"Tell me honestly, what the hell kind of monster are you!?

Babar, you GZZ, show your true body! ! ! "

Reza Earth L77 Princess who was pressed to the ground:  …

Rebellious son is looking for a draw! ! !

PS: Recently, Kawen has been serious. I am not satisfied with the plot I wrote, so I deleted and deleted it.

In the past few days, the number of words has been too late, sorry... I am sorry for the readers, the feeling of not having a single drop is really uncomfortable 5555...

This chapter was released at 9 o'clock from last night to today, a 6.5K chapter.

Salted fish, I'll take a good night's sleep and adjust my schedule. It should be updated normally tomorrow and next night, and I won't run until the middle of the night...

124 Keep Someone Under the Knife!!! 6K [-] in [-]

The Cub of Light cried, very sadly.

The reason is not because someone in Lei suffered the heaviest beating ever.

Cough, it is not ruled out that there is a little bit of this factor.

After all, not everyone can achieve the effect of flat A crit combo sputtering with cleave against the majestic universe emperor Reza.

When it's over, not only can you get out of your body, but you can also do a super double anytime, anywhere without worrying about being hit back and retaliated.

The person who can do this kind of thing is the last one to count, cough cough.

In Hikari's impression, even Chief Mary couldn't do this——

Little Reza can even use Zofinissan's M87 as a shower, and the embroidered legs of the chief executive of the Silver Crusade are not defenseless at all!

Although the current situation is appalling, Zhong Ao still tacitly gave some time to the Cub of Light who was so happy that he couldn't find the north.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light looked at Mr. Lei who was kicked and screamed with a smile on his face, while the supermen A Guang and Zai Luo watched with amusement.

Lily's eyes widened, she didn't expect her master to have this side.

The overly happy scene made Zarab Zoffi, the only designated counterfeit present, rarely forget the annoyance of having just learned about the shocking crisis.

No one noticed that the innocent child Mebius's eyes were tangled——

When Lei Sanisan reacts, will everyone in the audience have physical amnesia, or physical amnesia, or physical amnesia...

Of course, that's not the point!

The point is that my mother hurts a lot when she hit her hard (cross out the whole paragraph).

The point is, he said that someone has a mother... It seems that something is wrong, so start again:

The point is, he let someone's mother live!

It seems that something is still not right...forget it, never mind!

With the train running chaotically in his mind, the Cubs of Light had difficulty controlling their emotions.

When I reacted outwardly, I hugged the female version of "myself", cried and laughed, and finally stared at the Otto face that was [-]% similar to myself and kept giggling "hehe":

"Hey hey, hey hey, hey hey hey..."

Reza Earth L77 Princess:  …


This reaction can't be dealt with directly by Heatherfei, L77 Princess looked worriedly at the cub hanging on her body——

This baby is not stupid! ?

Facts have proved that the cub of light is not stupid, but it is no different from being stupid at this moment.


Lily stood beside her master worriedly, poking and poking for a long time with the little JIOJIO of her unilaterally identified junior brother Zai Luo, but got no response.

It caused the Otto youth to show their teeth and claws, but it was useless.

Sai Luo found sadly that he couldn't reach Lily holding his arm under the second cub...

The Cub of Light is feeling delicious right now, very beautiful.

Ah, he and someone else's Austrian birth has come to an end!

As we all know, everyone knows that he has countless mothers... Mother Earth.

However, there are two mothers who hold a special place in the hearts of the Cubs of Light.

One is Lei's mother, who is an ordinary human being and brought him up with one hand.

The other is the biological mother of this Ultra body.

Once the princess of L77, now the will of the Earth Reza.

Although I don't know the reason, but his mother seems to be back to normal.

Not only can he exist independently from the body of the earth, but he can even use someone's trumpet to restore his human form and communicate with others.

It's no longer the same as before, even if you turn on the Ressa body, reading and speaking are still special astral languages.

Only other earths... or other stars can be talked to, oh yeah, maybe Unikin can also chat a few words.


Although he wanted to give the Cub of Light a little more time, but the situation was pressing, Hikari coughed:

"Little Resa, be normal...your mother is not your mother."

Seeing that Little Reza didn't respond to the first half of the sentence, Hikari changed his words halfway through.

After finishing speaking, the death gaze of the Cub of Light swept over at the same time.

"Ah Guang A Meng!"

This made Lei someone subtly upset, but the number one swordsman in the universe is not aimless, so the Cub of Light called out to let go of his mother.


Lei Xu expressed his doubts with his eyes.


Princess L77 also withdrew from the feeling of successfully giving the critical blow of motherly love to the mother, and nodded slightly in agreement with the blue-skinned scientist who should be shot:

"This body is not mine now, it is me in this universe."


The cub of light was stunned for a moment, and the keywords successfully captured brought his reason back to the high ground of his brain.

The...mom of this universe?

"what is going on!?】

In the middle of the conversation, he turned into a voice, deliberately avoiding the counterfeit present, Lei Xu took advantage of the opportunity to initiate a group chat.

If my mother's meaning is correct, what she means is...

Wait, why does my mother's emotional feedback have two strands! ?

The Cub of Light's eyes showed shock.

【In Lei Leijiang's words, the body I'm using now is me from the Story0 universe, and so is this transformation posture. 】

Reza Earth L77 Princess explained directly.

At the same time, an almost homologous voice intervened in the voice, instantly making everyone in the voice channel aware of her existence:

[You... hello. 】

Story0 Heatherfi looked at the Cub of Light curiously through reading, this is her 'son'.

【Let's just say, can you stop calling Lei Lei Jiang? 】

While expressing protest against the too intimate address of the mother, the Cub of Light came to a sudden realization:

No wonder Story77’s mother can’t be found on L0, the old man who co-authored her is not only not in L77, but not even in the Story0 universe...

its not right!

The chaotic thoughts left Lei Xu with no time to reply, and the Cub of Light immediately realized that something was abnormal——

Why can they touch each other?

What's going on with this female version of Reza's transformation posture of Story0's mother! ?

Without waiting for these questions to be uttered, the Cub of Light quickly learned everything from his mother's narration.

The compressed transmission of Otto's words seems to be Lei Xu's patent. The two L77 princesses summarized the situation of the three of them in as simple a language as possible.

After the narration was over, the Cub of Light gradually held his head and became a little dizzy.

Tsk~, my head hurts a bit.

Oops, it's not because I have to grow my brain! ?

Phew, that's not the point!

Barely getting rid of the state of "who am I and where am I", Lei Xu looked at his mother in disbelief——

Mom, just tell me if your passive ability is time travel.

Otherwise how to explain?

Also, he Lei has more than two mothers! ?

Yes, counting what Story0’s mother said, he and Lei have three mothers together, namely:

Reza Earth L77 Princess

Story0·L77 Princess

L77 star Heatherfield

The Cub of Light checked the logic and managed to sort out the causal relationship.

Ignoring the first two, the point is that the L77 star Heatherfi, who has incarnated the will of the wandering L77 planet, should come from the Story 0 universe that was destroyed in the last era.

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