At this moment, the Cub of Light, who is being crushed by Dong Ma Kaidou in his heart, is...

"Hey, Aguang Ameng, Torre Ameng?"

In an unknown crater on the back of the moon, the red giant curiously poked Yefu, a large instrument stand in front of him, and turned his head:

"It's been more than ten days, have you researched anything?"


Tregear spread his hands sincerely:

"To be honest, the current research progress is 0, and we need more time."

"The progress is zero?"

The Cubs of Light were caught off guard, and immediately swept towards the two A-mengs in unimaginable turns:

"Are you... sure!?"

If it is said that even the two of you here are unable to study leaf rot, then there may not be a few civilizations left in the entire Austrian system universe that can...


Hikari maintains a bunch of scientific research skills, one or the other is perfunctory, and his state is low:

"I now believe that leaf rot is a complete living body."

"What do you mean?"

Lei Xu was keenly aware of the deep meaning in A Guang's words.

"It means that Yefu is a perfect living body."

At this moment, Tregia seemed to have lost the joy of successfully capturing Leaf Rot more than ten days ago, and the Cub of Light felt that he was a bit decadent:

"It adapts to all external environments and can survive no matter how harsh the natural environment is. It is a perfect creature."

The description of Torre A Meng is still within the scope of Lei Xu's understanding, but Superman Aguang's description of Yefu began to develop in the direction of fantasy——

"It can withstand all attacks. No matter what kind of attack it is, it can evolve a corresponding survival mechanism and strategy. No blow can make it die."

"Time has no meaning to leaf rot, theoretically immortality."

"Because of immortality, leaf rot does not need reproductive function, it does not need offspring, it is everything by itself."

"Meaning? The existence of leaf rot has no meaning!

For life, the whole meaning of leaf rot is to live itself. "

"Leaf rot does not need to absorb and exchange energy from outside to maintain its own operation. If no one touches it, it can perfectly control its own energy cycle."

"No loss, no loss, leaf rot can exist independently of the universe."

"Even if a counterattack is launched, the energy absorbed from the outside world is accurately doubled, and the double return is more like the counterattack principle it set for itself."

"Cooperate with research?

No, no, our actions will not have any impact on the survival of leaf rot!

We have no intention of harming it, and the leaf rot doesn't really care whether we study it or not. "


The Cub of Light finally realized what a BUG Ye Fu was, and it was far more outrageous than all Lei Xu's previous conjectures:

"Yefu is a complete living body that does not need external communication, energy exchange, or active intervention by a third party, and will never have any interaction or influence on the universe, just to live?"

"That's right!"

Hikari also showed a decadent state similar to Tregear's, which is especially rare in the number one swordsman in the universe:

"You can say that Yefu is a stone, or you can say that it is a universe... No, this is not a creature that can be born in the universe at all!"

Judging from the performance of the two Dreams at the moment, the Cub of Light feels that their scientific worldview has been greatly shocked.

Many people may not realize how outrageous this incident itself is!

To put it simply, any life born in the universe is not an individual that exists alone, and needs to absorb energy from the outside to maintain its own operation, even the Ott family is no exception.

Even if the essence is to distort time and space, it is also an immortal space-time phantom beast.

Unigin was still born in the space-time system within the universe, relying on space-time energy to survive.

Furthermore, the universe is not absolutely perfect!

From the beginning of its birth, the universe has gradually changed from order to disorder, which is an unsolvable increase in entropy.

What is leaf rot?

It is everything, its perfection the envy of the universe.

The universe will die, but leaf rot will not.

Therefore, it is a complete living body——

Leaf rot here is one of the ultimate answers to life!

"Biological evolution follows the maxim of 'enough'."

Tregear rubbed his temples in distress:

"I really can't imagine what kind of circumstances Yefu would have to evolve into such a perfect form that even the universe doesn't need.

Could it be that it is life that has survived multiple universe destructions? "

"And there won't be any other universes around, no energy to draw from."

Hikari is also analyzing possible scenarios:

"The external environment forces Yefu to be self-sufficient, not to increase or decrease, to live forever under the most extreme circumstances..."

"Alright, alright, alright."

The Cub of Light waved his hand to interrupt:

"Ah Guang A Meng, you mean you can't do anything with it, right?"


The number one swordsman in the universe nodded reluctantly.

"That would be—"

Lei Xu snapped his fingers with a snap:

"Yuni, put away the leaf rot!"

[Hi huh~! 】


The two A dreams were caught off guard, and the moment Huamei Yinhua swept across, the music angel with golden luster flowing all over her body immediately disappeared in a crystal clear crystal prism.

Leaf Rot has no subjective self-awareness, and it doesn't care where it is.

Therefore, any actions that are not malicious to it will not trigger the reaction of this fully living body.


Seeing the Cub of Light raised his hand to pick off the crystal with leaf rot, Hikari became anxious immediately:

"Little Resa, where do you want to take Yefu?"

"This stuff is dangerous."

Lei Xu is very aware of the consequences of letting Yefu wander outside. A complete life body has a great probability of becoming a demon when encountering any civilization other than the Kingdom of Light.

Yefu itself does not have individual consciousness, nor can it distinguish whether the attacking subject is an individual or a civilization.

For example, it was a DASH fighter plane that attacked it, and the main body of the attack consciousness was the DASH pilot, but it also destroyed the city.

In the original plot, Ruixi attacked with a pistol, and in return not only doubled the attack beam, but also missiles.

According to its counterattack logic, once the strength and type of a civilization’s attack on it exceeds a certain threshold——

Yefu is very likely to regard all civilizations and life forms in the entire universe as enemies and launch a double counterattack!

"Since it just wants to live, it shouldn't be a problem no matter where it lives."

The Cub of Light said so.

"You want to bring Yefu back to the Land of Light?"

Tregchia's eyes narrowed:

"Great, give me a little more time, I can definitely..."

"Wake up, Torre Ameng."

Lei Xu slapped Tregia on the shoulder:

"Are you assured of the security level of Kingdom of Light?"

Torregia:  …

"But little Reza—"

Hikari is clearly not giving up:

"If you carry it with you, I can't continue to study..."

"Ah Guang A Meng, do you think it is really suitable for you to continue your research on leaf rot?"

"What?" Superman Ah Guang's eyes widened.

"I'm not a scientist, I don't understand what kind of impact the existence of leaf rot has on you."

The Cub of Light glanced at Meng A, he didn't want to say this at first:

"But look at yourselves, you're almost obsessed, aren't you?"

Hikari silently stared at the red giant in front of him.

As a scientist who has developed life solidification technology, little Resa is bound to be unable to experience the feeling that the ultimate answer to life is in front of him.

If he doesn't study, he won't be reconciled!

"And who said I would take Yefu with me?"

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