Several key points stand out:

One, the survivors call themselves the false dead.

Second, it may not be a coincidence that the survivors called the L77 princess by the religiously symbolic title of Mother of Life.

If it were me, under what circumstances would we call ourselves the mother of life?

Ressa Earth Heatherfield is thinking about this question.

I don't like to be in the limelight, and I don't like to be a god.

When I was a child, I loved playing besides playing.

She doesn't even want the responsibility of being a princess, so how can she call herself the mother of life?

This kind of title... It's a shame to think about it!

The survivors know both the name 'Heathfield' and the religious title of 'Mother of Life' which is similar to a god, and she is almost the only one who tells this possibility——

Unless there is someone other than Heatherfield, the survivors on the wandering L77 have also come to the universe!

L77 star Heatherfield must have thought it necessary to say that, and this title is true in a sense.

The star of life returning to flow & the dream of finding life......

L77 Princess has a vague intuition that another self——

L77 star Heatherfield has fundamental differences with himself...

The two key words of "Star of Returning Life" and "Dream of Seeking Life" also aroused the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard.

Regardless of what illusory dead the survivors call themselves, the dream of finding life... a dream!

One word is enough to make everyone present... especially the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard attach great importance to it.

Fully understood in the literal sense, it can be roughly translated as the highest dream pursuit to find a way out.


Even in the Kingdom of Light, only a very small number of people have full access to the 'Lesa Database', so the Otto Brothers naturally do their part.

Mobile Austrian universe, the root of the Gehros incident——

It was because the legends on the order side and the evil god of chaos reached a certain level of tacit understanding, and they pressed the dead star evil god together...

The reason behind it is that Gehros possesses special powers that can lead to the awakening of the head of the outer gods, the source of the legendary chaotic universe.

In related works similar to the Reza Universe Austrian Special Photograph, it is revealed that the chaotic universe and many evil gods with real names are the products of dreams of the head of the outer gods.

At the same time, it is also an established fact that the Story0 universe involves the head of the Outer Gods.

Under high alert, it is difficult for the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard not to think about the two together.

The star of life returning to flow, the dream of the illusory dead looking for life...


Sophie felt like she was grabbing something.

The power of the head of the outer gods is a dream, at least in the form of expression——

His dreams are reality!

In the same way, as I have seen, heard, and felt since I came to the Story0 universe, everything is extremely real.

No matter who is behind the scenes, it can also be said that those who destroyed the universe in the past are real existences to them.

The Guard Captain of the Kingdom of Light thought of the endless sea of ​​embers beyond Story0.

Since they are all real existences, then these destroyed universes...

Are they conscious?

It is possible for an orderly universe to give birth to self-awareness, as evidenced by the mobile universe.

Leaving aside the question of whether Story0 in the dream of the head of the outer gods will be conscious, one thing is clear——

Flow of Life & Will of the Planet!

It has been exemplified in the Reddit universe cluster, the country of light & mobile Austrian universe, and the new Austrian universe where the planet of light is located.

In a short period of time, the death of a large number of lives converges into a flow of life, and the flow of life can awaken the will of the planet.

A question emerges accordingly——

Except for the earth consciousness who disappeared, how many planetary wills have there been in those who destroyed the universe?

Where are they now?

At the same time, the words in Ampera's mouth:

[The dark universe is the common dream of all creatures that destroy the universe civilization! 】

Where is this so-called 'all creatures that destroy the universe civilization' now! ?


His thoughts are crazy, Lei Xu is very clear.

If Zuofinisan knew about this idea, someone like him might not know how many times he would have to shower the M87.

Harm~, I'm used to it, not bad these times!

who let...

Is this idea actually possible?

Yes, it works!

The Cubs of Light quickly figured out the pros and cons of this crazy idea.

First, there is the question of whether the ancient gods of nuclear power would agree.

Not to mention, if he Pagon has any other method, he can eliminate the current Engel Colas.

He let someone raise his hands and feet in favor of it, but in the end he had to give him the ancient god of nuclear energy:

Brother Gongzi is tall and tough!

With the horror of the god of death today, miss this time he Pagon took the head to eliminate Engel Colas.

Convincing the ancient gods of nuclear energy is no problem!

With the plan set, Lei Xu realized that there was only one question before him at the moment:

Where is Pagon?


There seemed to be a clear prompt in my mind, and a task panel appeared in front of the unreasonable vision of the Cub of Light:

You have received a new mission, the goal: to find out the ancient god of nuclear power, Pagon.

Soon, Lei Xu found out that the vision was fake, but the reminder sound that flashed in his mind was undoubtedly true.

The source of the beep is...

The Cubs of Light opened the photon database casually, and when Yoni left, he kindly opened two spatial light vortexes in fixed directions for him, respectively connecting the photon data links from L77 & the Kingdom of Light.

In the Story0 universe, the only contact methods for the Cubs of Light are Aguang Xiaomeng, Saishao Lili, and...

How could it be him?

Lei Xu stared at the fake Mr. Pectoral Muscle of the Kingdom of Light whose eyes were aroused fiercely on the flickering communication interface, and connected with his thoughts.

"...Ah, His Majesty Reza!"

"Deliberately contact me through this channel."

The Cub of Light glanced at the god of the first big brother on the opposite side, and instead of complaining, he spoke in a bad tone:

"Zarrab, you better be busy!"

Who could it be if it wasn't a vicious cosmic being?

Ever since the simple boy Xiaomeng accidentally lost Jingzhou, Lei Xu has lost a lot of fun (crossed out) ahem, and he has lost a stake that can penetrate the enemy... inside the Star Alliance.

Fortunately, this guy is not useless——

Zarabu's unique ability to manipulate information is no longer what science and technology can summarize, so it's fucking metaphysics!

After knowing about it, the Cubs of Light seriously suspected that the ultimate judge, the black dragon Gilbaris, might not be a super AI of this level.

In view of the great role of the vicious cosmic being, Lei Xu reluctantly agreed to this guy's crime and meritorious deeds.

Otherwise, with this guy catching mules, horses and kneeling people all over the universe to dig mines, and persecuting countless civilizations for countless crimes, the Cub of Light has already sent Ya to see Nuo Shen.

Now this product is just a crime and meritorious service, Lei Xu thinks about using it first, and it will not be too late to liquidate it afterwards.

Of course, the Cub of Light has no position to punish you.

Looking back and waiting for this time, after "Light of the Earth" was released, the anger of the various civilizations in the Story0 universe is enough for this kid to drink a pot.

Of course, the premise is that "Light of the Earth" will have the next volume update!

Will... yes! ?

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Seeing the Cub of Light's unkind eyes, Zarabu couldn't help but shudder, and the majestic chest muscles inherited from the first generation of Big Brother actually hunched in the communication video:

"The order you issued has a clue."

"My order? What order..."

His gaze unconsciously wandered around the light screen of the Lionheart Empire news in front of him. For a moment, Lei Xu didn't remember what he had ordered this guy, and changed his words the moment he realized:

"Oh, it's"

Too many things happened in a short period of time, and the Cub of Light just now recalled that he had let the vicious cosmic being try to contact the side of the Star Alliance—

Reveal to the GZZ star that he has successfully disguised himself as Sophie now!

To put it bluntly, let Zarab go and act as a double agent.

Originally, Zarabu was asked to be a double agent at the beginning, but the vicious cosmonauts disagreed.

But if you want to say no, then split up (physics), and Zarrab agreed to do so.

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