I remember that in the "Original Plot", Leonisan's coronation was the very beginning of the Magma's attempt to invade the L77 star!


Doryu was momentarily speechless.

Zhong Ao stopped in the air, and after a short thought, they all showed shock——

Reza from a different universe claims that there is no 'Doliu' on his side, so it should be impossible to know about Doliu's past experiences!

"Feel sorry!"

To Zhong Ao's surprise, it was Sophie who interrupted——

The strongest silver warrior looked over apologetically:

"Duo Liu, please answer this question, we will explain in detail later."

Doryu: ...

It wasn't until this time that Duo Liu looked at the Cub of Light from the front for the first time, and the L77 General's gaze couldn't help pausing at the red giant's protruding lower abdomen——

That is a flamboyant dark gold taboo text!

"Could it be that you are..."

"Please answer me first."

The Cub of Light neither admits nor denies—

For Lei Xu, the never-masked L77 star is nothing more than a 'family' in name.

Except for the mother's counterpart that may exist on the L77 star of this universe, the Cub of Light actually doesn't care much about King Ars——

These can be discussed after Leo & Astra Nisan arrive!

Right now, after all, it is the kingdom of light that is waiting to be rebuilt and——

The rapidly changing situation in the universe and the safety of many Ultra fighters who may be suffering under Baltan's hands are even more urgent!


General L77 took a deep breath, and Doliu instinctively used a respectful tone:

"Leo and Prince Astra are 8 years old and 7 years old this year."

"Normally, when will Prince L77 be crowned?" The Cub of Light continued to ask.


More succinctly:

"18 is old."

So there are at least 10 years left, Lei Xu bit his lip in his heart——

This time is more urgent than he expected!

"bring it on!"

Seeing that the Cub of Light was lost in thought, Sophie called softly:

"The Silver Crusade is not far away."

Zhong Ao forcibly suppressed the doubts in his heart and flew forward, Lei Xu instinctively controlled his body to keep up.

In the "Story0" comics, there are only 8 episodes in the past 14 years. The perspective is mainly focused on the ancient earth, and a lot of things have happened.

Baltan tried to reach out to Earth, during which Taro was born and raised.

Manisan, Zofinisan, Qiye and his wife Alfred Nu arrived successively and fought and grew up here. The battle on the earth did not end until long after the destruction of L77.


Lei Xu was suddenly upset, and he didn't even realize that he had followed Zhong Ao into a complex of buildings that looked like a large comprehensive nursing home.


After hearing the news, several female silver clansmen screamed at the cruel transformation marks on the wounded, resisted the urge to cry and took over the wounded, and went to a full set of emergency monitoring like a whirlwind.

"Mr. Mary!"

Rutia called softly, saluted the red silver figure who rushed over, raised her finger and pointed to the modified Ultra warriors in the monitoring equipment and herself:

"Sir, please listen to me..."

The two Austrians communicated quickly, and the highest officer of the Silver Crusaders cast surprised glances at this side from time to time.

Not long after, a streamer of signatures pierced into the pale green sky, and flew towards the lonely peak burning with the fire of hope in the distance...

The red giant's eyes clearly reflected all of this, but his eyes were wandering and lifeless.

The Cub of Light is very clear that from now on, he must always pay attention to three places——

Kingdom of Light, Earth, L77!

At the same time, Baltan, who is stirring up wind and rain in the whole universe, also needs his attention.

Except for the ones with names and surnames on TV, ordinary Ultra fighters can't play any role at all——

When encountering Baltan, who has an absolute numerical advantage, many Ultra warriors without the "protagonist halo" paid the price with their lives——

It can be seen from the fact that Zoffine Nisan encountered the planet-sized transformation Bemonstein outside!

As the absolute "protagonist" of Story0, Zofinisan was recognized by the voice of the star for the first time in this incident, and easily defeated the star-level five-headed Bemonstein.

But... what about other Ultra fighters! ?

The astral-level modification of Bemonstein is by no means the whole of Baltan's cruel experiments——

Only this is an undoubted fact!

In this way, manpower is not enough anyway.

Lei Xu quickly came to a conclusion, sat down cross-legged and continued to think.

Now that things are going on, it is almost impossible to recruit people out of thin air, and no one knows this better than the Cub of Light——

The Story0 universe is too far away from the Kingdom of Light, almost [-] times the distance from the Didaiga universe cluster to the Kingdom of Light universe.

It's almost... no, it's a moat!

It is a natural moat that even the Otto family can hardly overcome!

If you want to go back and forth, you must at least have an energy reserve comparable to Lei Xu and be able to enter and exit the universe independently, otherwise you need the same space-time and dimension capabilities as Dyna and Otreza.

Wearing a red cloak and carrying horns on his shoulders, the burly figure led several red and silver mixed figures to press down the height and complete the rendezvous with Duo Ao.

"Commander Kane."

Seeing that the red giant sitting cross-legged still showed no signs of recovery, Zofi simply took Ace to meet him:

"I have important information..."

The Cub of Light was oblivious to this, still lost in his own thoughts.

It’s been a long time since this kind of immersive thinking, Lei Xu has never entered this state even once since leaving the Mobile Austrian Universe——

no need!

Since then, the Cub of Light has never encountered a situation that requires him to rack his brains to think.

but now......

It is no exaggeration to say that it is almost impossible for Lei Xu to send a message back now.

The physical distance simply cut off all possibility of the Cubs of Light asking for help, and Lei Xu suddenly found himself back in that very urgent environment.

No, don't get me wrong--

Of course, the original plot of "Story0" is not enough to cause the psychological pressure of the cubs of light!

But... what if not! ?

On the stronghold star, what the Baltan star projection said, the cubs of light still remember:

'Create an immortal legend, ascend to the position of a god, and rule this... no, rule the infinite universe! '

Through the projection, Lei Xu couldn't confirm the true meaning of this sentence with words.

However, some words do not need to be confirmed at all——

Legends, gods, infinite universes.

Each word is not worth mentioning individually. Many myths and legends will use this description, but once they are combined and spoken from the population of Baltan...

First of all, the Cubs of Light assume that Baltan knows about the existence of other universes, multiverses!

Secondly, they are convinced that the achievement of the legend is to become a god, and then possess the power to rule the infinite universe.

It's hard not to get sidetracked! ! !

Slightly replace:

Legend has it that the giants ascended to become gods and ruled the infinite universe.

Legendary giants undoubtedly have the ability to dominate a universe, and even more, but they will not do so.

The connection undoubtedly points to Baltan's vain attempt to achieve the legend...or it may be the achievement of the real name evil god! ?

The Cub of Light hesitated.

The true body of the outer god seems to be a legend, and it is not too much to call it a "god", which can probably reach the wild words declared by Baltan.

If this is the case, then the universe will be in trouble!

At the same time, Lei Xu has supporting evidence——

That group of flesh and blood monsters discovered outside the universe and transformed from the bodies of Ultra warriors!

Why is this monster outside the universe?

The Cubs of Light don't think this is an accident.

When I wasn't fighting it, this flesh and blood monster was obviously busy with something...


prey! ?

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