The Cubs of Light detect everything in an instant.

No wonder!

No wonder the astral active signs of the dark planet can't be pulled back, and the roots are here——

Ambella star, you fucking lied to me, and even used my power from someone like Lei to save this scumbag!

At the same time, wearing a large emperor costume, it shows that the Ampera cub in front of him is not a real cub——

It must have been fatally injured, or it was limited by the lack of energy to maintain vital signs... After all, even Ampera Star is like this.

Therefore, the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, Ampera, returned to this cub's posture.


Lei Xu has 1 MMPs in his heart at the moment, and he can't wait to pick up the M87 and give Ampera Cubs and Dark Star a bath in turn.

I can't do it!

The two cubs who were rescued after being exhausted by Extreme Dark Dijia couldn't be strangled to death one by one, right?

Through the perception shared by Gherlos's little essence, the Cub of Light felt the Ampera star that had not moved for a while, and knew that this product had already returned to sleep.

Might take a while -

If it is fast, it will be a year or two, and if it is slow, within ten years, it should be able to return to the level of dialogue and communication.

At most... Story0 before the original plot line officially begins.

Can afford to wait!

Lei Xu sighed helplessly, which was also one of the reasons why he gave up pursuing.

The cause of the destruction of the universe cannot be traced for the time being, but there is always hope... Wait!

Ampera star can't communicate, so this cub can't! ?

The Cub of Light's eyes brightened, and felt that the feasibility of this idea was not low——

Ampera star and Ampera star people most likely survived the destruction of the universe in the last era together!

Well, there is only one thing in front of us now.

Lei Xu stared at the Ambella cub who was sleeping peacefully in front of him for a long time, then slowly stretched out his hand...

Half an hour later, Story0 Kingdom of Light——

"Little Reza, what are you talking about?"

Hikari stared blankly at the Cub of Light who rushed to the scene non-stop, pulled him and the simple child across the space, and flew in front of the light whirlpool. For a moment, he even thought he had heard it wrong:

"Did you just say..."


On the side, Mengbius quickly made up for the unfinished words of his little friend, his face was full of irresistible shock, and he didn't even notice when he stopped:


Because the news they received was too frightening, none of the three noticed the other side of the rapidly closing space door——

After hearing the news, 'Zoffie' rushed to see the three figures from the back that disappeared in the rapidly closing light swirl field of vision, petrifying...


The Cub of Light didn't look back, and picked up a small sleeping figure from the ground irritably, and shook it up and down angrily:

"See for yourself!"

Hikari & Mebius subconsciously looked at the hand of the red giant that was spinning like a windmill...


Cosmic warming progress +1+1+1...

[Hey~, wake me up! 】

The Cub of Light's wrist twirled into a phantom, chanting loudly:

【How can you sleep at your age?A little promising! ? 】

—— These were the first words Cub Ampera heard when he woke up after experiencing countless destructions!


—that was the first disfigured scream of Cub Ampera at this strange and unfriendly world!

"Are you awake?"

Half a minute later, Zai Ampera, who still felt that the world was spinning before his eyes, heard that unfriendly and impatient question for the N+1 time:

"Just tell me the truth when you wake up, and I'll tell you, don't play tricks on me!"

"Little Reza!"

Hikari is just one Jio away kicking the troublesome cub away:

"You give me reason!"

Lei Xu: ...


The Cub of Light wanted to laugh a little.

He Meow Laozi exchanged a very dark Dijia for two cubs, one of which was a scumbag, how rational do you want me to be! ?

Even though he was thinking this way, Lei Xu still kept his mouth shut.

This is to make this Ah Guang, not cowardly.

Absolutely not! ! !

"who are you?"

After a long time, Cub Ampera, who finally came to his senses, looked at the three strange figures in front of him that he subconsciously hated, hesitated and changed the question:

"Who am I!?"

Lei Xu & Hikari & Mebius:  …


112 Still the familiar taste of M87...... 5K [-]-in-[-]

'Zofi' raised her hands in vain, staring desperately at the space light vortex that was closing in the horizon.

Watching the three figures of red, blue, and silver disappearing into the closed space door together, he was stunned for more than ten seconds before he came back to his senses.


It's over, it's over, it's over...

Zarab panicked.

Ever since he peeked at the entire content of "Light of the Earth" from a simple child a few days ago, the vicious cosmic man has never let go of his heart hanging in the air.

Why delay until now?

Zarab wished he could slap himself on the spot.

Obviously, he should have come to Lord Hikari to confess on the first day, but he hesitated because of luck.

after all......

Many of the contents described in that "Light of the Earth" have long been beyond the cognition of the vicious cosmic beings.

What Ampera star, what death god, what legendary existence, what universe emperor Reza...

I can't understand what you are saying! ! !

Until the scene of the extragalactic galaxy X was transmitted to the eyes through various channels, Zarab finally clearly understood and was convinced of a fact——

That is clearly His Majesty Reza's extremely dark Tiga! ! !

Under the super AI information processing ability, the truth emerges instantly:

I have always been played by His Majesty Reza...

He thought that His Majesty Reza was a fool and Mebius was a shrewd silver man, but in fact it was just the opposite.

What he thought was not what he thought, but what His Majesty Reza wanted him to think.

It's over, Barbie Q.

Zarab felt a little desperate for a while, but more often he gritted his teeth——

Babar, you bastard! ! !

This posture is the guard captain Sophie from the Kingdom of Light universe!

GZZ made him disguise as Sha... the lord.

Not only does it show that the identity of the former is suspicious and the source of the information is suspicious, but it also points to the fact that the captain of the Kingdom of Light's security has already arrived in this universe.

The information gap between Zarab and His Majesty Reza is too great to look directly at.

With His Majesty Reza's shrewdness, he should have been convinced that he was a fake when they met.

This point, I am afraid that GZZ is also very clear.

Zarrab gnashing his teeth and stinging...

Simply put, the original intention of the GZZ star to give him this order is to let himself die!

On the contrary, His Majesty Reza will follow his plan, and it is not surprising that he pretends to be smooth sailing.

Since "Light of the Earth" is completely true, there are at least two Sophies in this universe.

He pretended to be that adult alone, but it was actually the biggest joke.

Presumably those two adults did not raid the headquarters of the Interstellar Alliance at all, they were performing some mission outside, and they were probably notified by His Majesty Reza not to come back for the time being.

And His Majesty Reza's purpose in doing so...

Zarabu quickly realized the unique value of his impostor to His Majesty Reza:

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