Not surprisingly, this is the end.

Everyone knows what's going to happen next—

The strata of Aquamarine will be drilled through, and this magnificent planet that has bred a splendid civilization and is unique in the eyes of all Aquamarines will fall apart in a terrible explosion, blooming a firework called death. .....

Desperate emotions are in the hearts of every Seablue star.


Obviously the Seablue Stars didn't do anything, and obviously their civilization has just set foot in the universe, looking at the outside world curiously.

Why did Star Aquamarine suddenly encounter such bad luck! ?

No one can give Seablue Stars the answer.

The universe is so unfair!

At the crossroads of history, the end of perdition is about to complete another intimate date with the Seablue Stars.

Screams, wailing, and cries for help on the street were intertwined with the deafening explosions and the rampant devil's sharp ghost laughter. People ran desperately and aimlessly.

In the end, the Supreme Commander of Planet Aquamarine, who has always been known for his fortitude and courage, can only pray now:

Whoever it is, please!

Whether it is the Lionheart Empire or the Ultra Warriors, if there is a god, then the god will do!

No matter who it is, I beg you to save Seablue Star...

At that moment, He descended on this planet——

Coming here from the distant Kingdom of Light, the giant wrapped in light fought bloody battles and finally succeeded in saving the planet. His name is...

Jack Altman!

——Excerpt from "Historical Records of Seablue Star: The First Year of Jack"

Yes, no one expected that the turning point would appear in the next instant.

In that desperate scene, a beam of extremely dazzling light suddenly descended from the sky.

In the cross star light that bloomed in the sky, the red and silver giant of light seemed to be a meteor falling from the sky, hitting the Magma star who was caught off guard.

Boom~, boom~! ! !

Under the unbelievable gaze of the Seablue Stars, the demon, who was still invincible just now, suddenly turned into a mood before the tomb... oh no.

Wrong, there is no tomb.

It must be the Ultra Warrior!

The commander-in-chief of Seablue Star looked at this scene excitedly, and for a moment this man seemed to be floating like a cloud.

But when a strange blue brilliance appeared in his vision, he instantly returned to reality.

Yes, the crisis is not over yet!

The faces of Seablue Star people turned from joy to panic again, the Lionheart Empire's announcement made it very clear——

Whether it is twin monster weapons or Magma, it can easily destroy a planet!

In the violent explosion flames, the silver giant rolled out nimbly.

Successfully sent the Magma star to get a box lunch, Jack knew that the crisis had not yet been resolved.

The silver giant took a diving leap and slammed into the two twin monsters that had completed their fusion and embraced, and were spinning at an accelerated speed, ready to dig into the bottom.


Amidst the huge movement, the figure of the silver giant flying upside down made everyone's hearts ache.

The two unicorns rotated at a high speed, wrapped in a layer of whirling blue light, and the exaggerated huge sharp horns on the back pulled out the ultimate cutting force called the trial of Kiras under the high-speed rotation.

Perhaps it felt threatened by someone coming, or the twin monsters lost control due to the loss of support and commander.

Unexpectedly, the two Kiras didn't go straight into the ground, but instead kept spinning and emitted streaks of red rays of destruction, bringing a terrible tornado storm and crashing into the silver giant struggling to get up.


It was obviously a simple collision, but the movement caused by it caused the earth to tremble.

The Giant of Light was knocked into the sky again, crossed the tidal flat and fell into the sea, splashing a huge wave.

Seemingly convinced that the other party was no longer a threat, the destructive blue light tornado paused, stopped in place and quickly sank.

not good!

The commander of Seablue Star's pupils shrank suddenly, but before he could react and screamed, a familiar red silver light and shadow hit the twin monsters at high speed again——

It's that Ultra warrior!

The ensuing battle is dull repetition.


The red silver giant was unable to break through the destructive blue light tornado, and the twin monsters were also afraid of the former's interference, and the two sides launched a tug-of-war of competition and patience.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Ultra fighters are actually at a disadvantage.

The light proved useless.

Neither the criss-crossing blue jets nor the pale wheel-shaped blades of light could break through the layer of blue-light defense that swirled.

At the same time, the twin monsters will often cunningly use the ground as a disguise, forcing the silver giants to charge towards them physically.

If the Cub of Light, or any of the Silo and Liger brothers were present, they would be able to recognize——

Jack's choice is almost exactly the same as the fledgling big lion in the first chapter of "Leo"!

