The movement of the red Ultra fighter is blurred to almost a chaotic mosaic. The youngest fighter in the kingdom of light, Zero is in the most violent way——

Kill all the monsters along the way, and move towards the direction of the cruel silver at high speed!

The army of ferocious monsters that were densely displayed along the way seemed like paper paste in front of the fledgling Ultra youth.

Every time the fists and feet entwined with explosive wind and flames fall down, they can bring up a massive explosive flame, coupled with two silver indigo cold lights that appear like ghosts, roll up a death storm signed by Wushuang Mowing!

Oh no, that description is a little inaccurate.

The entire army of monsters summoned by the Cruel Silver with two ultimate combat instruments and revived with plasma sparks are undead that should not exist in this world.

Therefore, Lei Xu felt that, strictly speaking, Sai Shao was completing the final salvation for these guys who refused to die honestly.

But obviously, Beria, who was at the scene, didn't think so.

【Belia, I think we are still...】

【Labor and management have said——】

The roaring words and voices of the Cruel Silver resounded at the same time:

【"Shut up!!!"】

Almost at the same time as the roar settled down, the monster army's innermost defense line finally announced a breakthrough.

The continuous bursting flames penetrated a radius of nearly [-] kilometers of the battlefield, and the red Ultra warrior finally arrived at the front of the brutal silver horizon!

The cold silver indigo edge returned to the hands through an erratic trajectory, holding both front and back.

As Sen Leng Daoguang danced, a dozen ferocious monsters crowding up around the circle fell to the ground and exploded one after another.

Between the arms forming an L-shape like flowing clouds and flowing water, the brilliant golden cluster rays swept away again and took away a large number of fearful cosmic undead.

The flash of red out of thin air took away the last few unlucky eggs that were still in the field, and finally stopped the action, and the Alt youth turned sideways slightly——

The sharp, war-like gaze silently met the long, narrow, orange-red evil eyes.

"Hmph, interesting."

Beria picked up a dark artifact and grinned grinningly:

"Little devil, labor and management will personally meet you next time!"

If it is said that before this, Cruel Silver could still leave decently with the reason of disdain and caring about the little-known Ultra kid.

Now, facing the Ultra youth who broke through the battlefield in the most violent way and came to the present.

Even the slightest flinch would be interpreted by people in countless universes in that hateful comic book as Beria being afraid of the Ultra kid in front of him.


In any case, Beria will not allow himself to escape!

If you want to go, you have to be...

"Come on~."

Thinking back to the malicious eyes that this guy looked at his mother just now, Sai Luo felt upset, and his tone became even more presumptuous:

"Or you, an old bastard, want to run away, huh!?"


The loud sound of metal collision was slower than the contact between silver indigo and pitch black in the vision, and cruel silver responded with a powerful direct blow.

Sai Luo only felt a huge force hitting him, and took three steps back to stabilize his footing.

"Shut up~!"

The dark Ultra warriors came after them violently:

"I'm going to send you, you ignorant stinky brat, on your way now!"


The Otto youth snorted coldly, not to be outdone, and rushed forward.

jingle jingle...

The incomparably fierce sound of hammering iron continued to resound, and the battle between the two sides became fierce as soon as it started.

"not good!"

In the blue grating not far away, the commander of the Kingdom of Light looked into the battle situation, his eyes changed slightly, and he slapped the inner wall of the moment of capture with a slap:

"Cero can't beat Beria, let me out!"

It is true--

As a prey mantis, the Cruel Silver who had been lurking for a long time and took advantage of the situation to kill two Rebrondos almost completely accepted the dark energy of the ultimate life form.

Today's Beria is by no means inferior to Super Taro in terms of hard power.

Facing any of the Ultra fighters alone... No, even the Ampera star in the dark armor can probably win after paying a certain price.

As if sensing the anxiety in the heart of the ruler of the Kingdom of Light, the indestructible light blue grating quickly disintegrated in the field of vision.

Just when Ao's father subconsciously wanted to jump into the battlefield to fight the enemy with Sai Luo, the deep purple evil eyes that came into view silently interrupted his movement.


The Ampera star stared at them coldly.

There is no dialogue, and there is no need for dialogue.

After a brief silence, the fateful duel between the ruler of the kingdom of light and the emperor of the dark universe restarts again...


The red light and shadow fell into the ground and smashed up a large cloud of dust, and the cruel silver holding the dark artifact once again rolled up the condensed dark thunder, and smashed down with a grinning smile:

"Smelly brat, your mouth doesn't seem to match your strength!"


Not far away, Leo, who was fighting side by side with his younger brother Astra, subconsciously lit up the light energy riot and wanted to rush over to make a rescue, but was forcibly stopped by a crimson attraction light path.

In the next moment, orange-red light swept across the room, and everything along the way turned into crystal clear and magnificent crystals.

Looking around, it is a group of dazzling white crystals——

Light Monster Pritzmer!


Damn it, Spathum~ Rays! "

Not far away, Superman Taro, who was entangled with the Earth Emperor monster, also noticed the weakness on this side.

With a bounce, he leaped high, and the dazzling light flow volleyed into the air.

But this ray of light melted in the sky when it was about to arrive——

A creepy grin flashed by Tai Luo's ears, and the Angel of Root Destroyer, who had teleported at some time, responded with an invisible wave bomb, forcing Superman Taro, who had barely escaped from the entanglement, to fall into a tight siege again.

Seeing that the dark artifact wrapped in pitch-black thunder was about to fall, a brilliant golden streamer falling from the sky volleyed and hit the high-rising Ultimate Fighting Instrument, causing its trajectory to deviate.

Boom-! ! !

Beria missed.


Cruel Silver looked at the petite, curvaceous female Ultra warrior in front of her with some irritability.

"You look nothing like that stinky uncle!"

Lily glanced at the somewhat familiar black and red figure in front of her, and expressed her dislike bluntly:

"More annoying than him!"

"Tch~, another brat!"

The dark Ultra fighter was amused by the baby in front of him who still smelled of milk, and subconsciously ignored the intense fluctuations of consciousness coming from the consciousness space, and smashed it with his stick:

"Get out of the way!"


The red light and shadow quickly pulled over, and Sai Luo threw down the small light cub who was quickly lifting something, interrupting her movement:

"This is not a battle you can participate in, stay away!"

Sai Luo could also smell the fact that Lily was not out of infancy at all, and instinctively ordered the trumpet Cub of Light to leave the battlefield.


Lily innocently glanced at the back of the Otto youth thrown at her, and hurriedly completed the previously interrupted action before the cruel silver that flashed over fell down again——

Raising the strange-shaped device in his hand, a little golden streamer quickly pulled out and turned into a crystal-clear shining crystal, easily carrying the fallen dark artifact.


Cruel Yin looked over belatedly, this guy turned out to be Leonix! ?

At this moment, the small Cub of Light, who knew that he really couldn't be of much help, had already sat on the back of a giant crab-shaped beast and flew into the sky, leaving the battlefield with all his heart.

"Please, Pritzmer..."

The childish call elongates the echo:

"Help me~."

The light demon left in place:  …


Sai Luo was keenly aware of Cruelty Yin's momentary stupefaction, and was about to rush forward to give Ya a slap in the face, but a childish scream came from behind——

"Ah~, ahhh..."

Looking back, the small Cub of Light, who hadn't flown far, suddenly hugged his hair and let out a series of painful screams.

Immediately afterwards, he fell from Zanika's body and fell into the battlefield, and the monster army in the surrounding circle shot a blanket of firepower mercilessly.


Sai Luo instinctively gave up this excellent opportunity to attack, and jumped to a close distance to make a clearance.

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