My lord, is it possible that the cosmic emperor Sha Fulin can't teach a mere dark cosmic emperor?

Humph~, a joke!

The Cub of Light looked at the light vortex in the void with full expectation——

Brother Sha may fall from the sky at any time!

At the same time, the other end of the space vortex.

He looked at the two signatures that were coming one after the other, and then looked at the stable rotating space light vortex in the field of vision.

The guard captain of the Kingdom of Light and the strongest silver warrior fell into deep thought at the same time.


How come Brother Sha hasn't arrived yet! ?

Just as Lei Xu was wondering, a slight movement suddenly flashed in the space vortex.

Hey~ Come on!

The Cub of Light rubbed his hands excitedly, and ascended to the sky to say hello:

"Brother Sha, it's here... ah!?"

Halfway through the conversation, he turned into doubts, just because the duet chanted across the scene:

【Little Resa, have you eaten yet? 】

Immediately afterwards, under the inexplicably excited gaze of Hikari & Mebius Jijiuyoushen, and Zai Ampera——

Two streams of bright blue particles penetrated the light vortex in no particular order and hit the bull's-eye!

The Cub of Light who was soaked in two courses of M87 couldn't help but smacked his lips.

Well, it's still the familiar M87 taste...

113 Sha Fulin, you really don't give face!!!

Well, it's Duo's M87.

In the azure photon waterfall, the cubs of light put their hands on their waists, and commented on this photon skin rejuvenation package with a professional eye:

The strength is firm yet soft, the energy instilled is full, and it helps to remove dead skin cells and dead skin properly, billions of points!

Everything is fine except for the fact that he mines someone without horniness and dead skin.

Disadvantages, the strong and weak layering is obvious, and one can feel that the successor of M87 is weak.

A little bit not strong enough, it is recommended to increase the strength!

Looking at the red figure bathed in the M87 and not forgetting to smile and wave to this side, the strongest silver warrior finally believed everything about the Cub of Light that another 'self' had explained to him during this period of time.

No, the reality seems to be more exaggerated than the ones dictated by 'myself'!

The 87°C Miracle Hotline took a shower, but the captain of the Kingdom of Light's security team took it easy.

Sophie didn't even bother to look at the cub of light who came over as if she was familiar with her, and her milky white eyes froze on a short black figure as they flicked around——

Three stubborn points pointing to the sky, the towering horns like a crown and the iconic dark purple evil eyes told him that this must be an Ampera star!

"Little Reza."

The captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light's eyes immediately fixed on Cub Ambella, and his eyes were shocked:

"What exactly is going on!?"

The signature just issued was short, and there was no point other than saying that he had found the Ambella star who had lost his memory and asked him to come twice.

"Well, it's like this..."

Lei Xu nodded, and Otto's words were synchronized when he opened his mouth:

So so, so so...

When the two Zoffies fully understood the current situation, the strongest silver warrior almost exclaimed.

It was the first time that the two of them, who had been investigating outside, had heard such details about the destruction of the universe in the last era.

Little Reza hadn't specifically mentioned to them the matter involving the head of the Outer Gods before.

"I see."

The captain of the Kingdom of Light guard nodded thoughtfully.

Sophie was not surprised that the Story0 universe was destroyed, he knew very well what kind of daily life the Cubs of Light generally experienced.

"Little Reza."

Sophie stared at the cub with staring eyes, and the cub radar with full power warning told him that little Reza must have prepared some kind of pit waiting for her:

"Then you are looking for us now..."

Little Ampera's dark purple evil eyes flickered, he probably knew that this hateful red demon seemed to be looking for his whereabouts.

Since there was no way to refuse, it seemed like a good choice to follow these two silver giants who taught the demon a lesson.

"Hey hey~."

The Cub of Light rubbed his hands, and smiled shyly:

"Brother Sha, the Ampera star lost his memory, so..."


As soon as Little Reza pouted his butt, Sophie knew which pot he wanted to urinate, without even looking at the expectant cub Ampera, she simply waved her hand and refused:

"We plan to go to the Dark Universe next, so it's not suitable to bring people from Ampera."

"Dark Universe?"

The Cub of Light was taken aback for a moment, and before he could persuade Brother Liangsha to agree to bring the baby, he reacted quickly:

"What did you find out!?"

Zofinisan had no reason to go to the Dark Universe for no reason, he knew how dangerous that ghostly place was.


The Guard Captain of the Kingdom of Light nodded as expected:

"There are too many human civilizations, and the Dark Universe doesn't seem to be like this... There is a problem here!"

"That's it?"

It only takes one second from full of energy to listless, Lei Xu's dead eyes:

"I found out a long time ago, Brother Sha, are you planning to find a needle in a haystack!?"

The direction of the investigation is clearly laid out there, but in view of the vastness of the universe, it is simply unrealistic to actually investigate.

Therefore, the Cubs of Light need the Galactic Empire of Light & Lion Heart Empire to fully mobilize the manpower of various civilizations to assist in the investigation.

"more than."

The strongest silver warrior shook his head:

"After the last contact, we visited civilizations on many planets for in-depth investigations, and we made a special discovery."

Lei Xu regained his vigor.

"In almost all the myths and legends of human civilization, there are mentions of similar disasters."

Sophie interface:

"The flood that destroyed the world."

With the guard captain of the Kingdom of Light present, the strongest silver warriors no longer regard it as normal that all civilizations are human gestures.


The Cub of Light thought for a while, and felt that it was a bit out of order and with overlapping directions:

"How about... Brother Sha, you just say the conclusion?"

Flood, Lei Xu thought of many legends related to the great flood in his hometown of Resa.

How can they be so similar?

But that's normal--

"Many human civilizations in the universe may have the same ancestor, have inherited the same history and memory, and may even be humans on Earth—

This was done on purpose! "

The number one swordsman in the universe who has been silent so far gets straight to the point:

"The amnesia of the Ampera star is to isolate the influence of the head of the outer gods, but the Kiganto star of the dark universe has different records...the difference may be here!"

Lei Xu understood in seconds.

It means that the universe may not have any memory for the guy, and the recovery of Ampera Star may not bring him any useful information.

But Kiganto's mother proved that there is something unusual in the universe, and if there is a chance, it must be in the civilization of the dark universe.

"Okay, I'll send you to the Dark Universe later, but I have a condition—"

The Cub of Light nodded unhesitatingly, and then took advantage of the time when the two Sha brothers relaxed their vigilance, he changed the subject and raised his finger to the cub over there:

"Take him!"


The captain of the Kingdom of Light guard subconsciously wanted to raise his hand.

"The Kingdom of Light and the Lion Heart Empire will be very busy in the future!"

This time, Lei Xu didn't give Sha Ge a chance to refuse:

"I really can't help it, please Zofinisan!"

The two Sophies looked at each other.

"It will be dangerous."

The strongest silver warrior still wanted to refuse.

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