As for things like death gods and undead monsters, ha ha!

do not forget!

The incarnation of Pagon once fought against the incarnation of the god of death in Didai universe for a long time, and he wished to die together.

To say who can surpass Death and Imnar to create undead demons...

No one is more familiar than Pagon as his two deadly enemies!

Finally, the Magma's signature ability masquerading as technology:

Induce magma and induce a star core explosion!

The existence of the star core of the planet itself is based on the high pressure brought by the mass, so that the nuclear fusion reaction can be continuously maintained in the star core.

Basically, it can be understood that the core of a planet including the earth is a small sun!

In this kind of matter, who else can be better than the ancient god of nuclear energy! ?

As for the purpose of Pagon doing this...

The Cub of Light's fist clenched unconsciously.

Can't go wrong!

It is definitely not wrong to lure the god of death into this universe!

At the same time, Q7 Nebula——

【Pagon, you nasty guy...】

Misty Orange, who had already arrived, stared at the chaotic scene in front of him, and Imner paused:

【here you go! ! ! 】

120 Why Protect Magma!? 5K [-]-in-[-]

Things are getting worse!

After preliminarily clarifying that Pagon is behind the Magma Stars, the Cubs of Light immediately realized that the current situation was becoming more and more uncontrollable.

Pagon is in action, and the ancient god of nuclear energy never forgets his original intention:

Fishing Grim Reaper!

Yes, for Pagon all the necessary conditions are already in place.

The cubs of light have already arrived, and once the god of death arrives, he will definitely be hostile to him:

Regardless of Lei Xu's own wishes, the existence of Engel Colas is an inevitable and terrible disaster!

The current situation is different from the original vision of the Cubs of Light.

The Galaxy Empire of Light, the Lion Heart Empire, these two cosmic emperors... Ahem, the civilization organization is getting stronger and stronger.

Even though they are not related to each other on the surface, except for his own insiders, Pagon can definitely know that this must have something to do with him and someone else.

In other words, in the eyes of the ancient gods of nuclear energy, the Cubs of Light, who have always been the representatives of the order side, must be responsible for these two.

Neither Lei Xu, nor the Otto family can stand by and stand by the influence of the god of death——

Even if He does nothing!

Not to mention, the possibility of Death doing nothing does not exist at all.

Then, the situation will immediately change to Engel Colas and Pagon's 'meet and plug...battle' unfolding.

It can be expected that the decisive battle between Engel Colas and Pagon will inevitably cause terrible aftermath of damage.

Pagon designed ahead of time to wait for work with ease.

Voice of the Stars, Cubs of Light, Pagon himself, plus one more...

Mostly it was deliberately prepared to deal with the power of the head of the Outer God of Death!

It is not surprising that the nuclear ancient gods have the upper hand in the decisive battle.

Once Engel Colas fell into a disadvantage, he would never mind taking supplements by slaughtering intellectual life.

In this way, it is impossible for the Cubs of Light to reach any form of temporary cooperation with Death, and the idea of ​​pitting a wave of Pagon is no longer feasible.

That is to say, Pagon doesn't need to reach any form of communication with someone from Lei——

The ancient god of nuclear energy was not afraid that Lei Xu would not stand with him at all!

To be correct, it is not important to stand with Pagon or not, what is important is to stand opposite Engel Colas, the god of death——

The enemy of the enemy need not be the friend, the status quo is nothing more than that!

Damn it, Pagon, the lunatic!

The Cub of Light, who instantly figured out the logic, was itching with hatred.

At this moment Lei Xu was both hated and shocked.

I don't need to mention the hatred, but the shock is...

If everything is as he imagined, the ancient god of nuclear energy can be said to have gambled everything this time——

Do whatever it takes to ensure the death of nemesis Engel Colas!

Just kidding, it is a certainty that the existence of Story0 itself involves the head of the Outer Gods.

Thinking back to the beginning and end of the Gheros incident, both Order & Chaos are obviously extremely afraid of the leader of the Outer Gods.

Whoever dares to make a decision, ninety-nine out of ten will be a situation of gang up and attack.

Even the power of the leader of the Outer Gods dared to make a move, why would Pagong dare not! ?

Now that he and Lei can't scare Pagon, and the legendary giants are not feasible.

Calling Diju?

The cubs of light have shouted their thighs 800 years ago, and this is nothing to be ashamed of.

Besides, he Lei is shameless.

As a result, Di Juhao has not responded yet!

Lei Xu still remembers an old man who patted his chest with him, and swore that he had blown the cowhide:

Pagon solved, you don't have to worry!

Don't worry about this girl! ?

The supreme...the god of beauty apparently pulled.

We don't know who is embarrassing, but I will give you a look and feel it slowly.

See you later, Diju, the cub of light will complain to his old man Jia:

Where is he, Pagon, using a conspiracy to force me to Lei, this is clearly a slap in the face of you Diju! ! !

Cough, putting aside the useless complaints for now, Lei Xu quickly returned to the status quo.

The most urgent task is to immediately stop any plans of the Magmas... No, to put it another way:

Do your best to delay Pagon's plot!

Yes, delay.

The ancient god of nuclear energy manipulated the Magma Stars, and used blood sacrifices as bait to attract the god of death.

The sticking point is in Pagon, not Magma.

It is meaningless to stop one Magma star, the ancient god of nuclear energy can easily support the second, third, and even countless Magma stars——

Until death arrives!

The Cub of Light knew very well that he had no ability to stop Pagon at all.

So from this moment on, the Story0 universe has entered the countdown.

He told someone to do, there was only one thing they could do——

Complete the Reaper Defense infrastructure plan before Engel Colas arrives in the Story0 universe!

Well before that...

Shark a Magma first to add to the fun!

Delay Pagon's plot = send Magma to see Nuo Shen first

No problem!

As for this Magma mother star...

There is no need for Lei Xu to do it himself.

The Cub of Light looked at the gray-black earth under his feet, and then at the clear night sky with stars.

Tilting his head and thinking for a while, he raised his hand and released a bright silver swirl of space light.

Through the space observation port, the Otto vision, which was activated at will, clearly captured the star-killing strikes of various shapes that were gathering from various planets in the Q7 nebula.

As expected!

As long as those Q7 Nebula civilizations are a bit bloody, they will basically take revenge on the hatred of the Magma Stars on this immovable planet first.


Lei Xu shook his head regretfully.

A good planet that can give birth to life, just because of improper child rearing, suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

While standing up and waving the light swirl in front of him, the red light rainbow pierced through the atmosphere.

In space, the Cubs of Light turned around and looked back at the somewhat familiar, desolate surface scene of Magma Star for the last time.

Actually, Lei Xu didn't want to waste time on Magma Star.

But since he didn't want to make a move in Q7 Nebula, that's all there is to delay.

Well let's be honest:

It was an inexplicable intuition that made the Cub of Light stop.

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