
Being afraid of the Cubs of Light doesn't mean that Imnar is scared out of his wits!

Now, Pope Death feels that he has been greatly insulted.

As the last incarnation of the ever-changing civilization, he has always been the only one to pretend to be someone else.

Have you ever had the experience of being impersonated! ?

Looking fearfully at the dim star not far away, which almost represents a part of the supreme mighty power, the blurred dim orange blossom broke through the void and disappeared among the twinkling stars...

[No matter who it is, just wait for me! ! ! 】


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

In a short period of time, the Q7 nebula has completely replaced the popularity of the previous D51 and extragalactic galaxy X, and has become the most eye-catching universe in the Story0 universe——

none of them!

Just as the Cubs of Light predicted before, the civilizations of the Q7 Nebula are facing a terrible catastrophe of extinction.

Death is encountering countless innocent people unexpectedly, and from then on it will completely draw the final stop for countless Story0 universes that have gone through countless years, let alone sacrifices and destruction.

At present, countless sparks blooming out of thin air are making this already bright nebula more magnificent.

Those are......

A planet of life that is turning into a burst of fireworks... No, it should be said:



119 You said yes, Pagon!!! 5K [-] in [-]

"We are Keith people, Keith is under attack, under attack..."

"It's the Magma Stars. The Magma Stars have entered the planet Amala. They are invaders. Warriors, let's fight!"

"Kiras has penetrated the mantle of Maya star, hurry up, stop them immediately!!!"

"Whoever can save us, no matter who it is, we Indians will always remember..."

"My God~, why!?

Our Gaul star has obviously surrendered, why do you Magma have to destroy our planet, ah~..."

"Surrender is useless, surrender is useless!!!"

"I would rather die in battle and lose the country than surrender..."

"Any civilization that receives this broadcast, please listen, we Khans have decided to resist until the last moment——

If you can't receive our broadcast, it means that our Khan planet has been given by the Magma people..."


The cosmic background radiation everywhere in the Q7 nebula suddenly became lively, and countless super-light distress and warning waves with decoders for mathematical laws poured out across the universe in a completely open form.

Regardless of active or passive, all interstellar civilizations that have the ability to monitor or accidentally receive these distress signals are all alarmed.

Soon, the life-threatening series of calls woke up the high-level officials of various civilizations in the Q7 Nebula from their sweet dreams.

Before these big shots were furious, a series of hasty words that slipped into their eardrums made them come to their mouths. The angry rebuke of "there is something important to disturb at this time" coincidentally changed the angle:

[Why didn't you wake me up earlier! ? 】

These bigwigs don't even have time to reprimand their subordinates.

When the heads of civilization rushed to the scene, they all stood there dumbfounded listening to the desperate wails, screams and bloody questions translated by Xunbo.

There are different sounds in ten miles. Although they have a common origin in theory, it is difficult for people on many planets to understand the specific meaning of those sounds.

No, there is no need to understand the myriad interstellar slang and civilized dialects.

The pain, terror, unwillingness, and despair that came out of those voices have been conveyed clearly from the words and sentences of howling or howling...

"The Magmas?"

A well-informed civilization immediately dug out the information about Magma from the database, and the diplomats who were online in various postures spoke quickly to the high-level people:

"The mother star is located at the edge of the Q7 nebula, and has no contact with us. The specific information is unknown."


Some civilization leaders are furious:

"What do you eat!?"

"Now is not the time for accountability!"

Almost at the same moment, the high-level rational civilizations of various planets unanimously threw similar questions to their intelligence officers:

"Why did the Magmas attack so many civilizations at the same time?

Do not accept surrender, what is their purpose! ? "

As shown in those waves, Magma seems to be waging an indiscriminate war of destruction against all civilizations in the Q7 Nebula.

At the moment when they were talking, more and more out-of-air communication waves proved the frightening fact that those civilizations and their parent planets might have been destroyed by the Magma Stars. ,

This horrific expectation made the high-level Q7 civilizations who have not been attacked so far shocked inexplicably.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention that after entering the interstellar age, it is common for ordinary people in civilization to have equipment to receive interstellar signals.

Soon, these horrific news leaked out quickly, and became widely known in an unimaginably short period of time.

A mass panic sweeping the entire Q7 Nebula is secretly spreading...

No, not just secretly!

The first time many civilizations received the news, the internal chaos was already visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, it is not just the Q7 Nebula.

Several civilization-dense universes adjacent to the Q7 nebula also raised their vigilance——

They are not too far away from the Q7 Nebula!


Responding to the higher echelons of civilization was a uniform, embarrassing silence.

No one knows what kind of nerves the Magma people are having. Everything is unknown. This is the root of the fear of many high-level civilizations.

From the content of those news waves, we can see that there may be guys who raised the white flag at the speed of light and surrendered to Magma in the civilization that was unlucky one step ahead.


The wave of disconnection and multiple questions from the Magma Stars who seemed to be in despair have already answered everything!

The Magmas seem to be destroyed for the sake of destruction, without any reason.

Many warning waves contain a lot of intelligence. Intelligence experts are convinced that the Magma Stars are using a stealing tactic that is almost impossible to stop:

Headed by the twin monsters, the moment they hit the ground, they began to burrow into the ground.

Whether it is Kiras or the Magma warriors, they all have the ability to penetrate the formation in a very short time.

It doesn't need to drill deep, just get through the magma layer of the planet——

The Magma star can explode the star core of the planet!

The simpler the tactic, the more deadly it is, and it is almost impossible to crack and block it in actual combat.

"In that case—"

There are radical high-level civilizations who are ruthless:

"Instead of waiting for the Magma to attack, let's destroy the Magma planet first and force them to stop!"

The history of mankind has always been spiraling in wars, and what human civilization lacks most is the ability to destroy the enemy... and even oneself.

After entering the interstellar world, there are many civilizations that light up the star destroyer in terms of military technology!

Based on the tactical ideological guidance similar to encircling Wei and saving Zhao, this proposal was passed at an unimaginable speed.

Under heavy pressure, few people can rationally realize whether there are similar ideas in those civilizations that have been invaded, or have put them into action——

Using 'Destroy Together' as an ultimatum, threaten Magma to stop attacking!

Yes, they really couldn't stop the Magma Stars' lightning attack.

There is no lack of ability to launch their own warships or launch planet-destroying missiles to Magma.

In fact, the civilizations that perished have either already done so, or are doing so.

Therefore, the few who realize this are pessimistic about the eventual outcome of this operation:

Since Magma launched an attack on so many civilizations at the same time, they must be fully prepared!

In other words, today's Magma people must no longer care about their home planet...

It is rare for all tactical conversions to steal home.

A few wise men are clearly aware of it but are powerless to stop it, and they do not want to prevent their compatriots from retaliating against the Magma Stars in real time.

Soon, a star-killing attack penetrated the universe.

One after another, people who have lost their hometowns and lost their minds light up the engines of their battleships desperately, and head towards the direction of Magma Star...

Until this time, there was finally exciting news from the waves of continuous radiation:

On several planets where the Magmas are invading, there are light giants falling from the sky. The Ultra fighters arrived in time and prevented the Magmas from breaking into the atmosphere.

Not long after, a public frequency announcement that blocked all news waves made the restless people of the Q7 Nebula civilization widen their eyes——

[This is the Lionheart Empire, we now notify all civilizations of Q7 Nebula to pay attention. 】

The public frequency announces in a very serious formulaic voice:

[Magma Stars believe in evil gods, and their purpose is to slaughter themselves and harvest lives.

No matter who it is, please prepare for battle immediately after receiving this news, and take the enemy out of the atmosphere at all costs.

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