Having said that, the Yabo people really have nowhere to go!

In the light of the cross star, the blue photons flashed and fell out of thin air, turning into a wormhole light gate leading to the other side.

The benevolent silver giant sank into the flashing passage with his fists clenched, his eyes were peaceful before he left.

Ace really wants to know if these biological weapons called super beasts are really what it says in "Light of the Earth"...


Leo L77 Hongyue, Lionheart Empire Combat Command Center——

[Draco space domain, Niguel & Skol star people broke out in a fierce battle in the resource galaxy Cross, the Lionheart Empire's peace notice is suspected to be invalid...]

Looking at the messages that flashed quickly on the system, Duo Liu wanted to take the time to sigh.

However, the former general of L77 and the current commander-in-chief of the Lionheart Empire do not have such leeway——

"Send Enmago and ask him if the King of Pedan Star can still do it!"

The words are precise, and there is inexplicable impatience in the stern reprimand without delay:

"Draco can't control it, what else can he do!?"

It can't be tolerated that Doliu is not in a hurry. It is really hard to resist the rapid deterioration of the situation since the two cosmic empires released the joint announcement.

Rao, the entire Lionheart Empire has already made various plans in advance for the arrival of this day in accordance with His Royal Highness Reza's plan.

But when this day came too fast, all the preparations were not complete, and the ones that had been completed were far from enough.

It should be said that the notices of the two cosmic empires really had an effect.

To be fair, the effect is a bit too violent.

Undead monsters, Xia Gai monsters, death invasion (fog of death)...

Dolly knows.

The terms and descriptions of these three in the joint announcement are not so alarmist as they are actually more conservative.

Undead demons, in most cases, the mindless relatives of the god of death are already the friendliest ones.

Will not be killed by normal attacks.At present, the only effective way to kill is the shot of Ultra fighters.

Xia Gai's ability to drill into the brain to alienate thinking is very strange and terrifying.

If it is matched with the quantity that His Highness Reza said is enough to drown the universe...

Just thinking about that scene made Duo Liu shudder.

But the last god of death has nothing to worry about——

Legend has it that the body of the evil god will die when touched... at least there is no pain!

Resistance is irresistible, and that is the opponent His Royal Highness needs to consider dealing with.

The above three are more dangerous than the other, and any one of them alone is a big crisis that can shock countless civilizations.

What's more, in the joint announcement, the three appeared together.

The leaders and high-level leaders of various civilizations have never had such expectations. They expect to see the desire of the two cosmic empires to try to compete with each other and the ambition to conquer the universe from those simple word combinations...

Even a little bit is fine!

The facts did not fulfill their wishes.

No matter how many times you review the content of the joint announcement, there will always be only those reminding them to be vigilant, prepare carefully for resistance and various related reminders...

Nothing else!

This discovery is not only not reassuring, but...

As the two major galactic empires successively announced the cessation of all loyalty registrations, the order to put all civilizations under their command on high alert has intensified!

The leaders and high-level people of various civilizations discovered in panic that they failed to see any expansion trend from the actions of the two major galactic empires.

At this moment, let's go back to the content of that announcement...

Eliminate all impossible possibilities, and what remains, no matter how impossible, is the truth.

People are used to thinking about others with their own ideas, and the same is true of civilization.

Perhaps the top smart people can jump out of this logical prison of thinking, but after all, it is difficult for them to find a suitable reason to convince the vast majority of ordinary people who think so——

Instead of seeking expansion, the two cosmic empires stopped allegiance registration and joining, and reminded all civilizations to raise their vigilance to fight at any time within the scope of the entire universe. The reasons behind this are thought-provoking.

Several logic chains are directly placed on the bright side:

If the two galactic empires wanted to fight each other, they would not issue a joint announcement.

If you simply want the universe to become chaotic and take advantage of the opportunity, then you shouldn't stop expanding, let alone remind all civilizations to be vigilant.

If the content of the joint announcement is false, the two galactic empires will lose their trust with the civilizations of the entire universe afterwards, and the invisible reputation loss will be immeasurable!

In the end, anyone who mentions it in the future will be able to ridicule a few words about the empire of liars.

To put it simply and briefly, it is precisely because they cannot see the benefits of the two major galactic empires' deceitfulness, so various civilizations are more inclined to...

The content of the announcement is true and true!

After reviewing the logic, Duoliu couldn't help but marvel at His Highness Reza's control over people's hearts——

Is this the universe emperor Reza?

