Then, it was only natural for him to be used by Ampera.

With this in mind, the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe single-handedly went to Baxiu Meng, trying to conquer the latter and make him the vanguard to contain the Kingdom of Light.

The results why speak for themselves.

The Ampera star people overestimated themselves and underestimated the horror of the dark nebula monster.

Transcendent dark thoughts are useless to nebula monsters that do not have a physical body, taming is more than twice as difficult as killing them! ?

Defeated, but cannot return.

Once they return to the Ambella Empire like this, there will be many unruly killings that will be ready to move.

Especially that evil Bogaru who was sealed away!

Under the weakening of power, if several dark kings have different intentions, the king of high-dimensional predators may escape from trouble at any time.

I must find a place that no one knows, and return after recuperating.

It was a dark and stormy night...

The Ampera star who failed to fulfill his wish was far away from the territory of the Ampera Empire, dragging his old wounds to relapse, and his exhausted body fell into the emerald-like planet——

Fading away from the dark body, I met the Ambella star in the initial human-like posture...


A huntress accidentally found him powerless not far from the crater in the jungle. Her name was Heatherfield.

Xu thought that he was unlucky to be implicated by the falling meteorite, and Heatherfield rescued him.

When Ampera inadvertently asked why, she claimed to be the princess of this planet, and she was born with the responsibility of protecting him.

All right, she'll be happy.

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe doesn't believe that there will be such a coincidence in the world.

What's more, the royal court of this planet called L77 is still on the other side of the planet.

How can a planetary princess run so far to have fun! ?

Even if they are severely injured, the Ampera Stars still have the power to protect themselves.

However, the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe originally chose this planet at random to avoid being discovered by the outside world.

Therefore, Ampera silently cooperated with that woman.

big deal...

Afterwards, strictly order the Ampera Empire not to invade this planet!

that's it--

The emperor of the dark universe who was hit hard and wandered on a different planet encountered an ordinary female hunter who jokingly claimed to be the princess of the planet and who claimed to be responsible for his protection...

He was picked up by her.

The long-lost weakness reminded the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe of his own powerlessness as a child when Ampera Star came to an end in his memory.

Her strength is very similar to the mother who died protecting him at that time.

Therefore, everything that happened next seemed logical.

She took care of her rather forcefully, and he enjoyed it quite greedily.

Clumsy and rough?

There is no time to dawdle in the doomsday, her roughness and clumsiness made her overlap with the image of his mother in his memory.

Taking care of the caretaker, this relationship lasted until the body of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe was generally recovered.

O'Ampera is familiar with the maneuver and skips a large section in the middle.

There is no need to explain this kind of thing in detail, anyway, the final result has already been published in "Light of the Earth".

The creation of the dark armor required the cooperation of Ampera, and the emperor of the dark universe had to leave L77.

Didn't she call herself the princess of this planet?

After the kingdom of light is eliminated, he will make her really become the prince...queen of this planet!

Mobile O Ampera thought so at first.





Story0 Dark Universe · Eremita Star, the captain of the Kingdom of Light’s guard looked at the L77 princess and couldn’t help but have some doubts:

"You take the initiative!?"

It's not that she suspects that the cub's mother is lying on purpose, it's just that Sophie finds it hard to imagine the emperor of the dark universe being forced by a woman in turn.

"Hey Duo~..."

Reza Earth Heatherfi waved his hand indifferently:

"I'm a little embarrassed when you say that."

No no no, you are not embarrassed at all! ?

The two Shafulin & rumored male protagonists, Cub Ampera Qiqi complained in their hearts.

"He's just that, very special kind."

Princess L77 rested her chin and looked at the little man beside her with a smile in her eyes:

“It’s like a child, but it’s also very tolerant.

Sometimes he is stronger than me, but he doesn't know anything about it even though he is so big, you guys can understand! ? "

Cub Ampera:  …

Sophie & Sophie:  …

Sorry I don't understand!

Who can understand the emotional development between the two of you?

By the way, this is too strange! ?

According to what the cub said, Ampera pretended not to recover even though she recovered physically.

When she discovered the truth, she consciously fulfilled her responsibilities as a princess.

He unilaterally announced that he wanted Korrun to go home, but Ampera detained him instead.

Saying something like 'As long as you take care of me, I will take care of you', the whole thing highlighted a smelly shameless.

The captain of the Kingdom of Light guard knows that the cub's mother's talk about going home is not realistic——

Reza Earth Heatherfield is actually a traveler from the universe of the Kingdom of Light!


Sophie suddenly reacted:

What exactly is the 'that thing' that the L77 princess said?

Could it be that......

No way?

Sophie:  …


Can this be taken out and explained in detail! ?

The thinking of the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard became active instantly.

Thinking about it carefully, Heatherfield is the daughter of the L77 princess, so there is probably no shortage of royal education.

But as the great emperor of the dark universe, the Ambella star who was only a child probably really didn't know about men and women.

Thoughts may be unexpectedly pure?

It's probably also... normal to think that sleeping in the same bed will have a baby! ?

Compared with the wild speculation in the brain supplement, the development of the emperor of the dark universe without saying goodbye afterwards is too normal, so normal that it seems a bit boring.


Cub Ampera obviously didn't understand what Heatherfie meant by "that thing", the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe looked at the red female Ao in front of him with some hesitation:

"You don't blame him for leaving without saying goodbye, forgive..."

Crack~, clack——

Under the terrified gaze of the two Shafulin & Ampera cubs, the red female Ao stood up suddenly, her delicate red fists were clenched instantly, creating a shock wave visible to the naked eye, followed by a series of clear crisp sounds.


Reza Earth Heatherfi tilted his head, his eyes were still smiling, but his voice was as cold as bone-piercing——

"From the time Lei Lei Jiang ran away and transformed in front of me, it is Noah's business to forgive that guy!"

"What I'm going to do—"

The L77 princess gritted her teeth:

"It's to send him to see Noah!"

Cub Ampera:  …


Sophie & Sophie:  …


As expected of Little Resa's mother!

"Okay, don't talk about this."

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