The father of Otto realized that he seemed a little careless, this tactical choice is a bit like...

He raised his head suddenly, and a figure wrapped in a surging air flow flew towards him obliquely from above.

The air vibrates, followed by a huge screeching sound.

There is very little moisture in the air of the Kingdom of Light, so no sound barrier cloud was formed, only countless small and sharp impact wind blades spread to both sides.


That's too late!

Unconsciously, the commander of the Kingdom of Light had no choice but to give up dodging, and blocked the sudden volley kick with his folded arms.

Ding Ding Ding-

Severe pain hit, and Ao's father had to take a step back to relieve the force of the kick and stabilize his figure again.

The auditorium on the side was completely silent, and everyone was stunned——

Before things really happened, no one thought that Sero could make the Kingdom of Light's most powerful retreat in the first round.

In fact, most of the Austrians thought that this was just a guiding battle, and the commander of the Kingdom of Light could easily resolve the battle.

There seems to be something wrong with this pain!

Glancing down at the left arm with ablation pain but no trace, the legendary Ultra warrior Kane was surprised for a moment, and then slightly raised his interest.

Although he has seen the skill list that Sai Luo has touched more than once, he did not expect that he would really practice the skill left by the love-hate warrior who deepens the pain.

Bighorn became more interested in Ultra Boy's purpose.

This kind of abnormal interference skill... paralysis, freezing and imprisonment have no effect, right! ?

In the flash of thought, Ao's father's eyes never left the boy's swollen body.

"How is this going?"

Passers-by who didn't know the truth in the audience raised questions.

At this moment, the figure that should be thin has eye-catching muscle lines all over his body, and Sai Luo's whole body... seems to have swollen a circle.

"Is it a full-body force-limiting ring?"

Otto's father gave an admiring evaluation:


"The throwing posture deceives the starting hand, the phantom remains in place, and the wonderful tactical choice——

And amazing kicking skills! "

"I was at your age... No, even when I was just an adult, my combat skills were not as strong as yours."

Sai Luo's eyes remain unchanged——

This power is far from that guy!

As for the kicking method, there are detailed training methods for Leo Fei kicking in "Light of the Earth"!

Can't even satisfy him with his own praise?

Ao's father is keenly aware of the hidden part under Sai Luo's calm appearance.

"Come on, kid, let's continue!"

The commander of the Kingdom of Light invited the battle quite seriously.

Sai Luo waved his hands silently, his heart became more and more serious——

As expected of the father of Ultra!

This kind of sneak attack, condescending and flying kicks did not cause any substantial damage to him.

But I'm already doing my best, without any reservations...

"If you are a compliment, wait until I beat you down!"

The retaliation is not only a big talk, but also a psychological construction for myself——

In the next moment, Sai Luo stepped forward.

The fist that hit the face was pushed away by the muscular silver arm, and the elbow that was pushed horizontally to the latter's side was also resisted by the raised right knee of the kingdom of light leader reflexively.

"Good homework!"

Ao's father once again gave a comment in a calm manner:

"Although the location where I was injured is not a secret, except for Little Reza and Beria, you are the first one who dares to attack here without hesitation during the competition..."

During the words, Sai Luo's body was a little out of balance——

This well covered up his subconscious gaffe when he heard that name!

The suddenly powerful fist sent a force that made the feet unbalanced. Ao's father took this opportunity to turn his fist into a palm, and directly pushed the natural armor of the young Ao's chest without storing any force.

The next moment, the two separated again.

"I can probably see your fighting style clearly, it is indeed different."

Ao's father looked at the promising young man and talked freely.

From the moment the commander of the Kingdom of Light became serious, this was destined to be a guiding battle.

"It's in line with what you said in class earlier."

Ao's father's eyes brightened up a level:

"Although it is the popular style brought up by little Resa, you are most like him——

Retro, nasty, not very shiny, but... works! "

Shiro concealed his reaction well.

"Those little guys have never learned the essence." The commander of the Kingdom of Light once again raised his opinion of Sai Luo.

"Hmph, fighting is about winning!"

Shiro snorted coldly——

Even if he knows it well, as an opponent, Aofu's performance and evaluation with ease can make any fighter who wants to win unconsciously annoyed.

Is the gap in strength really that big?

Sai Luo does not believe in evil!

The Ultra boy took a deep breath of the high-energy light particles in the air——

Make a fist, bend your elbows slightly, stretch your left arm forward, put your right arm against your chest, and re-pose the strange posture at the beginning.

"what is this?"

Ao's father asked curiously, he had never seen this kind of move, it seemed like he was professionally fighting against a certain target.


In the light shining, Sai Luo took a step without any nonsense, and flew towards him in the form of a streamer.

Until now, the commander of the Kingdom of Light has not really launched an attack on himself, this is also an opportunity!

After the first sneak attack and the second targeted kidney shot, Otto's father has already become vigilant, and the fighting style of surprise is no longer applicable.

Sero decided to attack head-on.

Taking a step like lightning, the short-inch straight fist hit the kidney again, and was slapped away without any surprise.

Father Ao didn't launch a counterattack, he was still holding back!

In the arena, as a fighter, Sai Luo couldn't help feeling a little angry at the behavior of Ultra's father.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Ultra boy, and the next moment, the hand knife that was slapped away regained control and attacked again.

The focus of the commander of the Kingdom of Light's prevention is still his kidneys——

In the face of Si Luo, who is similar to the fighting style of Little Reza, in the guidance battle, there must be no slack.

If it hits the wound with a blow, it will be pure and overturned.


Didn't it hurt the old one?

The bighorn bull was startled, but amused by his own thoughts——

I didn't go after my old wounds, but with just such a little room for exertion, I can...

The next moment, Ao's father felt tightness in his chest and abdomen.

The Ultra boy swung his grip at a strange angle, his hands moving as quickly as phantoms.

In an instant, dozens of not-so-heavy bunts and quick punches fell into the chest like raindrops... It didn't hurt or itch.

Do not!

Father Ao knew that he didn't feel pain or itch because his body instinctively condensed energy protection.

Except for Beria, Man, and Zoffy, the average Ultra fighters would probably be defeated by a series of onslaughts if they were full of this set.

"Human techniques and tactics?"

Bighorn Bull suddenly recognized the technique used by Sai Luo, his eyes narrowed, and he blurted out:

"You want to chase little Reza?"



The Otto boy looked at him incredulously, and forgot to attack him continuously.


The bighorn bull nodded happily:

"It turned out to be like this, I am very happy that you can target Little Reza from the bottom of your heart..."

Shiro was silent.

He thought he was telling the truth just now, and was almost scared to death by that sentence.

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