The preparation of special space aircraft cannot completely rely on TPC, we have our own use requirements."

"There are a lot of suitable planets in the Bashermon. You can find someone to investigate and draw a few suitable ones." Lei Xu is not entangled.

"Then I'm fine."

The Priestess of Light sat down briskly:

"Considering future needs, I will leave enough expectations."


So far, the preliminary work of the interdimensional earth maintenance system has been arranged, and the time needed to see the results is at least measured in years.

"Now it's your turn—"

The Cub of Light naturally swept towards the Gentleman Demon and Cruel Silver, and knocked on the table again:

"Give me an exact time."

Unlike the little friends here who are tied together because of their own existence, the Ampera Empire and the Star of Light are fields that Lei Xu has no experience and is even more difficult to get involved in.

The Cub of Light doesn't have much else, the only thing he knows is——

It is definitely not that simple to establish a civilization management and cosmic peacekeeping system!

"whispering sound......"

"His Majesty Reza!"

The gentleman demon bowed slightly, and spoke before Bei Laohei:

"The subordinate has an idea that might be applicable."

"Say!" Lei Xu said concisely.

"The subordinates think that the Galactic Federation can exchange certain functions with the Star of Light, and the executive staff also..."

The Cub of Light was thoughtful.

He understood what Mephilas meant—

Lei Xu can trust Star of Light and the Ultra Clan unconditionally and without a bottom line, because they are already trustworthy——

Even with Bei Laohei!

But the gang of killers in the dark nebula are just the opposite——

The biggest concern of the Cubs of Light is that after these guys form an organization like the Star Cluster Council, they will continue to carry out sustainable depletion operations on many young civilizations as before.

Civilization management, peacekeeping... a swap of the two functions.

Realizing that there is me in you and you in me, the advantages are obvious——

Effectively curb the lawless killers of the Ampera Empire!

The disadvantage is that the operation of the Star of Light... peacekeeping efficiency will be greatly delayed.

This needs to seek the opinion of the commander of the Star of Light, Lei Xu looked at the last pair of hanging eyes that were a little fierce.

"Hmph, I agree!"

Beria's reaction was unexpected, but he still sneered at the gentlemen and demons, to be precise, the killers of the Ampera Empire represented by Mephilas:

"If you can educate these guys... that guy Kane will definitely agree!"

Lei Xu: ...

It's true that you can't leave the big horn cow, Bei Laohei, you still say that you are not an Otto man! ?

The Cub of Light complained silently in his heart.


Returning to the same old question, Lei Xu looked again at the gentleman, the devil and the silver of cruelty:

"How long will it take to complete the initial organizational structure?"

"Three months."

"Three years!"

The two unanimous answers confused the Cub of Light.


"The subordinates thought it would take 3 years at the shortest, Earth time." Mephilas repeated his point of view.

so long?

The Cub of Light stared at the Gentleman Demon in surprise, and found that the latter met his gaze calmly.

"This is already the fastest—"

Mephilas' attitude is obviously a bit conservative:

"The civilization of the Dark Nebula is not as easy to change as you think, Your Majesty Reza, please trust me."


Gentlemen and devils are the professionals when it comes to dealing with Dark Nebula and his gang, Lei Xu took a special look at Bei Lao Hei.

Cruel Silver remained silent, he probably had done his homework and was well aware of the difficulty involved.

There is no need to worry about the Star of Light. The Otto family is top-notch whether it is maintaining the previous rhythm or adapting to the new situation. Every qualified security team member is an all-round talent.

The basic situation is probably like this -

The three major components and the direction of operation of the Kingdom of Shining Light have initially been established!

The establishment of the interdimensional earth warning and maintenance response mechanism, the structure of the civilization management organization, and the cosmic peacekeeping are intertwined with the former.

Everything needs to be handed over to time, and none of the items can produce results in a short time, let alone rush.

But at this time, Lei Xu's personal busyness finally came to an end——

The Cubs of Light opened their mouths immediately, and ran back to Earth Reza non-stop!

That night, Lei Xu and Sister Ka conducted a preliminary discussion and in-depth research on the positive and negative duality of light for the first time.

He also made a lot of constructive progress and successfully gained a lot of valuable practical experience on many philosophical issues such as whether darkness and light can be unified, and in what way.

The specific process is as follows:

One mind!

In and out of the light.

In and out of the dark..

In and out of the light...

In and out of the dark....


4 A honeymoon trip that is not a honeymoon~

Spring to autumn, cold to summer.

Not since turning 27 has the Cub of Light had such wonderful leisure time.

Five years, Reza Earth time for five full years!

Xu Shi understands the hard work of the Cub of Light these years, and in the past five years, he has not deliberately sought out anything important enough to require him to come forward.

The Cub of Light seems to have been completely forgotten by the entire world and many legendary giants——

No particularly urgent news has ever come from the Kingdom of New Light, or from the universe of the Kingdom of Light who is in regular contact.

Oh yes, by the way--

Considering the extremely serious communication delay, the Kingdom of Light universe is currently maintaining contact once every thousand years, and the Rediga cluster universe is about once a year.

That's right, the time ratio between the Redigai cluster universe and the Kingdom of Light universe is roughly there.

It is higher than the previously estimated 1:800, which is a number that is too refreshing to breathe——

1: 998!

It is basically equal to 1:1K, which means that about 5000 years have passed in the Kingdom of Light universe.

It's not that Lei Xu really doesn't want the Nissans from the Kingdom of Light at all, and it's not that he's afraid of seeing Sister Mary...Really! ! !

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