Leaving aside the first transformation with unclear memories——

Since Lei Xu was able to clearly perceive the light energy in his body, from the real universe to Gaia Earth, the nature of the light energy in Lei Xu's body has been very pure and has not changed in any way.

Even if the light of Aguru and Gaia has entered his body, Lei Xu can be sure that his own light has not been mixed with it.


Lei Xu's heart skipped a beat.

...Aguru and Gaia in the ring, or the origin of the light of the earth is still before his first transformation!


In Lei Xu's perception, his own original light energy already contains the light of the earth itself.

Things suddenly became confusing.

In my mind, several clues gradually emerged and connected in series.


[And you... Mother's child. 】

[No, you still have... the power of other mothers? 】


"...More than 95% of the spectral data is very different from Lei Xiaozi's existing characteristics, indicating that there may be more than Lei Xiaozi in the subject..."

Coupled with Lei Xu's own current situation.

The answer seems to be on the verge of coming out, but it is like the moon in the water in the mirror, palpable but unreachable.

In short, let's change ourselves first, Lei Xu silently raised his right hand, and was about to transform, when a sound came from his ear——


Following the prestige, Chewing Gum on the side raised the sapphire cone in his hand and shouted passionately.

"Okay, very spirited!"

Fujimiya immediately cast a surprised look—he saw Lei Xu was thinking all the time, and he couldn't get back to his senses no matter how much he yelled, so he let it go.

The voice of my dream shout was a bit loud, and I successfully received the stalk, Lei Xu nodded to Fujimiya without changing his expression.

——No matter what it means, Otto just nodded (convinced).

In the next moment, the sapphire cone burst into a striking golden-red radiance, attracting the gazes of Lei Xu and Fujimiya——

On the shore of the island shrouded in night, the piercing golden red light quietly fell into the rippling water waves, but the brilliant golden light rose from below and passed by.

The three colors of red, silver and gold collided, and the strong muscles on the chest raised the pure gold armor high, making the life measuring device in the center exuding azure light protrude again.

Looking at the brand new Gaia in front of him, Lei Xu was speechless for a moment.

Did something go wrong?

The first thing Lei Xu paid attention to was not the inverted triangular ring breastplate that turned black into gold, Gaia's Armor, but...

All those muscles, seriously?

The massive bulges visible to the naked eye in the muscles of the whole body have directly exceeded the previous "strong" range and evolved in the direction of simple and tough.

The reason why there is a naive...Sorry, it is difficult for Lei Xu to see the word "fierce" from Gaia's head structure, especially the pair of big goose eggs.

It's almost the same with Seven X.

【Senior, and...】

The words of chewing gum flashed by.

Immediately, the stocky and sturdy red and silver giant raised his hands above his head, mixed with some incompletely integrated red and blue colors, and the light with gold as the main body flowed through like water.


Lei Xu gasped.

Fujimiya glanced at Gaia who was once again strong, and silently glanced in the direction of Lei Xu.

If it is said that Agurus SV can be described as strong, even tough.

Then there is only one description that Lei Xu can give Gaia SV——

Muscle man!

To what extent...

Have you ever seen a bodybuilder?

Lei Xu thinks Gaia V2 is the kind of well-deserved big muscle bully.

cough cough.

The golden breastplate on the chest extends all the way to the shoulder blades and elbows, but the waist on the side is the same as the original Gaia SV. It is the sea blue that represents Aguru, and is still separated by slender silver-white lines.

The overall look... okay, Lei Xu thinks it is not too different from the original Gaia SV—not counting the explosively bulging muscles.

But who can say that the Gaia SV in reality is not such a big muscle bully?

After all, there is still a considerable gap between the leather case in the episode and the real Ao.

In my impression, Tiga is the only one who is closest to the drama and reality.

"What about skills?"

Lei Xu cupped his hands around his mouth in a trumpet shape:

"Is there any light skill?"

[Yes, senior! 】

As the words flashed, Gaia SV's figure shrank suddenly, turning into the size of a human and falling in front of the two of them.

Obviously, my dream still remembers how to write the word low-key...

38 Temporary guesses and new questions~

Get an up-close look at the muscles of the new Gaia SV.

Lei Xu tried very hard to put on such an expression on his face.

In fact, my heart is roaring——

I'm so envious! ! !

This stocky body looks different from Agurus SV's style, stronger and more powerful.

However, Gaia looked much stronger than Aguru in V1, combined with what Lei Xu has always suspected, his own advantage is his body.

With the combination of the two, it is not surprising that there is a muscle version of Gaia SV.


Lei Xu felt that part of his previous speculation had been confirmed.

The body of Gaia SV has a striking blue color, but before Gaia's light absorbed Lei Xu's original light energy.

Does it mean that before coming to the Gaia universe, Lei Xu's own original light energy already has the energy of two earth lights, Gaia and Aguru?

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the blue color that appears on Gaia SV, which represents Aguru.

Lei Xu made up his mind——

Ask me Meng later, if Gaia in V2 form can use Aguru's skills, his speculation can basically be concluded.

Thanks to Lei Xu, he always thought that the golden color on the head of Aguru in SV form came from his own light.

Now that I think about it... Isn't this a characteristic of Gaia?

Makes sense too.

Lei Xu's light looks golden before the transformation, but in reality, it is pure and bright red when it falls on the physical characteristics.

In his transformation state, there is no gold on his body surface, but Gaia's head is golden.

So Fujimiya's Agur V2 can also use Gaia's skills?

"Fujimiya, you..."


Lei Xu's suspicious voice was interrupted by a huge noise that suddenly exploded, and the violent air flow followed one after another, blowing the clothes on the two of them suddenly tightened.

......Lei Xu glanced at it and slowly withdrew his hands to rub the light. Otto's bewildered Gaia squinted his eyes and looked at the distant sea.

Under the night, under the direct impact of the photon streamline, the originally calm sea stirred up waves nearly [-] meters high.

Terrible raging waves rolled up in the middle of the sea, and a large amount of water vapor instantly evaporated into thick water mist, which once obscured the starlight above the head.

Undoubtedly, an energy level conflict of this scale will definitely be monitored by the XIG air base.

"Smi Masai—"

I fired a hand rub and simply flashed the lights, I Meng scratched my head and turned back, repeatedly apologizing.

Although my dream is simple, it is impossible to not know how to control it. There is only one answer——

The luminescent sub-streamline he played with the most usual effort during night training still produced this shocking effect.

If Lei Xu read it right just now, the seawater within a few kilometers of the photon flow line evaporated instantly.

Lei Xu even suspected that the uneven gray and black spots he saw were the seabed of that sea area.

Just this shot shows how strong Gaia SV's hand rubbing light is——

In the state of waiting for a person, this kind of power can be played with a limited output scale, let alone thinking about it after being gigantic.

However, the duration of the new Gaia SV is a bit short——

Waiting for the size of a person to flash the light, I remember that there was a record in the drama that the giant released the photon streamline without flashing the light.

Purely from the performance point of view, after adding Lei Xu's light, the new SV is stronger than the drama.

It is reasonable to change the duration for combat power.

"What are you doing here?"

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