Even so, creatures in the universe can already produce momentary hallucinations——

It was the flame of courage that swept across the horizon in an instant!

Until then, the second half of the sentence of the god of hope echoed in the ears of the latter:

[It's you, the guy who solidified the power of the concept of death in the universe and hasn't dissipated! 】

Let a mere Engel Colas grow into real trouble!

——This is a supplement that Tiga has not exported!

[Oh, so... terrible, terrible! 】

Such a terrifying attack did not cause much trouble to the stalwart prowling Chaos. Naia seemed to be flying lightly, but in fact she let the blow of anger out of the way as accurately and gracefully as the tip of a knife danced, and said in a low voice:

[Yes~, Tiga-san——

Do you know now?

Lei Lei sauce I want to order! 】

Tiga:  …

???! ! !


131 The whole... mess became a pot of porridge! Two in one

PS: Some of the names involved in this chapter are not necessary to understand in depth, and they are not the main ones and will not write useless chapters.

The main line is being subtracted as much as possible, and there is no space to allocate to the parts that these readers are not interested in, above!


Lei Xu's estimation was correct, the confrontation between the two top legends of Order and Chaos is attracting more and more attention.

The flames of anger ignited in the hearts of the gods of hope accelerated this process, and the battle that took place on the edge of the chaotic universe escalated to a level that could not be concealed.

In the depths of the chaotic cosmic group that almost no one knows, it is entering the daunting and terrifying noise for a long time.

From tumbling dimensional vortexes to unfathomably vast dark abysses to strange and shapeless chasms of darkness.

Descend to the dreaded shadowy lands of the void, and ascend to the unknowable beyond the time continuum beyond all whims and mathematical logic.

One after another may be crazy, ugly, or sacred, or unpredictable, but what they all have in common is that indescribable figures are emerging from forbidden places beyond logical thinking, unimaginably ancient temple ruins, and various strange dark corners rising--

Stretching their long-sleeping bodies, or their bodies that have just been revived after suffering heavy injuries, their eyes full of maliciousness pass through the strange stars in the chaotic universe, and cross the abyss of dreamland mirrored by the subconscious...

Reach the frontier of Chaos & Order!

When the cancers of the universe caught sight of both sides, especially the shining red gold in the state of rage...

Many evil spirits who had just woken up/resurrected couldn't help shivering, shrank their bodies inward silently, and turned over by the way——


They have never woken up, nothing!

That guy is no one to mess with.

Not long after being promoted, the number of old and outer gods slaughtered was close to that of several veteran legends of order, and their popularity in the chaotic universe was even higher than that of the former.

Several legends on the order side rarely set foot in the chaotic universe, and this one is the only exception.

Responding to the wishes of tiny insects, responding to every little hope, and blessing the hymn of courage——

Let those insects that are as small as dust, on the food, can only carefully guard the ignorant insects, and have the power to resist the gods...

As his name spread, even the chaotic universe became more and more dangerous.

It's not that the outer gods united to set targeted traps, and the insects that were wiped out jointly summoned the light of hope.


Before the celebration started, He rushed directly to the main body——

A fierce battle that lasted for tens of millions of years and spread to hundreds of universes broke out accordingly!

Dozens of outer gods are involved, nearly a thousand old & ancient gods, and the family has no count...


He lives, and this is the result!

During the war and after the war, I don’t know how many Outer Gods & Old Ones were wiped out, and the origin and essence of the culprits were revealed by who——

Being blocked by him at the door, over and over again, over and over again...

Legend has it that at the end of that battle, He forced several top Outer Gods to join forces before being suppressed and expelled from the chaotic universe.

So far, fight to fame!

Afterwards, in the chaotic universe directly and indirectly involved, there are still damned insects calling out the light of hope again from time to time——

Do not know how many old days, family members, and believer races were wiped out!

But no one who is not afraid of death dares to target those insects again...

The Outer Gods... are very understanding——

Tacitly ignore the universe that shines a... many times now and then!

