What I have imagined countless times in my heart is the image of my father——

Gradually, he became equated with the legendary Ultraman Reza Ultraman who has been worshiped since childhood.

No wonder my mother said that.

No wonder there are so many researchers in the Kingdom of Light, but the mother is responsible for feeding the little Beibei!

No wonder, she was so determined to maintain that man's identity from being exposed, and she was never willing to tell herself about Camilla!

No wonder Manishan has such an attitude towards him.

No wonder I can't learn anything!

No wonder......

Over the past few days, Sai Luo has had countless thoughts of unraveling the "wonder" in his heart.

The best person, without a doubt, is Reza, the legendary Ultra warrior!

Mother, Alfonou is more than 1 years old this year. She...stretched her hand to Resa, who was not yet 2000 years old, and then she had herself.

Even in the Kingdom of Light, this is undoubtedly a crime!


As for the question of why my father from the L77 family gave birth to me from the Severn family with a blue mother...

In Sai Luo's eyes, this is not a problem at all!

Not to mention that the legendary Ultra Warrior Reza is a super atavistic of the Red Race, and has plasma sparks in his body.

In the Kingdom of Light alone, there is no such thing as pure bloodlines anymore.

Almost all of them are of mixed blood, and the division of the so-called red, silver, and blue races is actually based on the convention of body color manifestation.

People are used to calling it this way, but in fact, any tendency to be dominant may happen when the next generation is conceived.

The most typical example!

As the leader of the Kingdom of Light of the Ultra Silver Clan, Ultraman Kane and the Supreme Chief of the Silver Crusade, who is also the Silver Clan, are the direct descendants of Mary, the mother of Ultra——

The sixth member of the Ultra Brothers, Ultraman Taro is the complete red dominance!

Because of this, Sai Luo never felt that there was anything wrong with being dominant in the Severn system, which was a perfectly normal phenomenon in the Kingdom of Light.

For thousands of years, countless people in the Kingdom of Light have wondered why Reza has not returned.

And why did he leave little Beibei in the Land of Light, as if he had completely forgotten about this once favorite little Beibei.

The truth... is that so! ?

Sero actually felt a little warm in his heart.

Little Beibei must have been deliberately arranged by his father Resa!

In fact, the legendary Ultra warrior did not forget the existence of his son——

He deliberately left little Beibei to grow up with him, so it must be the monster partner arranged for him!

Presumably Professor Man... No, it should be said that the Ultra brothers, including the father and mother of Austria and even the king of Ultra must know about this——

That's why Professor Man paid so much attention to himself!

Sai Luo felt that he must have accepted the inheritance of his father Reza, so there were so many similarities between the two of them.

For example, the combat talent that crushes peers, or the same dislike of learning.

However, the little warmth in his heart could not stop the continuous brewing of anger in Sai Luo's heart——

Reza, you nasty bastard!

You actually—

How dare you betray such a gentle mother who loves you with all her heart! ! !

Sai Luo deeply felt worthless for her mother.

How much I loved "Light of the Earth", now I hate this cross-universe legendary history.

How much I looked forward to the legendary Ultra warrior, and now I hate the trash Ultra scumbag.

What nonsense Legendary Ultra Warrior!

Shameless, a guy with two feet on his back.

My mother never wanted to mention to herself the matter of loving and hating soldiers, because that was her sad thing——

Camilla turned out to be Sai Luo's second mother!

That nasty scumbag! ! !

He even stayed with Camilla grandly, put his mother and himself in the Kingdom of Light for thousands of years and never came back to visit him even once.

But even so, mother is still protecting that guy!

Sai Luo felt sorry for the best mother in the world from the bottom of her heart.

Belonging to the whole universe, a great hero who is indomitable ~.

Maybe so, Junior O was willing to admit it.

On the outside, you Reza may be a well-deserved hero.


As a husband and father, you are absolutely unqualified, you hateful Ultra scumbag! ! !

Poor mother for thousands of years can only see things and think about others, and comfort herself with a ridiculous ring.

She lied to herself to say that a great hero belongs to the whole universe and not to the two of them.

Ridiculous, so ridiculous--

Ridiculous to pathetic!

One of these things is the most unacceptable thing for Sai Luo——

You, Reza, are not the only ones of the Otto clan, so you don't have to be bound by the Kingdom of Light at all!

As the emperor of the Ampera Empire and the leader of the Kingdom of New Light, you have every reason and are more capable of taking your mother and him, Sai Luo, away.

Home is where there is family, and Sai Luo especially recognizes this saying of humans.

But, what is the reality! ?

His mother, Alfred Nu, and himself, two orphans and widows, stayed in the Land of Light, but the scumbag man himself had never come back to visit even once for thousands of years.

This alone, no matter what, is absolutely unreasonable.

Damn it, you wait for me!

The stubborn boy secretly made up his mind——

Since you are not willing to come back, then I will go find you in person!

I, Ultraman Zero, swear here——

You must vent your anger on your mother!

Ressa the scumbag, wait for me, you nasty guy! ! !


8 Set a small goal first!

Big talk, and swearing.

But when it comes to how to implement this point, Sai Luo has encountered difficulties.

To be precise, the boy O gradually felt the despair from the bottom of his heart.

The more familiar he is with "Light of the Earth" and understand that hateful scumbag, the more Sero understands how difficult it is to chase that scumbag in strength——

Under normal circumstances, this is simply an impossible miracle!

The life of that scumbag is very clearly described in "Light of the Earth".

The direct bloodline of L77 Princess & Dark Universe Great Emperor Ampera——

The legendary hero of light whom the earth loves,

The Son of the Stars who recast reincarnation in Stars Gathering;

The chosen one under the watchful eye of many legends;

The emperor of the universe who set foot on the multiverse;

The Eternal Enemy Feared by the True Name Cthulhu——

Light of the Earth Reza, a scumbag!

Each resounding appellation represents that guy's strength to varying degrees, and when combined, they become a nearly invincible existence.

So far, the body data left by Ultraman Reza when he first arrived in the Kingdom of Light still ranks first on the Internet.

The power of 20W tons, the speed of Mach 30, and the energy storage of 200 races.

The power is stronger than him, the speed is not as fast as him, the speed is faster than him, the power of light is not as strong as him, the power of light and change can be compared with him, the energy storage is not as much as him, and the energy storage is more than him...

Well, this one really doesn't!

What kind of concept is this 200 race?

Let's put it this way, Ressa alone can exhaust the entire Kingdom of Light——

The scumbag has an essential ability called nuclear energy control, and the energy storage data of the 200 race is meaningless at all!

What's more, that guy's invincibility is not just data on paper.

When it comes to actual combat, scumbags are best at defeating the strong with the weak.

There is no concept of 'face', just run as you hit.

Even the real-name evil gods who are countless times stronger than that guy can't do anything to him, let alone the artifact cloak bestowed by King Ultra.

Run like the wind, don't involve the earth & humans are more slippery than anyone else.

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