Long experience.jpg

In addition, following the public announcement are:

The ultra-simple super-light-speed interstellar communication facility that 'a fool can build',

A material catapult that can be rubbed by hand;

"Mom no longer has to worry about me being stupid" simple individual mental shielding device;

There are also those prefixed with a series of 'within means'...

Hyperdrive, City & Planet Shield Generator, Empire Dimension Signal Tower, Universal Planet/Galaxy Space Orbit Guard System Solution, Photon Stargate Blueprint...

Waiting for a lot of people to listen to the mouth watering, think carefully about the two trembling, many technological solutions and equipment information that are both versatile and purposeful.

After each civilization has initially obtained the analysis and identification of these materials by its own scientists, and obtained the conclusion of "too true to be true"...

directly caused a phenomenon——

The so-called terrible panic spread throughout the Story0 universe at an incredible speed, and it has developed into a panic that has spread to all civilizations in the universe!

Up to now, this kind of panic is still contagious and spreading rapidly, and Duo Liu can't see the end for the time being.

In this mass panic throughout the universe, there are those who are in disorder and those who are hysterical.

But more are the civilizations who acted in the first place.

Vigilance and preparation for war have become the main theme of the development of various civilizations nowadays.

Much of the chaos in the universe today comes from this.

Preparing for war, whether it is stockpiling arms or building a defense system, requires a lot of resources.

It doesn't matter whether you are preparing for the doomsday survival in Interstellar, actively organizing and promoting the civilization transfer plan, or immigrating to Interstellar and preparing to set foot on the road in case of emergency.

Everything requires a large, almost unlimited reserve of resources.

Before the real disaster comes, various civilizations have gone one step further and thus have various conflicts.

In view of the real disasters that can be expected and have not yet come, most of these conflicts are limited to a certain scale by the rational high-level people of various civilizations, and wars will not easily start.

And because they have mastered the material transformation and synthesis technology, relying on meteorites and other common materials that are easy to collect in the universe to complete their self-sustaining, the truly powerful interstellar civilization no longer needs specific rare resources.

If there is a real need, powerful civilizations will deliberately avoid conflicts with civilizations of considerable size at this time, focusing on self-protection.

While various civilizations are acting cautiously, there are two major cosmic empires who are always paying attention and maintaining vigilance.

Therefore, most of these conflicts occurred between small and medium-sized civilizations with less advanced technology, and it would not let the situation get out of control and escalate into a cosmic war or something.

Even so, sometimes misfires are inevitable.

The starry sky is relatively close, and knowing each other's existence is almost fundamental.

Usually, there are feuds and conflicts between civilizations due to various things, and it is not uncommon for them to become full of gunpowder because of the resources of the same planet.

It is precisely because of this that the two galactic empires are busy——

The entire Lionheart Empire has entered into overload operation, trying its best to mediate and contain the occurrence of conflicts in various galaxies and the continuous intensification of conflicts.

The Kingdom of Light... the Galactic Empire should not be too different, and large civilizations with spare capacity in various universes are doing similar things.

Sweeping his gaze over the message of 'Dragon Constellation is currently in stable condition' on the light screen in front of him, the Yan Luo monster lived up to his expectations.

The commander-in-chief of the Lionheart Empire paused, and raised his hand to send a symbolic message of encouragement, but the red palm stopped in the air.

Body, how come?

Duo Liu was shocked to realize that her body suddenly lost control, and strands of breathtaking golden light came out of her body...


Somewhere in the Q7 nebula, the red giant watched the huge amount of information refreshed every moment on the hundreds of light screens in front of him, his eyes calm.

The intelligence networks of the two cosmic empires were assembled in front of the Cubs of Light——

The updated news uploaded in real time from all parts of the Story0 universe, and the mission map shared by counterfeiters to cover personnel scheduling allow Lei Xu to confirm the progress of the situation in the most intuitive way.

Everything that is happening is expected, including this expected chaos!

Compared with the perspective of the Lionheart Empire where Doliu is located, it can be seen more clearly from the near-panoramic angle of the Cub of Light at this moment.

Going a step further——

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Northwest of Shanxi is coughing, and the entire Story0 universe is in chaos!

Limited by the early launch, many preparations for the two galactic empires have not been completed, and the situation is indeed worse than expected.

But some... are better than expected!

In response to the coming disaster, leading civilizations have emerged in many universes where civilizations are relatively dense.

At this moment, the benefits of almost all civilizations in the Story0 universe being human beings are immediately highlighted——

Organizations of the United Civilizations came into being one by one...

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