The insects sang the name of their gods:

The most benevolent, the most benevolent, the supreme, the most powerful, the supreme, the great, the most beautiful God...


Many evil spirits turned over and fell into a deep sleep with their heads covered.

But there is still an indescribable real-named evil god looking at this side with malicious intent...

After actually seeing the current situation of the fierce battle on the spot, some are ready to move, some are gnashing their teeth, and some are moving at the speed of light.

The cosmic tumors with negative nature insist that there is no real death, and most of them have the characteristics of madness and aggressiveness.

Not to mention, he seems to be fighting another top god at this moment——

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Weird screams and blasphemous words echoed among the strange stars.

Those who missed the previous war, those who were unconvinced and died in the battle, those who tried to seek revenge, those who were bored to watch the excitement...

Based on various incomprehensible and incomprehensible reasons, indescribable beings broke through the void of the chaotic universe and marched towards the border of order and chaos.

If the Cubs of Light knew about the past between Di Juluo and these real-name monsters, they would probably be able to complain to these guys who took the opportunity to escape:

It is bright?

Has the rain stopped?

You don't think you're doing it again, do you? ?

Well, it doesn't matter whether it works or not.

The important thing is that from this moment——

Both Chaos and Order have entered into a state of extreme tension because of this legendary battle that started out of thin air without asking about the past for unknown reasons.

To some extent, it is not too much to say that both chaos and order have become a mess.

Somewhere in the chaotic universe, in a magic kingdom where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the grass grows and warblers fly.

The legendary human investigator named Randolph Carter stood up calmly, and his slightly aged slender knuckles lightly pressed the surface of the ancient silver spoon engraved with strange arabesques on the table...

The gate that was condensed out of thin air slowly opened under the rotation of the ancient silver spoon, and the figure holding the silver spoon stepped so close to the end of the world, blocking in front of an indescribable figure eager to defend order and chaos——

[Sorry, I don't know you. 】

The legendary investigator bowed to the indescribable god in front of him in awe, but his low voice was without any respect:

【But I'm afraid you need to stay with me here...】

Together in the dreamland, outside of an unknown abyss.

Under the twilight-like hazy yellow light curtain, the star-like, indescribably magnificent piece of meat lost 1/3 of its meat for some reason.

This makes the incomprehensible weird structure in its body that is mixed with layers of pitch-black needle-like bones, real and illusory, and the huge flesh and blood building that seems to grow directly in it——

The headquarters of the Imperial Army was shockingly exposed...

At the same time, this fundamental department that maintains the operation of the empire is fluctuating with its suspected weak breathing, trembling, deformed, out of place, and returning to its original state.

During such a cycle, the weakness of this daunting superdimensional star beast is undoubtedly evident.

Years ago, the first time the Emperor's prized pet suffered such a horrific blow.

The overwhelming rain of light carried several kinds of positive forces that the people of the empire could not understand, so that the star beasts have never been able to recover.

To this day, no one knows exactly who the scumbags of the imperial servant army provoked, and even His Majesty the Emperor Nodens avoided talking about it afterwards.

Afterwards, a legend from the side of order came to visit——

100% related to it!

Turning a blind eye and ignoring the trembling body of the magnificent giant beast in front of him all the time, the plain voice of the real master of the imperial star beast is absolutely undeniable:

【continue. 】

The calm chanting sound was like a whip of pain falling into the body surface, and the star beast, as magnificent as a star, shrank and shivered almost convulsively.

A brilliant energy reaction followed, cutting through the space rift leading to the distant hyperspace.

No need for orders, a large number of densely packed beetle-shaped starships shining with a cold light——

Two fleets with a scale of tens of millions seized the opportunity precisely and rushed into it without any delay...

He stared indifferently at the wriggling pet in front of him, and said calmly:

【Don't stop. 】

[No, Your Majesty Nodens. 】

Looking in awe at His Majesty's white hair scattered on the back of the stalwart, Ur calmly said:

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