Even though Jack's combat experience is far richer than that of Leo at the beginning, Kiras' ability is really difficult to crack.

In the eyes of the Seablue Stars, after each collision, the body surface of the Ultra warrior who gets up again will leave traces visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, the blue crystal on the chest of the giant of light flashed a dangerous red light.

In addition to the announcement broadcast of the Lionheart Empire, many civilizations that received the cooperation of the Ultra warriors also released temporary safety announcements one after another, and the Q7 Nebula was very lively for a while.

The Seablue Stars have learned a lot of information about the Ultra fighters——

That flickering red light is the countdown to the life of Ultra warriors!

The balance of the battle is tilting in an unfavorable direction little by little. The commander of Seablue Star wanted to agree to the request of the regrouped troops several times, and stepped forward to give support.

Considering Xin Boli's mixed advice about "don't use sacrifices to provide support for the Ultra fighters, otherwise it will be a disservice to help", he thought twice and chose to give up.

The battle went from full sun to half-sunset, and when the warm red sunset glowed from the other side of the sea level, the Ultra fighter was thrown off again and wriggled a few times on the ground with difficulty. able to stand up.

The twin monsters trained as biological weapons obviously have superb combat intelligence. After half a day of hard fighting, they know that the enemy in front of them is not the type that will give up easily.

Without the controller, the Kiras did not directly perform the task of destroying stars.

Following the fighting instinct of creatures, the Kiras who were fully aroused by their ferocity chose to deal with those who got in the way first.

The blue sharp-edged tornado flew across the city like a tornado, and rolled towards the silver giant who was suspected of being unconscious and fell to the ground——

They are going to give him a fatal blow!

not good!

All the Star Aquamarine fighters on the scene turned pale.

"Attention the whole army!"

A ray of determination flashed across the pupils of Seablue Star's commander, and he didn't hesitate:

"Block it, at all costs!!!"

No matter where that Ultra warrior came from, he was fighting for Planet Aquamarine.

That is a comrade in arms!

Now on this planet, on this battlefield, Ultra fighters are comrades in arms!

Aquamarines don't have the habit of abandoning their comrades in arms, they didn't before, and they won't have it now!

This command is actually a bit redundant——

Before the Commander of Planet Aquamarine gave the order, the soldiers under the command of the frontline commander had activated the vehicles, and once again launched a charge called death to the invincible twin monsters.


In the speeding chariot, watching the death tornado approaching through the scope through the scope, the gunner who completed the aim smiled fearlessly and squeezed the firing trigger in his hand——

"Eat your grandpa and I'll give you a shot!"

rumbling rumbling...  

The deafening explosion sound not only came from the heavy artillery fired by the vehicle, but also from dozens of heavy artillery vehicles loaded with military explosives that exploded under the destructive tornado of blue light.

Rumbling explosions continued, and after a while, the soles of the scaled feet of the twin dragon beasts galloping at high speed were already covered with highly compressed metal fragments stuffed into the gaps and scarlet sticky flesh.

In front of the huge modulated biological weapons, human beings are no more than creatures like ants.

But even so, ants have fearless courage.

The enemy is unreasonable and wants to give them a fatal blow, and the Seablue Star people do not lack the blood and courage to die.

Just like an aerospace formation that will die in the starry sky, the marines who have fully reacted are also ready to sacrifice.

The commander of Planet Aquamarine knew very well that the Ultra Warriors couldn't break the twin monsters' spinning attack.

Then, it's up to them to create this opportunity for their comrades!

rumbling rumbling...  

The deafening explosions never stopped, and the gun carts full of explosives were gradually mixed with civilian transport vehicles, blocking in front of the crazily spinning destructive tornado.

Crazy, the Seablue Star people in the whole city are crazy.

Rao is that destructive tornado is harvesting life like a flesh and blood mill, but just like the order issued by the commander of Seablue Star:

at all costs!

Every time the twin monsters advanced one meter, the flesh and blood representing fresh life would be smashed together in a terrible explosion in the terrible whirling storm, and pressed below the surface.

The wind blades spun by the two tens of thousands of giant beasts swayed the hot blood and touched the dusty ground. The blood-red muscle tissue that was still bouncing was instantly dyed meaningless black by the dust, and flew up with the violent wind and waves. Scattered downwards after a while.

Black and gray flesh and blood messily cluttered the ground, walls, and roofs, scattered in this already fragmented city.

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