"If you can hear me, please speak."

"Are you on the ground now, over."

"Yes, over."

"The coordinates are correct, please stay where you are, I will arrive within 1 minute."

In case of being monitored, Director Qiaoya did not ask for any details in the radio communication.

1 minutes?

Lei Xu turned around effortlessly, and his super-strong eyesight instantly caught the black spot that was approaching under the blue sky in the distance - an armed helicopter.

"You mean, you found out that you can turn into a ball of light and move at the speed of light?"

On the helicopter, the director Qiao Ya yelled questions in Lei Xu's ear against the huge wind noise. It is not difficult to see how excited he is at the moment.

When Lei Xu nodded in affirmation of his statement, the middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s almost happily danced on the plane to vent his excitement and high-pitched emotions.

"Where are things?" He continued to confirm loudly:

"Is the locator damaged?"

Lei Xuyiyan showed the cube-shaped locator in his hand. This locator, which is not much bigger than an apple, does not appear to have any damage on the surface.

"There is still inertia..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Joya found himself asking a stupid question.

If Lei Xu cannot handle his own inertia when flying at the speed of light, it is still a Schrödinger problem whether this desert exists at the moment.


speed of light?

Orbital Skyfall?

Damn, Lord Earth is almost gone!

Thinking about it, Qiao Ya scared herself into a cold sweat again...

23 Destination: Moon

"You take a break first, and eat whatever you want."

Back at the desert launch site, Qiao Ya abandoned Lei Xu by the side of the road without hesitation, and went straight to the laboratory without stopping.

Lei Xu:? ? ?

How strange does this sound?

Obviously, Joya didn't realize that there was anything wrong with her words.

"Borrow a microscope."

When he came to the laboratory, Qiao Ya roughly pushed away the working experimenter, and carefully placed the locator in his hand under the lens of the high-power electron microscope.

It’s been a long time since he started to operate it himself, but he didn’t look unfamiliar at all. Qiao Ya took his eyes away from the observation hole of the microscope and murmured:

"The atomic density is uniform, no problem."

"Look at metal stress analysis again!"

Soon after, the report came out——

The result was as expected, only very slight signs of wear and tear, small cracks that should have existed as expected, and almost no stress fatigue.

The only little bit left should be traces left during processing.

The corner of the mouth drew a curve that represented joy, and immediately, it was pulled higher and higher, until the mouth was too big to close, and a not-so-mature face smiled like a flower.

Next to him, the experimenter who had been robbed of the operating position looked at the usually moody boss with a dazed look on his face, who was smiling under his feet, and disappeared into the end of his sight in a blink of an eye, scratching his head in confusion. I don't understand why there is so much joy in measuring stress fatigue.

Lei Xu can fly at the speed of light, and this knowledge alone is enough to make Qiao Ya excited for three days and three nights without stopping.

Not to mention, Lei Xu can also protect a certain mass of matter when flying at the speed of light, so that it can also be protected from the influence of inertia that approaches infinity while moving at the speed of light.

What does this mean?

It's not just Mars!

In theory, Lei Xu's current longest transformation time is 3 hours.

The farthest is enough to run to... Neptune!

To put it broadly, wait until the first batch of human extraterrestrial bases, especially Jupiter, the base near the iconic celestial body on the median line of the orbit of the solar system, is completed!

Then, it is not an unattainable dream to expand the range of human activities to the entire solar system.

What thrilled Joya most was the realization that he had the hope of seeing it all while he was alive.

The sky is full of stars and the universe is paved in front of you. The universe, the stars and the ocean are almost within reach.

The premise is...

Thinking of the current situation, the ecstasy in Joya's heart gradually calmed down.


A long sigh filled with countless complex emotions.

After tidying up his emotions, cheering up his spirits, and dialing the communication, Qiao Ya reported the good news to Shangfeng in time.

Lei Xu's ability can be said to be timely. Although it is not known how much mass he can carry and whether he can carry people, it is enough to greatly improve the current human combat situation.

Perhaps, the ultimate tactical goal of keeping the enemy out of the atmosphere is not a fantasy.

After reporting the situation as calmly as possible, Joya dialed another communication.

An hour later, the desert launch site underground base.

"Is the first batch of goods ready?"

Qiao Ya leaned over in the middle of the large grid-shaped tires, carefully inspecting the hub part of the high-speed full-adapted lunar rover in front of him, and did not lift his head when he asked this question.

"Yes, the first batch of special lunar engineering machinery has been prepared, but the director..."

The fat person in charge has a bitter face:

"The operation training of special construction machinery on the lunar surface has never been actually carried out. One hour... The training time you set aside is too rushed."

"Huh—?" Qiao Ya got up, and her eagle-like eyes immediately glanced at the person in charge, and the flesh on the latter's body stopped trembling immediately.

"How long do you think it will take to finish training?"

"one day."

The voice of the person in charge was trembling, but he insisted on adding two words:

"At least."

"Is there an instruction manual?" Joya asked.

Fat is responsible for unknown so:


"Then wait for them to go up and learn by themselves in practice."

"If it doesn't work, call the person in charge of the design of these special construction machinery and give them remote real-time guidance, or simply remote control.

They only need to sharpen their guns in order to correct errors on the spot, so that both the efficiency and the fault tolerance rate will be reduced to acceptable standards.

On this basis, it is not difficult to complete the development and installation of a temporary lunar shelter in a short period of time. "

Ginger was still hot after all, and Qiao Ya found a feasible solution in an instant.

He continued to stare at Fatty with falcon-like eyes:

"anymore question?"


Hearing this, Qiao Ya leaned into the hub again to conduct a final re-inspection on the vehicle that was about to land on the moon.

The fat person in charge just breathed a sigh of relief, and listened again:

"If you have nothing to do, then go and bring a set of spare battery packs. Don't worry about the mass load, just put on it and fill this car up for me!"

The fat person took a look at Qiao Ya who was still bent over, and wanted to remind him that the battery pack used by the lunar rover, a single battery weighs almost 200KG, and a set of four, his weak body is no matter what. Motionless.

Moreover, this is not a few tons, plus a set of batteries, the lunar rover is exactly ten tons.


Congxin is not cowardly, can it be called cowardly when it comes to cultural people?

Qiao Ya didn't notice that Fatty was hesitant to speak, he was thinking about more important things:

5W tons, you can't even lift a lunar rover that weighs several tons, right?

Shouldn't be!

after an hour--

As expected, Qiao Ya caught a fixed-refresh Lei Xu in the cafeteria of the desert launch site.

"Still eating, boy Lei, how much did you eat?"

"Hey, not much, not much."

The food at the desert launch site is very clear to Qiao Ya, and it is delicious and plentiful.

The "not much" in Lei Xu's mouth = a whole table.

Glancing at Lei Xu, who seemed to be full of food and drink, Qiao Ya wisely chose to skip this topic:

"Are you ready?"

Hearing this, Lei Xu stretched out his hand to pull a piece of tissue, wiped his mouth, ignored a table of cold dishes with little scraps left, and got up:

"When to set off?"

"In 10 minutes."

Qiao Ya pouted her mouth outside, and Lei Xu looked around, and saw an armed helicopter warming up outside the door.

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